Hello, Sup Forums. I have a question. Why do you and american media call SJW liberals? I don't understand. Basic on things i read from books, Donald Trump is true liberal and Hillary Clinton are much more leftist. It's my opinion.
Can you explain please?
I think that i'm liberal. And if i were American, i would vote for Trump.
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your entire post proves that liberalism is a mental disease
Honestly he looks exactly like my friend but with longer hair.
You'd better be fucking your friend then
The Russkie is correct.
>pro immigration
>pro black
>pro hispanic
At least he claims it.
Why (((Chubais))), that was not elected once by anyone, who comes from nomenklatura family, is called "liberal" in Russia?
Correct on what you pathetic excuse of a flag. Trump is a protectionist, economic liberalism advocates free market. Classical liberalism that is, as the modern one has little to do with economy and represents a godless proselytistic religion.
American liberalism is different than classical liberalism.
The american political spectrum is different from the European one, their definitions are different.
This is now a Kayla thread
Nah, I have standards.
look at the phone
what year is this?
>That shoulder to waist ratio
she's just bending +the angle
So is the russian one. We have people who call themselves and others names, but that's not what they are. There are far too many name for "a traitor", for one.
goal gf body desu
A little too fat for my taste.
Because they're neo-liberals, not classic liberals. The conservative parties of the western world are far closer to the traditional meaning of the world.
Like UKIP, referred to as an ultra-conservative ultra-right wing party, is practically fucking libertarian
Dear Has Dick. Congratulations on having a dick. Sorry no one else has simply answered your question yet, idk what is wrong with them.
In America the word "liberal" means left wing. "Libertarian" means right wing. But "conservative" is more often used for right wing.
The idea you are talking about is what we call "classically liberal". That means pro-freedom.
In the modern age, "liberal" has come entirely to mean "leftist", the meaning has been reversed. There you go.
Because "liberal" is the term most SJW's use to describe their political ideology. Don't ask me Russian user, they just don't understand what liberal actually means; they think leftist and liberal are synonyms. Some of these fuckers think they can be both liberal and socialist...
I guess this video is good to exprass my opinion. So, what you disagree with?
I duno. Putin says he is "liberal". Jirinovski "liberal-democracy" party. There is no politics in Russia, so all this people for me just corrupt goverment. Even if they have ideology, they not follow it anyway.
If this important, i think that citizens should be treated regardless to races, sexual orientation. I heard in America minorities demand special privileges. Thats is leftism, not liberalism. In liberal state nobody above the law. And nobody can't ban people right for free speech. Even if it offend someone.
Something wrong with that?
They don't know what racist or fascist means, so not understanding what liberal means is hardly a shock.
really? that's an average young girl body.
I mean I like her, but her bod is not something that is difficult to achive.
SJW liberals are basically Stormtroopers. They are clones of each other. They think, dress, even try to look exactly the same. They all say the exact same things, as though they all have the same writer.
Really weird