We are all the same, checkmate racists

We are all the same, checkmate racists

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but I thought diversity is strength? which one am I supposed to believe now?

Those are the hands of a black person who hasn't stolen anything for two weeks straight.

>Atrbutes, culture, traditions, histories, architecture, agriculture, economies, race in general...

top kek

He got you there

Got a laugh out of me.


>tfw vitligo
I'm not black, but it's still noticeable if my pigmented skin tans.
I'm becoming ultra-white now.


Except if I got your blood, I would probably die. And if you got someone else's blood you might die. Lol.

>race is skin color

Aren't liberals supposed to be the educated ones?

Now shot its face

That picture makes me feel so goddamned itchy, like I have some skin infection or something.

Lets check the skull and blood

>MAGA in effect

You're supposed to wash your hands after weekly cross burnings.

No silly that's vitiligo

It doesn't feel like anything.
It's literally just your skin losing pigment.


This is probably some kind of disease btw...

White are not racist. Pol is not racist. We love everyone who can use logic it just happening that a majority of black American are brainwashed or low iq.... Real worldwide progress would be to close the iq gap between nations and races. This can be done with better good for chldren, more intelectual stimulation for the children, no spanking etc...

That was good, Belgium.


even distant non-European heritage dooms one to fail. Italy is the living proof why one drop rule should be enforced. Look at some fun math I've done.

The data for Northern Italy confirm that Piemonte, the region which received massive immigration from southern Italy, has the lowest scores (although not low) among the northern regions.
[The average score for northern Italy (minus Piemonte): Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Valle D'Aosta, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, Bolzano (Sud Tirol) is 512, which compared to a British score of 494, is equivalent to a Greenwhich IQ of 102.93.
Piemonte= 499
Northern Italy-Piemonte= 512-499=13.
13= 2.2 IQ points.

So about 30% southern admixture in Piemonte lowered the IQ by 2.2 points. Thus the genotypic difference between Northern and Southern Italy is 2.2/0.3= 7.33 IQ points.

Italy IQ 102/99 (95/92) Basilicata (-/89) Bozen/South Tyrol (-/100) Campania (-/87) Emilia Romagna (-/97) Friuli-Venezia Giulia (-/100) Liguria (-/93) Lombardy (103/96) Piedmont (99/96)Puglia (-/88) Sardinia (-/87) Sicily (-/86) Trient (-/99) Tuscany (99/-) Veneto (102/99)

Note that this calculation assumes that there was zero southern admixture in the rest of North Italy. This is false, as other northern regions received their share of southern migrants, about 10%. Thus the real N-S difference would be even larger.
Of course this is based only on Pisa Math. More accurate results would be given by using other scores as well. Not only these southern subhumans are stupid, they are inbred too. Arguably a levantine-arabic trait they do have in common with their even more subhuman ancestors

Bottom right could pass for a white person.

That's the only exception though.

Holy shit, those niggers are ugly.

I'm pretty sure those are just hands that had Silver Nitrate spilled on them.

whichever fits their current agenda

Demelanization therapy could help with black community mental problems.

It`s clearly visible in Dr. Clark doll experiments, that darker people perceive themselves as worse people, than lighter ones.

This is also the good reason to ban mixed race schools at least up to 12 y/o.


>believing that there are more than 1 human species

"alt-right" """""""""""""""science"""""""""""""""""""

lel facebook memes

>blows self up
>becomes white
But if I blow myself up I don't magically become black.

We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.




They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.




We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.

Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.

That shit happened to me when I stop stealing.

>Belgens still got the Bantz

Save Black Pete, BASED Belgae

>variances within a species don't exist

Not with that nose and wirey fucked hair they couldn't


I have it too. I believe it's the next step in evolution into becoming even whiter, and more master-race tier. I only have it on and around my dick though.

Albinos hunted because of their skin colour

Dirty African racists

Your right. It's not skin color. It's Nigger's monkey violent brains.

Now if they learn to be Black people, like Carson, MLK, and the church going married folks. yeah.

Bruh my cracka doctor tol me to stop eatin so much fried chicken fo my cholestermarol n dis happen to my ass. Is I's goins backs to normal if I's eats dat Popeyes again?

Oh shit, Daquans credit score went up!

the poop problem goes deeper than the anus

I've got it all over my body, it began when I was just a little kid.
My hands are wrists are completely snow-white now.
Feels good, tbqh, except I burn in the sun and can't tan now.


I love you for this post!

I can hide 90% of it with just a boxer, and i'm always worried it will become more noticable over time. I'm also always worried what will happen once i get a girlfriend and i have to tell her my dick has white spots all over..

fucking hell, belgium, that was a top fucking bant


Did they find a cure to niggness? Or is that a terrible curse setting in?

Some people find it cool, actually.

literally white harambes

Forgot to add that my dick also looks like a horse's penis, without the size.

>Anglin at the bottom left

Looks like a spotted pony.

this is a condition that only affects niggers who have an I.Q. above 110

>mfw white with vitiligo
>mfw I'm only getting whiter
>mfw I'm not even at my final form


those irish?

I'm mad.

When you haven't stolen anything in 24 hours.

Look up the moa-a gene. Niggers can't help but be violent.


Ugly, ugly, UGLY

that black skin hides a lot of ugly
