When does he die? Who's planning it, and when will it happen?
When do the assassination attempts begin
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I'm surprised it hadn't happened yet. We probably don't have to wait to much longer.
It's a lot harder to assassinate a president then people seem to realize
Why do you idiots hope for stupid shit?
america is a ticking time bomb
If that does happen, I'm going to Seattle to bash some skulls in, personally. When does he die and when does it happen? When our country dies.
>talking/planning the assignation of the president is a federal crime
> Mike pence takes over after trump dies and he's the most hardcore anti gay conversative
Trump was smart making pence his VP
I don't think a traditional assassination can be successfully pulled off ie. gun. It would likely be discreet or disguised as something else.
terrible idea. he will be the greatest martyr since well ... JFK ...
no ...
Terrible idea.
in fact, i volunteer to join his secret service.
He will make America great again he is not going to die.
I'll keep an eye out if you do, I live here and the people are fucking garbage here.
The saddest part is that whatever brainwashed faux-liberal dumb enough to attempt to kill Trump would be too dumb to consider that Pence would be FAR more traditionally conservative and scary than Trump could ever be.
damn it tyrome you better not ruin this for every one. we finally got some one who isnt a coward in the white house and you want to be a faggot...
move to germany if you dont like it here
I'm convinced that's why he picked Pence, assassination insurance. No liberal wants to kill Trump because it'll mean a much worse man gets in power.
They won't kill Trump, otherwise they'll get their worst nightmare as president/
It's nearly impossible to assassinate a president these days.
If they didn't assassinate Obama they're not going to assassinate Trump.
Wow, total hematospermia mishap
What's funny is, any liberals who cheered at Trump's murder would be crying the next day when Pence took over. Many of his social position are so far to the right he makes Trump look like a centrist. If they were going to kill Trump, they should have done it before the election.
He'll die of natural causes after his presidency.
Forget assassination, you should be thinking about the impending impeachment.
The GOP Cabal of Cucks already want to try and impeach Trump because he can't be controlled. They are waiting for Trump U scandal or bait Trump into something they can get rid of him for. Mitch McCuckold and Ryan and all those cucks will sell out the GOP to work directly with the Democrat house and Senate to do it too.
I'm predicting that it'll happen before the end of this month.
They didn't assassinate Obama because he was their tool.
They already have.
what happened to his fingertips?
the bankers who have evidence on Pence will do it
he's a Soros henchman, even if he doesn't know he is
any dirt that exists on this guy could be used to manage the presidency if Trump becomes unable to work
and even if he is the best guy in the world with perfect intentions it would seem impossible that he is squeaky clean, we also know that these powers are not above using false evidence, even if he is perfect to manipulate him over media scandal even if false and concocted could be used to direct and coerce his decision making
we need to pray he remains strong and earnest and that Trump avoids any presidential pitfalls,
intimate knowledge of previous assassinations and attempts are vital to trump
Fletcher Prouty described being ordered to the south pole for no reason specific to his duty or experience while the assassination took place
the man who ordered him to do that was General Ed Lansdale who was photographed with the three hobos right after the assassination
these types of tactics have to be paid special attention to, every day Trump needs to know where all the staff of various services and his cabinet are, at all times, they need to wear a gps at all times and they should be bugged biologically
this shit ain't no game
this is the president of the nation with the most powerful military force on the globe
the meanest motherfuckers on this rock or any other
unless your name is Soros and you have so many plants inside the secret service it's retarded
You think a liberal would be smart enough to know that? If by some chance trump is actually assassinated we'd get a bunch of brain dead hipsters and feminists cheering for months on end until they realize what a huge fucking mistake it was.
What the fuck?
>The GOP Cabal of Cucks already want to try and impeach Trump because he can't be controlled.
fuck them Trump has popular support, will be funny to watch them get slapped with term limits and their health care stripped from them
useless faggots, I'd like to see salary removed as well, Trump not taking a salary, whats wrong with these retards they can't work for free for a year to serve their nation?
He looks like a Sith Lord.
we should never cheer someone's murder, no matter how awful a person they were
Side effect of time travel
Especially now that he has wonTrump is so well protected assassinating him will be pretty much impossible
Well, because socialism and fascism are both too extreme for any society. Any clear thinking mind understand America has always been purple. Purple fought the Nazis.
ivan you are balding
If Pence became president, and picked Supreme Court Justices with a full Republican congress, women might as well live in Saudi Arabia.
Obama probably survived because the craziest racist with a precision rifle would at some point realize that it's not worth it to ruin your life. Trumps enemies are much crazier tho
>Sup Forums is so bluepilled, that they believe that presidential assassinations are carried out by the common man
This. I know of two so far. And as far as political assassination is concerned, Soros and his network are working in overdrive. This gonna be gud!
i remember those guys who plotted againt obama and enemies of israel with a death ray
basically this.
If anything were to happen to Donnie, aside from handing the next half a century to the republicans, they would have gotten someone they would despise even more.
>kill Trump
>Pence becomes President
>goes full hyper patriot to avenge Trump and becomes the conservative inverse of LBJ and fucks shit up for all non-whites
They don't dare tempt fate. Because Trump is reasonable and can deal. Pence would actually open up camps for traitors and dissident elements.
>trumps assassinated
>republicans have a full sweep in two years
>President Pence BTFOs faggots with constitutional amendments
Game over liberals.
I would totally die for The Don.
Like how Meechum did for Frank in House of Cards.
Do you realy think it is not possible for a normal person to kill the president?