alt-left when?
Alt-left when?
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Never you Untermensch.
There already is an alt-left. They are the people on tumblr who complain about trigger warnings and white males.
SJWs are the alt-left. Commies were the original left, but they died off. Kys /leftypol/.
It's called /leftypol/
> 99
Fuck off back to Cuba you communist cunt.
We tried that and ended up with the Soviet Union and SJW faggotry.
It never ends well.
alt-left would imply a race-realist left, which is hard to rectify. their whole shtick is equality and feels.
no, those are your thoroughbred liberals
I have good news for you...
Now that the democraps have been obliterated, the centrist wing represented by the Clintons has lost power over the party. As the partisans scramble to blame fingers, they'll swing even further left toward the Progressive wing.
Bernie will become the ideological chief in the party and he will groom a successor for 2020, where the left will come back under an anti-establishment social-democrat (gommie)
Bob avakian is posting on Sup Forums again
liberal =/= left
There will be no alt-left The alt-right will just give birth to an actual fascist militarist GLORIOUS movement. This will be its counter.
I actually am afraid of this.
It already exists you retard.
It´s Natiponal socialism
>No safespaces
>No anti white propaganda
>No minorities
>No marxism
>No Safe spaces
>No anti science race shilling
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.....
Czech yourself, stupid. They're not thoroughbred liberals, they're the alt-left that spawned in the late 2000's and into the 2010's. Open your eyes.
Actual alt-left here. Our voices are drowned out by the authoritarian neoliberals and statist SJW types. AMA I guess?
Everything the left has tried has been an abject failure. You can re-brand yourself all you want, as you have done for a century now, no one is buying your crap.
>alt-left when?
Thats what Stalinist/maoists are
There already is one. It's called "anarcho-communism" or just "anarchism."
This is what has happened to Labour in the UK and they are not getting into power any time soon at all, which is actually a shame because both our parties are shit but nobody is woke about it.
Fuck off, commie scum.
dude, libertarian socialism :^)
No, thats the alt left.
what he said
Alt-Left = worried about wealth redistribution and social warfare, NOT identitary politics OR muh LGBTQ+, muh feminism... etc
Nyet anymore.
The group you are lookin fore is called anti-facism or retard for short
Bernie will not come back in 4 years. His back will be completely rounded by then and he wouldn't be able to talk into the mic.
>anarcho crapitalists
Soon comrade, soon
Hold on there Roja scum. The pendulum was swinging that way for fifty years plus, might as well learn about national socialism and give up your kike created dreams of communist hell.
Most of people on Sup Forums have leftist economic leanings. Alt-right is in fact alt-left.
Yeah no
>pay your fair share or I'll send men with guns to lock you up
I'm not even an ancap but the "counter-memes" are completely retarded.
once the alt right has dissolved and trump became a villain, then we will switch sides to restore balance yet again
So who's the new Stalin for the alt-left?
/leftypol/ your raids aren't working.
All leftism is extremism.
Revolution soon
/leftypol/ is irrelevant
>having any sort of value in an ancap world where numerous currencies are maintained by banks across the world
You already have one
Right here, comrade
>having any sort of value in an ancap world where people use money
this is what you just said
>he hasn't taken the kimpill
>he hasn't armed himself with Kim Jong-il Patriotism
>he hasn't contributed to a culture that is national in form and socialist in content
That's exactly who the Alt-Left are.
The (((Left))) are globalists NeoCohens now.
The alt-left already exists. Jason Unruhe is one, for instance.
>Free phones
>Free money
>Free shit army
>Expansion of government everywhere
>MOAR muny
YFW alt-left already happened.
wojack vs pepe
good vs evil
>said capitalism would collapse
>it never did
nigger how do you even get more alt-left than a bunch of faggot, commie, snoflake, numale, bulldyke, transgender, kill the rich, braindead SJW morons?
It already exists
Bernie is King of the alt-left and JILF is Queen.
Warren might join them, we'll see how the next few years plays out.
It's already here, it's the SJWs.
One side for the absolute nuts and one for the absolute logical.
anarcho anything and you twinks would get murdered immediately by gun toting right wingers innawoods
Come to /leftypol/ if you lads are serious.
No liberals, stormfags, identity politics or Sup Forumsyps. This board is too hopeless.
Socialists, anarchists and syndicalists are welcome.
Already exists you stupid fucking cunt.
No, we hate sjws.
Sanders is just a plain social democrat. Nothing special. On Israel he's a hawk.
Any alt left will have to win over the working class masses again by ju jitsuing international finance and gaining the upper hand. We need to replace money with a system of credit that cannot be used to expand itself (ie no more interest loans, speculation). It's bullshit that people who already have money can just turn it into more money without effort.
>j-just one more try
Now. The SJWs are the useful idiot, rich, fat, cows ready for slaughter.
Their multi-millionaire daddies are spending thousands while their Gay-Muslim-Black idiot sons vote int 60% death tax.
Left is too entrenced in the status quo to really warrant something like the alt-right. You already have populistic versions of left ideology and more radical interpretations.
But alt-right is just conservative-lite with focus on standing up to what they perceive as SJW-isms.
The alt-left is called National Socialism.
The entire left is already the alt-left...
You are so stupid, you Anglo piece of shit. That's MAINSTREAM left.
Go back to /r/The_Donald.
>The alt-left is called National Socialism.
No, it is this
>I have no idea what these buzzwords mean but they sound scary - the post
It's called /leftypol/ on eight chan and they're as pathetic as you think.
>No, we hate sjws.
you dont think stepping in capitalists way is not a form of social justice? you ARE sjw
But Hitler was right-wing.
Agreed. Anarcho communism last for about 3 seconds till people figure out who is the biggest, most charismatic, or has the best guns.
"Lets all share and be free"
"You wife looks hot." *BANG*
these idiots have their marxist nonsense so deeply entrenched in their world views that they are unable to comprehend this
Not an argument.
Social justice in its original meaning has value. SJWs who don't care about class and just post on tumblr are awful, and in some ways reaction.
jew lies paco
Libertardianism is mostly anarchy.
It`s socialism, when someone buys all the enterprises. Because socialism economically = state capitalism.
There's ALREADY an Alternative Left...
Go here and see how politically correct they are:
I am Fritz_Peach. Notice how they stop talking to you when you're not a dumbass who can be fucked with?
You're right, the demonstrable fact that your garbage fails no matter where it is applied isn't an argument.
is this the flip side of Sup Forums? the same proposal, but the opposite argument to get there
SJWs are the alt-left. The difference between them and the regular Left is their huge focus on race and identity. Not actually that different from the alt-right. Except the alt-left believes that you only have an identity if you are a black transsexual Buddhist.
The SJWs are entirely a product of capitalism, consumerism and egotistical selfishness.
It already exists.
>not right
leftypol get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Classcucks are sad, sad people.
Did you MAGA?
Your feels meme is 100% white and hetro - no trans or Q+ or muslims or women or differently abled?
Also you should see how fucking terrible their memes are.
>not spicy
Nah, you guys are stuck with the control left. There is nothing alternative with leftism because it's the status quo and is promoted by all mainstream media sources. You aren't revolutionary in any sense, just defending the hands that feed a false sense of being revolutionary.
>alt-left would imply a race-realist left,
Was Leftypol sperging out that Trump won?
Yet your attempts to remove the classes from a country which, at the time, had the most fluid class system resulted in us now having one of the most rigid class structures.
Good job. :^)
Name one thing the left has touched in the UK which is better for it?