What would happen to to economy if we kicked out New York and California? They harbour 90% of the liberals strength...

What would happen to to economy if we kicked out New York and California? They harbour 90% of the liberals strength, jews and media. Would it be do-able?

>this ugly gook again

who is that???

shut up about my waifu

We can keep the ports of San Diego by threatening to cut off access to the Colorado River .

Just nyc and long island. Upsate new york stays with us.

If you kick out ny the entire economy will collapse in a matter of months

You have shit taste cunt and probably will grow up to diddle little boys.


Is that jew hole really that important?


Dunno if casual kiddy diddling is much worse than Australian brand basement incest.

Die faggot. Money, concessions, lip service if you must. YOU. NEVAR. GIB. CLAY.


You've fallen for the jew media meme again.

my nigga

But then where would every movie and TV show take place?

Both California and New York are full of jews.

California produces over half of the countries food and its the 6th largest economy in the world. Californias economy is bigger than France.

You do the math

just let Cali pass its referendum and fuck off, that'd be enough as it is and all the libtards would move there to get away from the comparatively conservative USA

no, as long as the government allows capitalism to thrive we'll be ok.

Also cali has the highest debt in the USA

Not if we cut their water supply off :^)

I'm sure middle america would be happy to get farming jobs.

These rednecks think it'd be paradise if every state was like Kansas or bumfuck Alabama. Hpw'd Sam Brownback and his republican paradise work out? LOL do you want that for the whole country?

>Best friend
>Not Japan

I'll accept Canada as the shithead little brother.

Without California you might heck it, burgers. Without California and NY? USA BTFO. Cali would carry Washington and Austin would declare itself a California Republic enclave, while NY would carry the whole Yankee northern seaboard.

is this some next level Calvin klein advertisment?

It would be incredibly bad short term, but not too terrible long term.

California has a fuck huge amount of huge tech companies that make a ton of money for the country, and the state makes an obscene amount of fruits and vegetables for the rest of the country. Losing both would likely be catastrophic at first, but recoverable, since there is other land that can grow crops not nearly as effectively, but good enough to feed the country.

Losing New York would be a huge financial loss as well, but unlike California, there is nothing else that New York can really offer that isn't "big business". Pretty bad short term, but no real loss long term.

Realistically, California needs the US WAY more than vice versa, since California is really only able to prop up its standard of living through state exports and parasiting off the federal government. A water drought in the SoCal could cause martial law depending on how bad it is.

New York is completely fucked without the US. Their claim to fame is literally in being a part of the US, and they have jack shit to make up for it if they left.

how do i find and date a girl like this

thats a out dated figure people in cali tend to still throw around.

do you actually think the entire midwest grain + washinton state and north eastern americas fruit trees (apple and cherry mostly) + florida only equal half the agricultural output of the country?

the liberals have no strength, all the votes in those blue states were fraud votes,

many blue state tickets did not even have a republican on the ticket in many of the races

any time you only see 1 party on a ticket thats a big problem

>this homosexual

Excellent daewoo today, well done Sup Forums

>jessica babyfat will never sit on your face

why live

pleaae do keep SD. i know its half mexican but me, my family and many of my friends voted trump. its not our fault our votes cant compete with the monoliths of LA and SF.

Is this the same girl?

How are you half-Mexican? Mexican is a nationality not a race. Are you with us or with them?

Yes. You are vastly underestimating the amount of food California produces

>A water drought in the SoCal
Drought nothing, check out Cali's 4-year weather cycle. 3 out of every 4, they depend on out-of-state water to survive, perpetually.

You leave your country

the population of san diego county is about 60% "latino" but trust me ive lived here all my life and most seem fresh off the boat mexican.

we are the 666 messengers of doom !