I still can't grasp that this is real

I still can't grasp that this is real.

I really feel like we've been transported into an alternate timeline. Things feel off.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's how the human brain processes emotion.

Don't worry. There'll be a coup soon. Drumpf lost the popular vote by a mile and its obvious that the majority of people in this country dont want him as president.

We're all in the matrix anyway.

fuck off leaf

>by a mile
>a fuckin leaf

we've been in an alternative timeline up until now
the timelines just re-converged
things will finally start to make sense again

Berenstain Bears

>a coup
>by liberals

We all made a choice which timeline we wanted to enter.

Sup Forums exerted enough memetic influence that our choice (Trump Timeline) not only happened, but brought many unwilling liberals along for the ride.

Their collective breakdown is because their well-washed brains simply cannot process the new and unfamiliar reality they were forced into. Exposure to the concentrated impossibility of our timeline might drive lesser minds fully insane.

Gonna be a fun ride.