Hello pol
Is there reliable evidence showing blacks committing more violent crime regardless of socioeconomic status?
Hello pol
Is there reliable evidence showing blacks committing more violent crime regardless of socioeconomic status?
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Its a Fluoride Lobotomy problem.
a culture problem
They have retarded logic to justify criminal behavior and not snitching on other people who do it.
the link between poverty and crime is real. the average response between different groups is not the same
some of this may simply be concentrations of poor people in a area being to high and this has hit them more than others but there are plenty of poor white neighborhoods
go look at the fbi web site and compare to census data
same thing
Rape is also more commonly perpetrated by blacks and you don't rape because you're poor
>Is there reliable evidence showing blacks committing more violent crime regardless of socioeconomic status?
if you'd have looked you'd know the answer.
>Is there reliable evidence showing blacks committing more violent crime regardless of socioeconomic status?
Yes, I don't have it, but hopefully another user posts it.
Just think about it this way, blacks commit 50% of homicides as 13% of the population. There are more poor white people total than there are all classes of blacks. If socioeconomic status was the sole indicate, blacks could not commit half of all murders simply because their are more whites living in trailer parks than there are black people total.
hmmmmm....poor white neighbourhoods don't have such high crime rate. i wonder why?
Yeah poor whites still have pretty low levels of crime. Higher than other whites but nothing much. Crime in USA is *mostly* a race issue and the biggest factor correlating to the amount of crime in an area is the size of its black population, not poverty, education or anything like that.
ayo dem statistics beez raysis doe
Do white people move into black neighborhoods much? No. That's your answer.
It has been shown that most violent crime is triggered by envy.
In cities, you have very rich people living near very poor people. That type of atmosphere is very conducive to crime.
How has that "been shown"?. Niggers mostly kill and rob each other, is what does that have to do with rich people? The only thing that is statistically certain is that niggers = crime.
if you give a baby to a wolf or a dog is going to try and behave like a dog, African American people had a lot of violence in their life when they where brought like slaves to america and the mothers teach their children the way they survive by stealing, no snitching and hate the whites, you should take all the black children and raise them in a non-black community to solve this problem, sorry for the English
Then why do black people have higher crime rates in Britain, France, Canada etc?
> Elizabeth I declared that black "Negroes and black Moors" were to be arrested and expelled from her kingdom
the same, disgust for the black people, make the black population hate the whites and also a lot of black people came from America latter
Its a problem of antisocial disorder and cultural apathy.
Poverty and poor intelligence are of course contributing factors.
You're a stupid shit the vast majority of this violent crime is poor black on poor black.
It's a culture and genetic problem.
Blacks are predisposed to violence. Because of that, they form a culture of violence.
Ever hear of Washington DC. The Capitol of this great nation? Take a look at the percentage of whites and blacks in the 80s and the percentages now. There is real data out there to learn from. Works better than "due you ever hear of..."
It's the blacks. Stefan Molyneueue has an hour long video explaining this and arriving at a completely wrong conclusion but I can't be assed to search for it.
Poverty breeds crime.
Being poor means crime is more likely to happen yeah.
But being black basically fucking guarantees it.
The entirety of black culture today is based "sticking it to the white man" and "snitches get stitches", which more or less translates to "hey let's fuck everything up and not try to improve anything".
It is without doubt a black problem.
I grew up in Ft Lauderdale in a black neighborhood. Im white. I have a good job, no criminal record, education and ive never been shot or smoked crack.
Which is way more than i can say for my neighbors.
your fathers are black too?, your friends?
Fathers? Friends?
I had one father, he was white. And fuck no i didnt have black friends.
Some Cuban ones though.
It's a poor people's culture problem. You can't fix it by simply giving them money, it's fixed by letting them work for it over a couple of generations.
Blacks, in their current state, are quite fucked in the US. Whether that's caused by racism and slavery I'll leave to an actual historian to decide.
the what does this prove, that is not the neighborhood?, i propose an experiment like the nazis did with the jews take some black newborn babies and dont let them interact with the black culture until they are in their 40s
It's both.
Poor people are more likely to be criminals and black people are more likely to be criminals (even across economic classes).
Poor black people are just hyper-criminals.
Made me chuckle.
I would say crime is a black problem and a poor problem.
Therefore black and poor is a bigger problem than poor.
This. When niggers win the lottery they blow all that shit away and are poor again.
My understanding was that it was always a black problem.
Consider that the poorest white neighbourhood in the US has less crime than the richest black one.
And this. Googles literally have made a culture glorifying violence.
It's a Black problem. Hispanics have the same median income as Blacks but nowhere near the same crime per capita.
The prevailing culture of black America glorifies ignorance, violence, and corruption.
Add to the fact their family units have been surgically destroyed, and you get what you see.
You're wrong though mate.
In this country, in some of the poorest neighbourhoods by the docks, people live frugally but wholesomely. In our 'dangerous' neighbourhoods, you get maybe a handful of burglaries and car thefts a year. Nothing like your 'inner cities'.
The Muslims are our biggest problem-causers. Thankfully we have a literal patriot act built into our government, so the Muslims we have here are held by a short leash.
It's a nigger problem
Most poor people won't commit crime simply because they can't afford to get caught
Shitskins on the other hand do it regardless of the fact that hey have no money because they don't understand nor do they care about consequences
It's a nigger problem.
Poor problem
A lot of blacks are poor, and choose to stay that way due to their shitty culture that the democrats helped establish for them.
The blacks that try to excel in academics are derided by other blacks as "being white" and "Uncle Tom", so the problem is a persistent one that they personally defend.
Hopefully Trumps presidency will set a precedent for them, but I doubt any real change will come fast enough.
Nice trips.
One question though: why can't people in the States see this problem for what it is?
bbbbbut slavery
I think this one might be fake. A few weeks ago I spent about an hour trying to confirm the source but was unable to do so.
This. It's not like wealthy people don't commit crime, they do, but in more sophisticated ways. See white collar crime.
>went to post this
>"duplicate file exists"
crime is a poor problem, violence is a nigger problem
Well first you have to understand the poor problem is a black problem therefore violence is a black problem yes
It has more to do with family structure.
1950s Detroit had no crime.
But look at rappers, they have millons and still fist fight and kill people... because they don't even know who their father is.
Perhaps, but there is simply too much other evidence out there.
>It's a poor people's culture problem.
It's what happens when you take any group of people, be they black, white, etc, and remove any penalties for making bad decisions. Over generations those people will outnumber the people who make good decisions.
This is what Sup Forums doesn't understand. Perhaps blacks have, in general, a tendency to be more violent, etc, but what you're seeing now is the result of welfare. Not all blacks are like that (it's just that most of them are).
Mother fucker I have to pay $40 for the PDF that shit sources. Now I don't know what to believe....
>1950s Detroit had no crime.
Wasn't it also a mostly white city at that time?
Crime is a poor problem, and being poor is linked to being black.
Right I agree. I just wanted to let you know, and was also hoping that maybe you had found the source, because it is a very good picture, if true.
Yup,.. great example.
And it re-enforces my theory... it's family structure, and not poverty, that causes crime. Because poor europeans still have strong families.
Culture problem. It isn't a poor or black problem at all.
Black culture is cancerous because the last 2 generations grew up with gangster and thug culture. It's a culture that isn't isolated to black, but it's the most pervasive.
Black people commit crime because they're poor.
They're poor because they're black.
They all need to go.
looks like bs to me
In America? Yes. But not in Canada, or England, which means that it's probably more culture than genetic.
Sure the higher poverty rate, has an effect. But the gap in violent crime rates across the board is absolutely gigantic.
And also, if you look at the Hispanic community, in poor conditions, they don't have anywhere near the violent crime rates.
If that were true, you'd see the neighborhoods with highest disparities be the most affected, and less poor people robbing poor people.
Nope, it was a Black City back then too. Not 90% like today... but still mostly Black. They had e greatest middle class of all time... then they started voting Democrat in 1962 and the Democrats ran Detroit into the ground overnight.
Even a non-black mugger values human life to some degree while they're robbing you.... blacks have made a habit of murdering people for no reason at all, and then act completely surprised when everybody gets so fucking nervous around them.
Dade bro here
Where were you? Lauderhill? Oakland Park? Not pleasant areas, glad you made it out of there.
> implying rape apes drink water
They closest they come is Vitamin Water and the Frat Brats took that from them.
Turns out its legit
Poor black people cause far more crime than equally poor white people
Hip hop furthered the poverty stricken black's obsession with material things and the jealousy and greed behind someone having something you can't afford so why not take it?
Gangs are still rampant as ever in the black community (being from Chicago). Even the Hispanics are learning and progressing away from the gang culture that was apparent up until maybe 2010, why can't blacks move away from crime?
The problem you are dealing with is the possibility that blackness causes low socioeconomic status and crime. In that case it would be wrong to correct for socioeconomic status when you measure crime.
Like you are measuring the life expectancy impact of being an alcoholic - but you see that all the alcoholics have bad livers, so you compare them with nonalcoholics with bad livers.
You have to divide the rate by the population, obviously.
I live in the middle of Baltimore City... right where the riots happened on Monroe and North Ave... I'm white and have never been in any real trouble (except for a time i defended myself)... but I also had a mother and a father. While everyone around me had absolutely no inkling who their father was.
>Wasn't it also a mostly white city at that time?
>Nope, it was a Black City back then too. Not 90% like today... but still mostly Black.
No, Detroit wasn't a majority black city until 1980.
84% white
16% black
71% white
29% black
56% white
44% black
11% white
83% black
They get envious of others, even at the smallest of slights
THANK YOU, finally somebody who is not retarded
Yeah, 30%... but they had no real crime even with being 30% Black... San Diego is less Black than that right now.
former poor as fuck rural midwesterner here
while people in that demographic have plenty of nigger-tier problems, from heavy drug use to functional illiteracy, violent crime is almost completely non existent
its definitely a black problem
>b-but m-muh school shooters
Not really
Culture might make it worst, but black people still commit violent crimes more than Europeans as adopted black kids are still more likely to commit such
The same with South Americans
There is a race factor that you can't deny
Funny thing about school shooters...
Im an old-fag... but 2 niggers shot up my middle school (it was a nigger school in Baltimore)... and it didn't even make the news.
Take a look at the interactive graph here:
It tracks homicide by decade in Detroit. Notice that it begins to skyrocket in 1964-1965. The same thing happened in every city in America. This is when white flight began and blacks took over our cities. 1964-1965, every city in America. It's a black problem.
>African American people had a lot of violence in their life when they where brought like slaves to america and the mothers teach their children the way they survive by stealing, no snitching and hate the whites, you should take all the black children and raise them in a non-black community to solve this problem, sorry for the English
>remove blacks
>violence and racism is gone
>problem solved
So what do we do about it?
We have already proven meme magic works... so do we meme stats to people? Or what? Maybe just let the niggers all kill each other?
hello friends here is my contribution
niggers are evolving, into apes.
Yes, there are volumes of evidence showing that regardless of wealth or family structure, blacks are more violent, have less impulse control and have lower IQ. It tends to be poorly publicized though.
>implying I should give a shit why a monkey acts like a monkey.
Poor people problem.
I live on the border of poorville with a bunch of trailer trash, and you can hear screaming and violence all the way down from 4 blocks nearly every fucking night in drunken rages.
I use to live in a mixed neighbourhood back in Toronto, and never had a scene of violence besides the time where one of my neighbours beat his wife. He was white too.
>No skills, long-term unemployed
>Very little education, no culture
>Zero wealth, live in state housing
>Endless cycles of broken homes, you never had a father and you have children that you never see with a dozen different women to whom you owe child support
>No car, no real hobbies, no activities
>Possible drug and/or alcohol problem
>Ayyy finna stab, beat and rape some bitch, knowimsayin
Poverty is horrible. But he only "honest" crimes that poor people could commit would be stealing food and possibly money. Violent crimes like murder and rape have no obvious relation to how much money you have.
There is no direct causal link between poverty and violent crime. It makes no sense.
Prove me wrong.
>Not having an R^2 value attached to each graph
This picture hurts my soul.
It is a lack of marriage problem.
Parents don't care enough to follow societal norms and get married before they have a kid. That concept of following the rules and making a commitment to work at something is a forgien concept.
Instead of two adults, sharing living expenses and raising kids you end up with the expense of two homes two refrigerators, two shower curtains, two frying pans so many children of single parents are living in poverty.
And then finally it makes it hard to pass assets from one generation to the next. If daddy has multiple kids by multiple women without any legally binding contracts lots of people can claim they are owed part of whatever is left after he dies. The assets get eaten up by lawyers. It doesn't help that urban areas have lots of taxes too.
I live in detroit and can assure you niggers,
as they breed stupider and stupider are
devolving into animals. they are barely able to speak now beyond screeches and grunts.
avoid them humans, ignore the jews attempt
to sell you the lie they are just like us.
Anyone that has worked in the same environment as blacks, earning the same pay and doing (well...) the same job, knows that it is blacks that are the problem.
It has always been and will always be their ways and attitudes that cause the crime rates. They will never change.
Giving them money and power only intensities this as we have seen over the last 8 years.
The only solution for peace in the USA is to do away with them.
Genetics or Social Status
It's an old argument. The truth is the two are not mutually exclusive. Studies show poor people have a higher per capita crime rate than people of higher economic status. Statistics also show black have higher crime rates than other groups regardless of socioeconomic status.
So if you're black AND poor, well...