h-her pussy is white
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Proof of evolution
proof of superior race
We all know that racism is acceptable against whites. Hence the Alt-Right... These people created the Alt-Right.
Is it wrong that I find vitiligo/skin discolorations kind of hot? To be fair it just looks like body paint to me.
I don't care.
I do too, I'd totally hit that!!! Twice.
weirdest boner right now
looks like some kind of sexy star trek alien
unfortunately, she has a nig face
I can live with that.
She still needs the vitiligo to spread a little bit more tho
>h-ha! Th-The sun hates white people! W-We are superior, cuz we don't need no s-sunscreen
So, sunscreen gives you all of the benefits of brown skin with none of the downsides of being a nigger in one quick application? Neat.
Spray-on is the best sunscreen since you get less of it at a time, applies easier.
It ain't racemixing if the pussy's white
so, is it racemixing if I fuck her?
who dis?
>pink areola
white as fuck
>racism it's ok when we do it
alright, time to send em back to a place where they get more than enough sun
checked and yes
why rage inducing? thats hilarious
Race involves more than just skin color, despite what you're told by propagandists.
>Italian + nigger
Probably produces an american. Go for it. I'll take some Italian girls if you don't mind.
it's alright
I liked that comment too funny
>when you been off welfare for 47 days
because they wanna get more gibs than the others
It actually did spread visibly by the time she did her following set. You can look into that.
Of course you can, she looks like you.
hey that's a jew joke
>when your credit score starts going up
nah, I'm libanese mixed with italians and portugueses
the original sounded better it was about the the jews
>tfw you get diarrhoea whilst fucking a slut
>Tfw pale and suffer from vitiligo
Not sure if I'll become an ubermensch or not.
Thanks for ruining my boner.
Close enough mate.
Will she pop out white babies?
Which of you did this?!
I could get into this fetish
none of this applies to me sorry pasty
Nothing white about any of that mess
They're all pink on the inside.
>When you haven't stolen anything in a few days
Oh shit, there is a cure!
Whatever, I'd do some serious loving there
Her nips look like melanoma.
More welfare.
I don't get the point of that video.
>wow UV filter makes your skin look weird!
>let's add some Apple-ad tier music on top of it
>sooo inspirational!
Nothing black about it either desu desu senpai senpaitachi
They have an inferiority complex that goes beyond comprehension.
Imagine if this was a white dude talking shit about blacks
So the kangz and shiet thing is real.
>Sunscreen becomes blackface in UV light.
Quick someone start a fake hashtag calling sunscreen racist.
>god was defeated by trees and houses
It's just sad desu. Deep down they know of their inferiority. All this wewuz madness is the product of cognitive dissonance.
>most of the people turn black under ultraviolet
>they visibly look disgusted
>The only way to fool the sun god is to wear sun tan lotion
Holy shit, thought he was being serious for a minute.
Obviously she's transitioning to being a white person. We should support her lifestyle choice.
someone should tell them how much higher black peoples cancer rate is
Do they really believe that?
humans are so superficial. if you embrace someone with a benign non transmissisable visual difference, they're just as human as you.
until society treats them different for too long
Sickle cell anemia is a bitch, kangs
can we please have the race war soon
can we please just kill them all
soon she will get dat white privilege
wtf i have a new fetish
Underrated as fuck
Then why sperg out with coal burners?
If they choose to leave the gene pool, let them.
skin cancer? whitey loses hard in that
>sheboon face
this has something to do with her white genes not wanting to mix with the nigger genes.
You cant even deal with Muslims. Win that war first.
The comments section in the video isn't any different than this thread. Dunno why you're mad about this when you came to Sup Forums.
Well to be fair, he didn't make his children (niggers) smart enough to build any, so naturally he'd think it would work to erase everybody else.
>t. country so abysmally fucking worthless that a nigger wouldn't even got here
Niggers of europe. In fact, what are you doing on my continent at all? We should wipe you inferiors out with the rest of the mudblood.
Sunscreen is killing plant life in the ocean.
Also early studies showed that skin cancer increased after sunscreen became widely available.
god emperor will purge this chaos worshipping niggers
holy shit black people are fucking stupid. Trying sooooo hard to find anything to feel better about themselves and put down their superiors.
put the sunscreen on whitey!
>oh! ha ha! I look like a nigger!
> ha ha ha I'm a golliwog
> oh my god! ha ha I look so fucking stupid!
bunch of racists baka
"Why do niggers have big noses? Air is free."
Fucking lmao
Whites are more susceptible to skin cancer. The niggers really showed us whiteys now! Or you know, the white guy operating the camera. Which uses thousands of technologies invented by white guys. All based on principles developed by whites. The negro sure showed his superiority though!
Lot's of these types of black literally believe whites are aliens and not native to earth.
that joke is reserved for jews and I hate that it has been wrongfully used
Wait, that's cultural appropriation, isn't it?
>mfw white with vitiligo
>mfw I'm only becoming whiter
I am the only one that like the UV vision better, i like freckles and weird skin patterns.
Fuck sunscreen, i much prefer having a face like Clint Eastwood or Robert Redford in old age.