Why should homosexuals be legally able to marry each other?
Why should homosexuals be legally able to marry each other?
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They shouldn't.
Sodomy and co-habitation while unmarried are legal so I don't know why they care so much. Couples get subsidized so why should I have to pay for it?
Pretty much this If you make it so I don't have to pay my tax money to fund your degeneracy, then I'll allow it, but until then, fuck off.
It should only be allowed as part of a group marriage(when a woman marries a man who already gas one or more wives she is also marrying her sister-wives).
I'm gonna play devils advocate here and ask:
Why shouldn't homosexuals be legally able to marry each other?
They should have the right to get married. Its the Jews we need to prevent.
marriage is a religious ceremony
religion spreads more easily if their members are straight
god hates gays
gay marriage is self hatred
because people should be allowed to enter into voluntary contracts. and just get rid of the tax "benefits" for everyone.
Who cares, as long as churches don't get forced to perform them
They can't breed without going through some serious hoops (getting someone outside the marriage to deliver the baby or donate sperm or some other medical procedure). Not sure how well kids adopted by homo parents turn out compared to hetero parents.
The point of subsidizing marriage was to encourage breeding, so why give those same benefits to homosexual couples?
The problem is the government controlling marriage at all. The only thing the government should do is to record any legal unions for estate planning purposes.
Each religious institution should be able to legally abstain from marrying gays if their religion does not condone the practice.
If a gay couple would like to have a wedding ceremony, they can certainly do that and rent one of the numerous venues that do not engage in religious practices.
You would also see the development of new subsets of various religions that would be happy to collect tithes from gays too.
Protip: A Methodist church would openly welcome gays into their congregations if this were the case.
See? Everyone could have what they want at the same time. A comprimise. This will never happen though because baptists will not be happy until all gays are dead, and gays will not be happy until they can marry in a southern baptist church.
round and round the wheel goes because everyone is literally retarded with only fleeting moments of clarity.
Marrying give you access to Basic rights.
Imagine living with someone your entire life and then he/she dies and youre left with nothing because you couldnt be legally considered a married couple.
so in your perfect world you can only marry if you're going to produce offspring?
What if someone has low sperm count? Do they have to take a sperm count test? What about older women in menopause? What about those who want to adopt? should adoption be illegal?
people obviously do not need encouragement to breed.
fucking is literally nature.
homo and hetero fucking is literally observable in numerous species of animal
humans are literally animals
They're such a small percentage of the world's population, what does it matter?
It's not like people are going to suddenly become fags to exploit tax breaks.
Also here's a redpill for the religious right:
if you would stop shaming gays into hetero relationships, the genetic structure that is prone to homosexual attraction would likely not keep getting passed on at such high rates, you dig?
gayness is not heredatary
not every condition or trait is
Well I was hoping it would be so they would shut the fuck up, but the slippery slope argument turned out to be true, and now they want unlimited rights and privileges, so I wouldn't mind if they lost the right to marry, only because they became equal and still couldn't stop bitching and moaning about wanting special treatment.
The underlying genetics absolutely play a part
there may not be a "gay" gene, but to say that every human has a perfectly tuned genetic makeup is shortsighted
>people obviously do not need encouragement to breed.
Just look at Germany and Japan, they totally don't need anything to get their birth rates goin
>homo and hetero fucking is literally observable in numerous species of animal
Fish and birds mostly, or mamals that have suffered some kind of tramua.
>humans are literally animals
Not all animals are the same.
Because there's so many fucking people on this earth that it doesn't really matter?
>Shaming is all it takes for gays to stop bumb fucking
>Homosexuality is genetic
proofs please
And if it was it would not last very long as faggots don't breed.
Considering most are low IQ niggers and that White Nations are getting shitty birth rates, yes.
Homosexuality has been observed in evolving human cultures like boy-wives in aussie abo culture and dancing boys for the still evolving islamic culture.
Why should marriage, a religious institution, have anything to do with the law. Why can't there just be moderate laws about domestic dependents and leave it at that.
why not? I couldn't care less faggot
>not marrying a polygamist auschwitz officer
>so in your perfect world you can only marry if you're going to produce offspring?
Are you retarded? That is LITERALLY the entire point of Marriage. It was a paper that authorizes you to bang your wife. Everybody does that without even getting married either way, so why do you fags even care?
>Homosexuality has been observed in evolving human cultures like boy-wives in aussie abo culture and dancing boys for the still evolving islamic culture.
>Abo's evolving
Not to mention just because some show it, doesn't mean all show it. For example I am not aware of it being part of my nation's history with the exception of people being sent, usually by force to the ottoman empires.
They shouldn't, it's absolute fucking degeneracy. It goes against the natural order and it's all apart of the globalist's plans to thin out the population so they can establish the NWO.
So they can have an excuse for raping the kids they will inevitably adopt.
>Germany and Japan
So you think Germany and Japan just need a minimal tax break for encouragement? The natural course for them may be life extension over reproduction, but we'll never know until people release the dogma
>Fish, birds....
Not even talking fish and birds...Mammals. Dogs, cats, monkeys, HUMANS. Some native american cultures celebrated gays as they felt they had the unique perspective of both a man and woman at the same time.
>not all animals are the same.
That's a non argument.
Yes you retard.
The people that are sterile are a negligible minority. And people that marry too old are retards and nearly always brainwashed westerners.
Pic = u rite now.
Humans aren't animals it says so in The Bible.
No they should be forced to be heterosexual even if it's against their personal wishes, they should sacrifice for the good of society by finding an opposite sex mate and procreating. Preferably with at least 6 kids each so that we can become a mass of overpopulation and poverty like India. The only thing that matters is bringing more lives into the world
>didn't read my post
>gays don't breed
....unless you force them into hetero marriages via shaming.... hence my first post.
So many late in life gays with kids that "knew the whole time but tried to live a normal life"
>So you think Germany and Japan just need a minimal tax break for encouragement? The natural course for them may be life extension over reproduction, but we'll never know until people release the dogma
>release the dogma of reproducing and pushing forward evolution
Are you retarded?
Not even talking fish and birds...Mammals. Dogs, cats, monkeys, HUMANS. Some native american cultures celebrated gays as they felt they had the unique perspective of both a man and woman at the same time.
>Some native american cultures
And some Native American cultures de-scalped their enemies. Show me a biological not cultural imperative for faggotry
>That's a non argument.
Yes it is dumbass, if a chicken lays eggs doesn't mean a human lays eggs.
> a man who already gas one or more wives
> gas
Woah. Cool your jets bro Trump isn't in office yet.
>Gays are retarded
>....unless you force them into hetero marriages via shaming.... hence my first post.
If gays are so disgusted by the female body, or find no attractiveness in it than they would fail to breed, or would put themselves in positions where breeding is not necessary. They would become monks. Unless they are not gay but bi
>So many late in life gays with kids that "knew the whole time but tried to live a normal life"
Again if they where able to reproduce they are not really gay now are they, or they where not always gay and so it's not genetic it's a trait acquired in life.
Why not?
I'm republican but I honestly don't see a reason why they shouldn't be able to
> non argument bro
>some doesn't count
well not all people think like you, therefore you also represent only "some" in the grand scheme of things.
>move that goal post bro
>Chickens lay eggs so humans aren't born gay
solid argument
I don't have a single qualm about them marrying. I don't want them to be able to adopt children/use surrogate mothers/fathers, however, for various reasons. Letting them marry isn't harming shit, but having a kid grow up with two fathers/mothers will perpetually warp the childs psyche, even if their parents will be extremely understanding and will explain that this isn't how nature usually works.
I think it's fair.
Because we live in a secular nation.
>I literally think that if someone is gay their penis will not cooperate for sex with a woman
I know man, and that's retarded.
well not all people think like you, therefore you also represent only "some" in the grand scheme of things.
Again dumbass show me a biological imperative or the whole born gay thing goes down the shitter.
>solid argument
Yes you fucking retard, do you not understand biology, evolution and the genetic differences between animals?
Just because one animal has a trait, doesn't mean another animal will have that trait.
>They would become monks
So any faggot should just forego all pleasures in life and seek enlightenment just because you say so? Do you realize how fucking retarded that sounds?
>so it's not genetic it's a trait acquired in life.
You can't claim any of this without a proper source.
They can't have kids, so they shouldn't get the same tax benefits as a real family. Also they could destroy the concept of a family.
Then they are not gay, if they are capable to respond to the biological signals that tell them to turn on their reproductive organs as to mate with the other sex then they are not gay.
It meas that being gay has nothing to do with biology and all with how the individual thinks.
the main issue is should homosexuals be allowed to raise children and there's not a strong argument against it. Other than that it is just sematics, marriage is a ritual taken before God between a man and wife. Vicar's should not be forced to marry same sex couples therefore just as they shouldn't be forced to grant communion to a muslim.
>So any faggot should just forego all pleasures in life and seek enlightenment just because you say so? Do you realize how fucking retarded that sounds?
No, but it would be really easy to avoid social stigma.
>You can't claim any of this without a proper source.
And neither can you. Show me your proof, all I am doing is arguing based on how biology works, I am not claiming I have done a case study or something.
>I'm literally too dumb to argue with
I see that.
here's a clue man, the fact that gays have been witnessed in EVERY culture, in ALL of history, lends a lot of evidence to the fact that it's GENETIC. There were gays in Victorian England. There are literally gays in Saudi Arabia right now. There are literally gays in the congo.
It's obviously not all cultural, but you're not following along, so why would you understand this?
I think you will get some fucked up children if homos raise them. I'm not big into "natural law" or whatever the fuck it is, but I do think there is a reason why it takes a man and a woman to have a kid.
Marriage(the religious ceremony) can be practiced however a religion wishes.
Marriage (the federal 1040 tax return status that grants tax cuts and exemptions so that two fertile people are encouraged to reproduce) is between a man and a woman.
>They can't have kids, so they shouldn't get the same tax benefits as a real family
So change it so they get less benefits, but still some benefits.
>Also they could destroy the concept of a family.
"a group of people who are related to each other"
They should be allowed to marry, but not adopt children. Don't forget, some of them are also right-wing and pro-gun. There is still hope.
>here's a clue man, the fact that gays have been witnessed in EVERY culture, in ALL of history, lends a lot of evidence to the fact that it's GENETIC. There were gays in Victorian England. There are literally gays in Saudi Arabia right now. There are literally gays in the congo.
>Every culture
>All of history
Thats a bold claim, prove it.
>It's obviously not all cultural, but you're not following along, so why would you understand this?
What is your proof for it being not all cultural?
Brain scans, genetic studies?
The government shouldn't be in the marriage business at all.
Homosexuals shouldn't be alive at all.
Exactly, adopted kids are not related to them. Not saying it's wrong, but it shouldnt become a common practice. And I also agree with the less benefits thing. That's all that most of the Christfags want too.
I don't have to. You're not my problem. Honestly, I expect people reading this to get more from our dialogue than you. Pick the harshest, meanest, least gay friendly culture and I will show you examples of gays
It's clearly not cultural as there is no example of a culture free of homosexuality
Because marriage is already established institution. They can invent something new themselves, but if marriage becomes a union of two or more people of different or the same sexes which last for ever or until one of the parties thinks otherwise, the idea loses it's meaning
That reminds me of that /k/ trap, someone post the picture.
So are straight couples, where either one has a medical condition preventing them from having children,and are forced to adopt, are they not families?
In canon law it is between man and woman and cannot be overruled by any institution or person. Obviously tax laws change between countries though usually there are similar clauses for tax breaks etc and there is no reason not to grant homosexuals those breaks since they may or may not have children in the same way as a man and wife (that is what a civil partnership here in the UK was).
As I've said it is canon law that it be between man and wife. Priests shouldn't be forced to grant it and the church should be allowed to deny it. After all do you imagine many imams are approached to grant it?
> Marriage
> Meaning
Marriage is primarily a business contract and has been for thousands of years.
>I don't have to. You're not my problem. Honestly, I expect people reading this to get more from our dialogue than you. Pick the harshest, meanest, least gay friendly culture and I will show you examples of gays
Ok, in Romania, I am not aware of any Romanian people, or ancestors of that where gay, without outside influence. I am well aware of what for example the Ottomans might have done or propagated, but I am not aware of it existing on it's own in the territory of Romania.
And here is another thing, if it's genetic, than why do soo many cultures find it repulsive?
And another thing, I already explained twice why it can't be genetic. Because if it was genetic the gene would die, if such a gene existed.
Not really, at least by your definition.
Who the fuck cares?
If two fags want to give each other rings and say they're married, it's not like anything changes. Straight people aren't going to get married any less. There are bigger fucking fish to fry people
God damn
Why the fuck is anybody actually thinking that they have any right to tell me what I can and can't do?
If someone tells me that I can't marry whoever I want, I can tell them that neither can they. Words mean absolutely nothing.. Blah blah blah ...
for the benefits that straight couples get? i dont care if someones a fag i just dont like fag shit being shoved down my throat all day
because it is a non issue.
just because I don't want to marry someone of the same sex doesn't mean I can tell other people not to. Freedom and liberty and all that shit.
You're underestimating the threat of these degenerates.
what threat
Spreading AIDS and other diseases, toxic influence amongst the people and the young ones, converting weak minded to their faggot agenda.
What about non-homo people pretending to be homo couples? Can this be abused in any way? What do you think?
> fags are toxic people
Wrong. Toxic people are toxic people.
yeah no
you're going to ruin society. keep marriage between a man and a woman.
Where do I sign up for this?
I'm a fucking fag and I haven't heard any of this, other than "oh noes watch out for aids"
What fag club have you been going to?
>fags aren't toxic
I haven't gone anywhere, but if I had to make up a location it'd probably be somewhere in California.
I don't get this. Who cares? With all the things to be concerned about, people in love getting married seems really low on the list.
>faggot agenda
This is stupid even for this place.
It doesn't affect you negatively in any way.
so how do you know any of that
what influence
how are they converting people
Not everyone worships the dead Jew on a stick.
Spoken like a true fag. Only a queer is so invested in queers that they have to run an agenda against queers.
>there are no gay romanians
...right. You make blanket statements. These generally are unreliable.
>without outside influences
you think every dude that sucks cock in romania has a gun to his head?
Some men are gay from first memory. Gay = a desire to gratify or receive gratification from a member of the same sex. They have a desire for homo sex and they seek out a way to gratify that desire. There is no external forcing
State should have no legal control over marriage.
you're gay
>still doesn't understand the threat of faggots and denies their faggot agenda.
Only a normal person wants to see fags disappear
Aren't you in America? It's everywhere, mainstream media, TV shows, kid's shows. The faggotry is everywhere and faggots want people to accept it as normal.
>...right. You make blanket statements. These generally are unreliable.
Says the guy that said every culture and any point in history
>you think every dude that sucks cock in romania has a gun to his head?
Are you too retarded to understand what outside influences are, it doesn't mean just a gun to someones head it also means cultural shift for fucks sake
>Some men are gay from first memory. Gay = a desire to gratify or receive gratification from a member of the same sex. They have a desire for homo sex and they seek out a way to gratify that desire. There is no external forcing
So what is your proof for it being genetic, is there a gay gene that was marked?
Also your definition is quite shitty. Gratification can mean anything, unless you specify sexual gratification. Also your definition means that there is no difference between bi and gay.
>be a white male
>be straight
>vote Trump
>have gay family members
>understand gays are just people
>must be gay
You're sounding like a conspiracy theorist
you gotta provide me some proof if you want to sell this to me
Because the ones who want to be married aren't the ones you need to worry about.
Lesbian sex is hawt.
Bar that absolutely no reason.
You don't have to believe it, and it's not a conspiracy. Do a quick google search about faggotry in the mainstream media. It's everywhere.
It should not be legal and homosexual behavior should be shunned