Trump states vs Clinton states. Who wins?
Civil War 2016
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>not realizing red have the guns, and blues would just be city chaos
Is that even a fucking question?
dems would be a great naval power, controlling the two biggest shipyards
>Trump states vs Clinton states.
Hmm organized establish families vs a mob of niggers,Sjw's,spics that have differing opinions.
Texas alone would shotgun all dem blue to oblivion
>lifts hat with a revolver, spits through bottom right corner of mouth
Friendly reminder that NY is only blue because of Manhattan. The vast majority of counties was red.
Me and about +250 (and growing) proud Republican conservative cops that live in the Bay Area will definitely help wipe out the liberal faggots when the day comes. We have access to purchasing all the fun toys and have been stockpiling it for something like this. We see this entitled crybaby shit all the goddamn time at work. Once the message gets through all the unions, we'll make California red again.
It is for OP who apparently is too fucking stupid to look at a fucking picture and see which shapes are red and which shapes are blue.
Civil War...HAH. I'd like to see those blue state cucks fucking try it. It wouldn't be a war, it would be a genocide.
MN is blue because of one county. The vast majority are Trump supporters.
>people who hate guns vs people who HAVE guns
Yes, the liberals have chimps but the rednecks will just shoot them out of the trees
You mean America vs Cuckistan? We'll wipe the floor with them.
Hmm...I wonder
They know they backed a loser. They're not going to get killed over it.
The forced civil war meme needs to end.
California (blue county) resident here. I'm armed to the fucking teeth and just WAITING for these fucks to try and start some real shit. The "civil war" would be over in half a day.
Penn here. Willing to throw down with Virginia again. Also, fuck New Jersey.
That's going to be changing very soon
There is something in the Ocean that makes people retarded
A better pic IMO
>The forced civil war meme needs to end.
Yeah. I think Sup Forums just prefers being the opposition. I honestly expected them to be alot more happy that the republicans now have total control of the government but they've seemed kinda apprehensive.
I can confirm.
i voted for Trump. Proudly
i live in queens ny. i am not with them.
that's true for all the blue states. Nevada and Maryland especially.
I feel like Trump got screwed in NV, CO, VA, and NH. They were really close. Trump was 2,000 votes away from Hillary in NH.
Now you could say the same about WI, MI, and PA BUT there's definitely more states leaning Trump than states leaning Hillary.
At any rate, most of the states went blue because of the larger cities and most people in those larger cities don't own any guns.
Trump states would overwhelm them in a few days.
All these faggots really thinking democrats = librulz = no guns of their own because projected "muh gun control"
Cringey fucks, you actually have no idea. Don't be fooled by the protests and ~rebellious city riots~
I happily live in a flyover state. When deer season opens, the schools close because nobody comes.
They are all in deer camp. Whole families.
98% of all sjw's have never even seen a gun except on TV. We buy ammunition like they buy starbucks and an I-phones.
Not even considering the guns, the red states grow most of the food iirc. Dems wouldn't last a week.
Problem is that the bulk of the US Mil is people from Red states and Red counties from blue states. For fuck's sake, Texas has it's own...Governor controlled air force.
It would not even take the entirety of the red states. Every gun toting billy bob in Texas alone could wipe out all the far leftists scum.
are people really this fucking retarded?
Counties with a few hundred or thousand people. Just because a county is massive, it doesnt mean its full of people. God you motherfuckers are stupid. If you want to get a real sense of which way a state is leaning, look at it as a whole. My total votes, not county.
Counties don't mean shit. Theres some counties in north dakota with less than 100 people in them. But if you were to look at the electoral map, youd think OH MY GOD SO MUCH RED,
The concept of density is equivalent to magic for them. Just let it go.
CO fag here
The liberals in denver outlawed guns for themselves
The people who work in the city and live in the country have shit tons of guns
CO will turn red with blood of liberals
>tfw red county in CA
We can defend our territory desu
Every state is a Trump state from January 20th, 2017 to January 19th, 2025
How is Texas not being dragged down by spics?
Godspeed, user. Eradicate the marxist filth.
I have to agree. Some people here just see red and think that's all the proof they need. It's reflective of idiocy and that's disappointing.
texas here.
also we have our own army and airforce
>Florida has a higher average IQ than California
>California average IQ is lower than Alabama's
>"hurrrrrr blue state more intelligent than red state!"
The red would run roughshod over the blue because the red has guns and the blue has tumblr.
Where I live in ohio the only people who voted for Hillary were SJW college students the people who voted for Trump were farmers and pissed off white middle class who own guns.
I welcome them to try anything
Finally, the long awaited battle between PA and NY shall come to fruition...TO BAAAAAAAAAATTTTTLLLLLEEEEE!!!!!!
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot....
It's infuriating. Not only do you see that here, but also on television and you hear about it on the radio and internet.
"look at all that red on the map billy bob! republicans have taken over! hurr"
i was born near the ocean, voted republican my first vote in 95
live in the only state on that map thats entirely blue and clinton and obama ruined my childhood home
i and a few other patriots have already begun to move out
im looking to buy property next week in a swing state
not all of us ocean people are retarded, just the ones that wash-ashored
Why would the military hand over a naval shipyard to anyone when most military votes trump over Hillary.
Holy fuck why is CA so low?
>Haha, the liberals don't have guns!
Since this election, we've decided to change our stance on that.
How are they so fucking dense!
with niggers and spics, your average is shit.
Obviously the red states.
Have you even seen what Hillary supporters look like?
A bunch of weak betas, high estrogen, low testosterone.
They wouldn't stand a chance.
>baffled, the numales who can't take lead ask the women to lead
>the women sit complaing how this war is sexist and how we must stop war culture but never actually do something of value
>nigs and mexis start breaking their own city
I wonder who would win.
Best option is to take most of New York state and cut off DC. Then just post up in the Rockies to prevent California from getting out and let the nigs and spics kill each other and all the white liberals.
When they finish we move in and take back over. New York and DC should bend the knee pretty quickly.
California grows over half of the countries food. lol
with a third roughly of other states water
California has no white people anymore
The blue states would probable get funding from Germany or Saudi Arabia.
There's so much Military shit in Virginia, Dem's would win.
Why isn't Illinois white?
Colorados water. A blue state.
It's not based on land area which the electoral map represents; sure the red states look vast compared the blue areas, but the blue areas are many times more populated. I'd imagine it would be hard to invade and occupy a blue area for any length of time, the casualties would be great and the battle would last for years. The blues would implement a divide and conquer strategy since the red population are so spread out; this would lead to gorilla warfare ala hit and run tactics. TLDR pretty much the civil war all over again but with way more casualties; and but pretty much the same outcome.
Trump states. Hands down. Barrel of a gun behind every blade of grass.
>red states grow most of the food
I hate to say it but if there is an American civil war during Trudeau's reign in Canada, he will ship food and supplies, possibly also troops, to the Clinton side.
not all from colorodo, floolow the sources, theres a few states that can easily divert there water and CA will dry up in a week, its nothing but a city built on dried mud, if and when they get rain they will go down in a landslide
The red counties trump the blue counties.
Some of the biggest military bases are in the red states.
If it's a short war, red states. The longer it takes, the higher the chance of blue states winning.
These are not 2016 results.
>blue states hold more military assets (shoot you down before you know what hit you)
>blue states produce over 70% of the nations food (we can starve the red states)
>blue states hold all the major tech companies (emp attacks and killer robots, hack you into the stone age)
it wouldnt even be close. Blue wins.
The demshits are clustered in the north, in norfolk, and in richmond, the rest is more white and is red area. The demshit areas are mostly niggers
The hamptons have military stuff, so the niggers really only have the boats in norfolk.
T. VAfag
there is a gun behind every blade of grass
Fuck you asshole. Only reason colorado went blue is because of the commiefor ians moving here for "dude weed".
Cant wait for those retards to move back now that commiefornia legalized it (i think, fuck that state)
Now that is a shitpost!
Whiter states got more IQ.
Really makes you think.
Colorado was blue before weed was legalized, dumbass
Good thing most if not all of the red states in question are filled to the rim of gun toting billy bobs and pissed as shit active servicemen/reservists/vets
>tfw your nasty girl unit has been salivating over Kent state'ing lower Manhattan for nearly a decade.
just look at the gun laws in those red and blue states, not even a contest, faggot
Loads of firearm-trained, devoted Southern folk pitted up against an unholy concoction of pussified liberal Californians and cuck New Englanders, it's going to be easy.
i want to live in CA with all of bigots fags sjws and snowflakes cause i like to live dangerous. when it comes to war we need units attack to enemy from backlines
we are. texas is just an engineering and finance powerhouse so the smart people scores even it out some. also texas dosnt have common core, dont know if that effects anything.
If I wear my MAGA hat with the I voted sticker, will I be safe?
VA here
Artificial Intelligence having Drones, Robots & Rocket from Silicon Valley vs bunch of NEETs who because they thought studying was hard decided to just spend their lives being internet worries and memetic echo chambers, hmmm.
>red states have all the large water reservoirs
>red states have all the guns
>red states grow all the food
>red states have all the factories
>blue states have a movie industry and a tech industry
seems fair desu
What's with Nebraska?
Surprises me that Texas isnt black
>smart people
We will give them a hell of an insurgency in California
By the time they make it to your they'll be in no shape to fight
get your safari shorts crikey ass out of here
california alone grows over half the countries food! get your shit straight before you try to interfere in our civil war
Was red in 04, 00,96. Wasnt blue till obongo. So yes weed.
Fuck california
Blue States have the smartest ones
Blue States have major Generals, etc
Blue State has West Point
Blue States have manufacturing power
Have fun
LA County here. These fucks would get hit so hard they wouldnt event understand it.
Honestly we don't even need the red states to come fight full force. Just starve out the west coast and send squads to keep pounding them over and over again until their stamina is wiped and they come to our doors begging for mercy
Thats just WHAT YOU KNOW OF. We havent even unveiled our mech warriors and cloaking technology. blue wins
Which is cut off from every other blue state.
California is only 42% white
I'm one of the last remaining and hope to get the fuck out when I'm done with University