What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Irish?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Irish?
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I'd take them over the servile and altruistic Germanicucks any day of the week.
They're okay.
irish are the master race
We're niggers. Gibs ur white wimmins
They seem like degenerate monkeys to me.
It's funny that you even bother with pic related, since the irish comparison isn't even correct. his forehead isn't even close to the same as the illustration, and the point at the area between the eyes isn't sunken inward at all.
OP is a gay faggot cuck gtfo
potato niggers
It was more to highlight how they aren't white.
What's wrong Paddy, do you have degenerate Irish blood or something?
Stay mad bongs
t. butthurt irish nigger
youve obviously never seen a documentary called knuckle
Knackers aren't people
literally nothing wrong with them besides useless drunks.
>the Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race.
whats wrong pussy u scared of a lil bare knuckle boxing are ya?
OP causing division.
OP probably looks like the biggest sub-human any of us could imagine.
Potato niggers might be the lowest scum of society
McGregor is a white trash skinny manlet. He will get what he deserves for trash talking Trump.
Some of the most charming and likeable people in the world.
some niggers still think we're living in an undeveloped catholic theocracy
To other races, yes.
Germany is probably the best place for a nigger, at the moment. The US as well.
threadly reminder the jews like to create internal conflict. it makes you weaker as a whole. The jew would love it if white people fighted with each other
also: sage
beyond doubt the lowest of the white races
Lets not be too harsh, they are not quite the niggers of Europe. More like the Mexicans of Europe. They only like drinking, fighting, and fucking women.
Good, we need to play it up. Need to keep the curry, sand and nindu niggers away.
I'm Irish.
Here's me as a kid.
i have to deal with support from a company based in germany sometimes and germans are pricks
>white trash
Why would you use a term like that? Get the fuck out. You're fired.
My Irish gf.
Lol tfw irish are more white than anyone on this thread.
That's a real person? looks as deformed as an abo.
>tfw my family has the least attractive british accent but we moved to us just in time for me not to get it
Shut up Potatoe nigger
Potato niggers are alright by me.
This is the only Canadian I know.
i hope by girlfriend you mean wife because that thing near her looks like her kid.
Nope that's her sister.
t. Actual african nigger.
He's actually a jew. When you see the ZA flag, this is what you're talking to.
Wut accent?
Nice try Potato Nigger
Anglos are the ugliest of the "white race", then it would be Australians, then Canadians, then Americans, Then Scots, Then Irish etc...
But Anglos are by far the absolute ugliest.
I think we're very nice, thank you...
some anglos are still upset that Ireland wouldn't become cucked servants of England
>we're still not infested with shitskins
>government and media actually have pride for our native culture and people
>become one of the best countries worldwide in terms of average income, safety, and average education in a few decades after leaving english dominion and then after stopping being a catholic theocracy
>blue eyes and light hair is more common than niggers in the UK
>mfw all of my cousins have blue eyes and pale blonde hair and me with pale skin, green eyes + dark hair is the least white in the family
pic related, some random girls i met a few years back and idk who the guys are
Why does anybody care? We ruined your entire shit hole of a country that caused Irish to turn against each other.
Ireland is a complete meme at this point
Is that a Who?
Irish are literally the most pale people in Europe. Have the highest concentration of red hair, and one of the highest of blue eyes and blonde hair.
UK is one of the lowest lol.
The Southern U.S has a lower obesity rate than only 20% of the west side of Australia lol.
Australia has literally 8 times the obesity rate.
Spot the ginger
Funniest part is, Coppercab has English ancestry.
>the one that sounds most like american is the sexiest
Sounds about right.
its shoop
Jesus Christ learn to photoshop or learn to b8 better
do jews also hate irish? toppest of keks seeing as you're no different to each other.
you've been developing for hundreds of years with more land, more people, and more resources while we were raped for hundreds of years as a strictly catholic shithole. We then got independence, then a catholic theocracy for a couple of decades, and then in a matter of decades we've developed to be better off than your country in terms of safety, income, average education, and quality of life.
keep telling yourself we look like those "irish iberians" in that photo by showing a picture of 1 irish person out of 6 gorillion. you know we don't. bow down to your celtic overlords in 200 years we'll be some of the last whites left
Scottish (Edinburgh to be specific) sounds much more American than Irish.
>t.non country
Ireland yes of course they are a nn country bongiebong
choose one
>terms of safety, income, average education, and quality of life.
Literally none of that is correct.
You guys literally have Portugal tier IQ.
Ah Brummie. I'm not far off from that tbf. Pretty mild Northern though.
fucking potato niggers, JFK removal from office BEST DAY OF MY LIFE
Ah yes, the Richard Lynn study with a sample size of 8
Pick one.
>Irish Iberian
You're correct, 94.9 was actually too generous
Because a metric fuckton of Americans are from Northern Britain.
Imo the only Irish accents that sound American are the ones near the cities that are deracinated and Americanized by our culutural goliath that is the media.
>tfw I'm 1/4 Ginger
i went there on a rugby tour in 06 with my school and i haven't been the same since.
They moved up from the Iberian peninsula a long time ago. Prior to Roman colonization of Hispania I believe.
tfw more hours and less pay than the rest of the world
When will the Irish finally surrender their blood?
The first EIREYANDIED almost wiped them from the face of the earth for eternity, but like squirming maggots they soon erupted out of their muddy slimy holes and regained their disgusting and hairy population.
But this time we will succeed - and the NHS will be instrumental in separating their blood from their bodies.
Just the blood we need for the coming ARYANDIED.
nice source
The Irish are white. Case closed. If you disagree you're a Jew or a retarded faggot
Why are the English so damn fat and inbred?
If they don't have buck teeth, they have no teeth.
If they don't have wide dumbo elephant ears, they have only half an ear that was bit off by some local drunkard (who is probably around 9 or 10 years old).
Are these the retards calling everyone else non-white?
Also, the black man has his head tilted back, the red line is entirety off line.
Aside from that the black man looks stunning. Easily the most handsome of the three.
Show me an Irish Person that looks like that
you can't
Some Irish apparantly come from Northern Spain and arrived thousands of years ago (before Spain was made darker by invaders) so according to the some retards we're not even white while we have some of the highest percentages of blonde/light hair and blue eyes in the world.
Since then we've had a huge amount of Scottish and English settlers, all of those not in Ulster ended up interbreeding, and a somewhat large amount of Scandinavian interbreeding (my town was founded by Vikings) as well as significant amounts of interbreeding with people from Northern France.
Are you from Dublin then?
It's true except for education. We have higher 3rd level rates (you have some of the best colleges obviously but not many people go to them) but we have the same average amount of years spent.
>Miss Ireland
Lusitans and Irish are the same celtic people, just some ended up in iberian and some in ireland.
The Irish...
Heart of a nigger
Soul of a jew,
skin of a slav.
Anything is better, than a filthy anglo.
Maybe that's the old Irish. The illustrator wouldn't have taken it from nowhere. They've mixed a lot nowadays with the English anyway
Pic: A typical Irishman
t. bridget mcbrusier
Irish Americans are based and always vote red.
I'd say they were instrumental in turning Pennsylvania red
But I'm 6 foot, have a girlfriend, have a career (making 20 dollars an hour) after graduation from St. Andrews.
I also have my own house and 2 kids.
You just posted your own life story. Sorry kiddo.
>Right picture is a literal Who from Whoville.
>Irish are Whos.
You learn something new everyday.
Enjoying all those gibsmedats, Patrick Fitzwilliam?