Was this the most cancerous thing to come out of this entire election?
Was this the most cancerous thing to come out of this entire election?
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This thread and you, OP.
i think no trump supporters were really bothered by people saying drumpf.
In a way it filtered out all the trolls and shills.
Donald Trump.
From who's point of view?
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.
Trump supporters don't care about ad hominem attacks. They care about real issues.
Which is why their criticisms of Clinton were based off her corrupt actions, not her empty liberal slogans and chantings.
cry baby democrats who still can't comprehend "why" they lost the election. because the democrats don't represent middle america any more. trump even beat clinton by 5 point with college graduates. hillary was carried mostly by minorities, those with graduate degrees and households over 100k. so either, super broke people, overly educated people, or rich people.....and when times are tough, who gets picked on the most? poor people. and if there is one thing working class people who are also poor hate, its welfare. and thats what democrats are all about, high taxes, high spending, propping up lay abouts and then telling us why its our fault their constituency isn't succeeding. eat a dick democrats....
Hillary's lungs
I can watch this now and laugh at this clown
What I don't get is why all the libs are up in arms about his name but they went batshit when O'Riley called out Jon Stewart for changing his name from Leibowitz a few years ago.
Yeah, after all this time I still almost physically cringe when I see it
They actually helped him win though
Bernie stealing the "Its happening" meme
no, but probably the most pathetic
Was pretty cancerous I agree with you OP.
Made me cringe so hard when I saw it used unironically.
from what i gathered this was john oliver's "how do you like it" moment to the right wing and trump himself
No, it was "nothingburger". I fucking raged over that every time I heard it on TV because I saw it first from CTR and I'm here thinking 'wow that's killer hillary, hand that word to megyn Kelley and the nerd virgins all at once, real subtle.
Like "Grab em by the pussy" we turned Drumpf into a positive thing.
Trump didn't change his birth name though so that's a logical fallacy
No, this was.
>look white people, you made this brown person sad, feel guilty yet? vote for your own genocide and mend your faults!
this but not their existence, more the fact that they started migrating here
The polls. I'm fucking serious
This and it was perfectly normal for german immigrants to americanize their last names it. Jew Oliver was desperate because this was all he had.
Delete your account was the worst fucking forced shit to come out of this election.
Drumpf is just a funny word to post on here because it triggers people. Same with bigly. Yes he says bigly all the time you fucks deal with it.
>logical fallacy
No, it's just grasping at straws and desperation from the left. There wasn't even any concrete evidence his family name was ever Drumpf, too
/r/the_donald in a way directed traffic away from here.
Had memes/info gotten to the rest of the internet directly from Sup Forums we would've had a ton more newfags and press.
I never understood this. Hillary voted for the war that his son died in. Wtf did he have beef with trump for?
Agreed. Drumpfposting = into the trash and ignore. I don't even understand why that's supposed to be funny. It's like calling somebody named Smith Schmidt (which is more common among jews though)
>That's a logical fallacy
a lefty retard making a fallacious argument who would have thought
probably for two or three grand
The best part about the whole thing was that der Fuhrer called them out on their bullshit and the media immediately said he slammed their dead soldier son.
I always thought it was funny because it seemed so desperate
A cancer is sad pathetic anglo youtube.com
As usual.
I don't get what was the point of it? To show that his family legally immigrated to US?
It's the thing that literally ended Trump's career.
What bothered me, as a German, the most about it is that Drumpf isn't even a name. If anything, it should be Trumpf, which is actually the German translation of trump.
I guess Trumpf didn't sound silly enough or John Oliver's team just didn't do their homework.
who needs a point? Just flail and hope that your flailing encourages people to vote for your team
It was funny because of how hypocritical it was.
Liberals claiming there's nothing wrong with immigrants and then bashing a man who is a relative of an immigrant that changed his name to assimilate and avoid persecution.
Even though that change happened centuries ago and Donald Trump's surname is, and always has been, Trump.
I was really bothered by. I just don't fucking get it. Why??? It doesn't make any sense!
Yeah, that's fucking stupid. Do they also harass Polish-Americans which changed their names from -ski to -sky?
were any polish-americans who changed their name running against the clintons?
You can't try to apply any kind of consistency or reason to this. It's like oil and water. On a hydrophobic surface.
wew lad
I dont believe how American can watch this show, Most British people havent even heard of him and hes from here.
>not the fly crawling all over Hillary's face
I never got the "drumpf" thing. Does it mean anything in particular? It just sounds stupid, i really don't understand what this word is trying to convey.
>hey you cant make fun of obamas name. it's not obango or osama. leave his middle name alone!
>lol trumps great grandfather changed their last name when they came to america, look how silly his white name sounds
It made them look like hypocrites?
Like 200 years ago Trump's ancestor changed his name from Drumpf to Trump.
This was such a forced meme. I was listening to (((NPR))) on election day and they were still talking about it like it was some epic turning point in the election that will be talked about in the history books 50 years hence.
His ancestors probably didn't even change it. Ellis Island officials changed practically everyone's names to make them sound more American. They did the same thing on Angel Island with Asians too, which is why we have so many gooks running around with the last name Lee.
But it's used as some kind of insult, i can't wrap my head around it. I stopped coming to Sup Forums after the Zimmerman trial, came back a week before the election and there was shit like "drumpf" and "drumpfkins". How are these even insults? It doesn't even sound mean.
>I never got the "drumpf" thing. Does it mean anything in particular? It just sounds stupid, i really don't understand what this word is trying to convey.
It's really not anything. Not even liberals seemed to be able to explain what made this a joke at all.
It sounds stupid. It guess that's it.
They wrote down what they heard when they asked your name.
It came off as a bit hypocritical and racist. Like, racist against whites.
I wonder what the writers room was like after they came up with drumpf
I bet they were all sitting around smug and expecting it to go viral and catch on everywhere, and decided to spend a bunch of money trying to push it
Then it completely absolutely flopped. No one even gave a fuck in the slightest despite all the Hollywood power behind it
Reddit tier twitterers loved it for some reason.
It still sounds dumb and i still don't get it why it's thrown around as if it's something bad. To me, it's like a child or a drunk guy trying to say "Trump", it's fucking retarded.
Sometimes they didn't even do that. Sometimes they just straight up changed peoples names for the sake of it.
>Your name?
>Jaroslav Havel
>Yeah... You're James Hover now.
Yeah no one gives a fuck. Idk why it was supposed to matter in the first place
You know what the best thing about this election was? The fact that I'll never be thirsty again.
Any one of those "Tuck Frump" videos.
If anything, it was like they were making fun of the Trump ancestral line for assimilating into American culture rather than create a Frankfurttown and whine about society not harvesting more cabbage for sauerkraut production.
What was his point even? Tons of other people did the same exact thing so they could EASILY ASSIMILATE into the dominating culture.
No but probably the cringiest
I tweeted this image at John Oliver and he blocked me.
He hasn't tweeted in days but clearly he's still watching his account.
be sure to tweet this image at him for maximum butt hurt
Reminder to tune into current year this evening tomorrow to see Olivers tears fill the room as he reminds us what year it is
That image the irony seriously.
I mean John Oliver has got to have the most punchable face in existence,
I still have no idea where this takes place. Holocaust museum? Cheese factory? Random place with lines and showers? Like ???
>A trademark application for the word "Drumpf" was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office by a company called Drumpf Industries, an LLC based in Delaware; Oliver stated that he had trademarked that term.[15][16] Oliver also released a Google Chrome browser extension called "Drumpfinator" after the segment, which changes all instances of "Trump" to "Drumpf" on webpages.[6] Oliver created the hashtag "#MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain" during the segment. He also registered the web domain "donaldjdrumpf.com", which in addition to providing free downloads of the "Drumpfinator" Chrome extension, sold baseball caps with the slogan "Make Donald Drumpf Again," modeled after Trump's own "Make America Great Again" hat.[4] The website sold out of 35,000 of these hats by March 27.[3]
liberals are literally children. I've seen people call shit like 'fart'
really? fart? thats something a fucking i year old would find insulting
Could those be emergency showers for chemical burns like chemistry labs often have?
You're right that setting is bizarre.
It's like he has zero self-awareness.
delicious cuck tears
>Could those be emergency showers for chemical burns like chemistry labs often have
I mean, those places don't usually have tourists.
The best part is that people have already completely forgotten that it was because he called John "Leibowitz" instead of "Stewart".
Fucking beautiful.
It's gonna be just like the other clowns. Blame the stupid Trump voters and call them names some more as well as the obligatory prediction of the apocalypse and tell them "I hope you're happy now!" like the sore losers they are.
If I had to sit of four years of that I would've had gone nuclear.
Small hands thing was pretty cancerous. Just straight-up not funny, but everyone kept on going with it like it was some sort of killer insult.
I think the "idea" might have been that Trump is anti-immigration and the name reminds him of his immigrant roots, therefore it will shame him or ruin his nativist discourse or something.
Of course I don't have to explain why this was a retarded tactic.
Nevertrump Republicans in my opinion. If Trump hadn't fired so many people up to actually go and vote than we wouldn't have a completely republican government right now. The Republican party leaders have Trump and his supporters to thank for their re-installation as the dominant party in the US, but nearing the end when he needed their support the most the spineless cowards bent over for the establishment.
The second most cancerous thing would probably be the anti-Trump protests. These people who would have screamed and demanded that we accept a Hillary victory as legitimate are now literally rioting (and literally shaking) in protest of the democratically elected President. It's weak, childish, hateful, and anti-democratic, exactly what the modern Left has proven itself time and time again to be.
This, or the "Trump only won because of racist white people!" meme
Or maybe the blaming of 3rd party voters. All three of those are enraging
The "Idea" was fucking retarded.
He is not anti-immigrant he is anti-illegal immigrant and all Drumpf did was give people the opportunity to make that clarification. Then after it was defined saying Drumpf reminded people that these people don't care about reality
LGBT, BLM, SOROS, CLINTONS and the (((MEDIA))) that support them.
>implying this isn't what the opposing party does whenever their candidate isn't the one in office.
Republicans cried and moaned about everything Obama did for 8 years while liberals praised him as great.
Same thing happened with Bush before that. Democrats cried and republicans supported everything he did. Now it's simply the democrats' turn to be the whiny bitches and the republicans' turn to be the blind gloating supporters. Don't act like it's just liberals that whine and complain when their candidate doesn't win. It happens literally every election.
>Same thing happened with Bush before that
Wanna know how we know you're too young to actually remember the Bush years?
I'll give you a big fat hint: There were large sects of Republicans that were VERY critical of Bush.
yes. this moment was stage 6 ass cancer
i don't care if the trump presidency results in the immediate death of every living human, hillary must never be president
Almost forgot,
>Watch this [x] ABSOLUTELY DESTROY TRUMP by OccupyDemocrats/Buzzfeed
It still rustles my autism. It doesn't make sense.
Every time I read Drumpf I could skip to the next comment. The Drumpf thing was really handy and even better than a political ad blocker.
Drumpf was honestly the weakest insult they could come up with. And then they fucking ran with it.
They could have gone for way worse things but no, they go for some 2nd grade insult that doesn't even sound that bad.