George Soros smiling while talking about confiscating property for the Nazis.
George Soros smiling while talking about confiscating property for the Nazis.
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i heard he used to go through the mass graves of the jews after they got gassed and pull the gold teeth out with pliers. and also that the nazis would let him go through the clothes they confiscated from the jews as they were entering the camps and take what he wanted. and he hoarded so many clothes he still wears them to this day and he has never had to buy his own clothes
its just a inappropriate smile. get over yourself drumpf tard.
On one hand, this dude is probably personally responsible for like 150 Jews getting iced.
On the other, he's a globalist cuck. Come home George, gas the kikes with us.
>fondly recall ripping Jews off during WW2
>liberals do everything you want
Those mental gymnastic to justify stealing from people.
he literally told the nazis where Jews were hiding so he wouldn't get killed.
wtf I love George Soros now
Why does he hate the jews so much?
DC Leaks Publishes George Soros' Files Showing Millions Contributed to Anti-Israel Causes.
no mental gymnastics. he just said as it is, he was young, he was probably immunized of guilt by seeing other terrors before. if he didn't do it:
- someone else would
- he would get killed
- his resistance would change nothing
yeah taugh choice, eh?
Jews are cannibals, they will fuck over they're own for a buck
Look at that guy that sued H3H3 on youtube who is a kike, he is also a kike check his shnozer
fuck soros
He funds millions of dollars to pro palestinian organizations. He doesn't believe in a racist jewish state and wants no part of israel.
>a jew outjewing jews
the most dangerous kind
Since when do progressives like zionists? Confiscating for Hitler? Hitler created Israel. Trump is not what you think he is and he is not here to save you but probably to punish
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.
...where did you hear that?
Mmm. Memey copypasta. You already got the chef boyardee president why dont you come up with something original for once
No duh
I'm saying there is no goal behind his shit. He is literally just psychopathic, no meaning, he will eradicate jews and not give a shit.
Yeah yeah all the anti zionists are psychos. Drumpf is not because zionist. This makes all his bat shit craziness go away. You guys never learn. The right wing is NOT Christian. They have upside down stars. Dems do not. They support synagogue of satan and are greedy usurers
go back to /x/ you stupid fuck
Israel is not aligned with Soros's faction at all. The liberal world order will destroy the Israeli state far earlier than any right wing group would.
Yeah, but if he were a conservative figure he probably would have been arrested for those crimes a long time ago.
soros isn't a jew jew he's a satanic jew, like rockerfeller and rothschilds
Holy shit, i've never heard him talk before.
He even fucking sounds like a James Bond Villain.
European and American Jews have been attempting to subvert and undermine nationalism in the West. While Israel is a nationalist country. The sort of split is now to the point that it's out of control and will result not in the death of the West, but of israel as well.
The left's next generation in both europe and USA, along with the leftist Jews are anti-Israel.
Basically it's important to understand the Israeli self interest and Jewish abroad self-interest are becoming opposed right now.
Never under estimate the greed of a Jew.
At the same time he could just be setting up a move to make another in the future.
A slap to a Jew could lead to a great blow in the future to a goy.
I can completely understand that he isn't the one crashing economies.
He's completely right in that he knows what's going to happen so he just gets out first and it follows suit.
Good. That's what's prophesied to happen. Trump will do greater israel. Just like haavara. Another right wing fuck. This is all contrary to Scripture! These are not Judeans or Jews. These are zionists and Ephraim. Hungarian khazars and the like. Third temple goes. Armageddon comes. We are not supposed to quash the sojourners. The neighbours. The strangers. But that is hard so you worship Mammon and shit on brown people who prevent you from starving after you hire them and dont pay them. Maybe globalism is what God wants as a pure world for once. Because that's what his plan and his Trump will probably get you :)
>george soros s compound is lighted by jew skinned lamps
>he washes with leftover jewish soap
>his chandeliers are lined with jewish gold fillings
>his kitchen oven was stolen from auschwitz
>Hes Donald Trump without the Humility.
Well, does anyone else have any questions as to why we back Trump?
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot.
Are you a borg machine? Glitch in the berenstain matrix? Eh, Donnie Darko?
>literally so autistic he couldn't understand he was robbing his own people and how that looks
back to /x/ retard, not even reading your stupid shit. Possibly just a shitposter paid to discredit pol and free talk.
No one cares and stop spamming, reported.
pretty much
Soros is just an extreme psychopath
>I had to steal that old lady's purse because if it wasn't me, it would be somebody else stealing it
Weak bitch. See ya. And zero arguments were made. First reagan's mujahideen now your isisy scion bullshit. But he's king cyrus! He's not the assyrian! We've already had a nebuchadnezzar. Oh really. youtube.com
Under this logic why did the Jews prosecute all the concentration camp workers and not Soros?
Instead of swinging from a rope he became their ideological champion around the world.
/x/ Don't reply to me. Very obviously a plant to discredit the thread.
Off topic but National Socialists never called themselves 'Nazis' that's how Jews start calling them.
Even Jews hate other Jooos
You discuss your horse shit on a politics board. I destroy your fucking hugbox. Get over yourself. Argh rabble rabble go to reddit go to /x/. Fuck off. Tell me how im specifically wrong not just your stylistic write offs. Hypocrite
WTF I love soros now.
You have schizophrenia, a mental disorder, or are pretending to in order to discredit pol.
I don't have to prove you are wrong because there is no logical way to credibly disprove insane God shit.
I challenge you to disprove my belief in an imaginary powerful being called Shamalot. Get to work.
Machiavellian psychopath, get him locked up before more people die to stroke his ego
I bet Soro's doesn't even stand with Israel.
he's that much of a piece of shit.
You're a donkey eh. You are what is wrong with politics. Stop worrying about me or controlling my agenda Pagan. You are why we have the punisher now. Enjoy it. Save yourself!
What a sin that is eh
Zero empathy, zero guilt. It would be very interesting to get a brain scan and understand what someone extremely intelligent but with no empathy or human connections thinks and cares about.
His entire goal setting process is probably for very bizarre reasons. Possibly just maximizing effect on the world with minimum investment. I doubt he even cares about his political views at all except for in creating new markets to invest or manipulate.
funny thing is, he could be jailed in germany now
since 2011, everyone who had any part in a concentration camp (even something like a cook) can be sued for complicity in murder.
not even kidding
but I guess he is a jew, too so it's k
You must understand that jews are a race and non religious jews are the pure devil
Where is the part where he says he loved the sense of absolute power? I know I read that somewhere during the interview.
is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?
I wonder if kek likes him for creating chaos
BLM protests and riots are one of the reasons Trump won.
>"He's basically Donald Trump without the humility."
i cant watch this shit. is there an hd version
I am unironically questioning this myself.
It's from the 90s you underage faggot! Of course there's no HD version!
Go the fuck back to Plebbit!
This is pretty true, 2 days ago the "drumbf btfo" threads were back, today they seem to have changed the strategy.
They will disinform Sup Forums to get you guys to follow wrong leads, to keep you busy.
Truth is, soros and his clowns needs to die.
There are things that worth more than money and thats homeland and security.
Someone should compille a list of all open society foundation building locations in all countries so we could get to work.
I am too edgy and bored to sit here and read without doing anything.
I am ready for work.
you cant even see the guy's fucking face. normally they remaster shit in hd somehow to make it watchable
We're coming for this shekel fiend next
Still think it's a bullshit story.
Just like a Christian who makes up once having been a bad person stories in order to sell his redemption.
Not mental gymnastics just psychopathy
He is incapable of feeling empathy or guilt, this is a genetic trait
Wasted Hitler get :(
Real talk how old are you?
I'm actually curious about how young a person has to be for old footage like this to become unwatchable for you.
Also, we just recently dug up this footage.
We've had the transcript of the interview for a long time but someone just recently found the full video and posted it. We're lucky to be seeing this at all.
hillary looks like such an elitist full of herself cunt walking into that village
i bet she licked so many of those little haitian girls pussys and later ate their hearts in a big ol spirit cooking gumbo
>This guy is a druggie
>with hillary
I think people have their hole they were looking for to connect soros and you know what
>George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility.
Sup Forums B T F O
Soros is literally what Sup Forums is in love with, a cutthroat capitalist that cares about nothing but profit. The problem arises when he uses his fortune to put forth an agenda that Sup Forums doesn't like. You want an unregulated free market? This is what you get. The problem isn't Soros, but the system he abuses to get his way.
>Soros throws his corrupt machine behind Clinton
>She still loses
He is a globalist who wants to remove nation states pushing for one world government.... in that regards his actions make complete sense. Ruin nation states through various means, no matter who it is.
He's literally Ozymandias.
does alex jones know about this video?
me and george have a lot of the same reasoning like im a competitor and if its not me its someone else. Man i used to hate on jews half seriously now i dont know what to do.
oh yea fuck these globalist kikes. im not liek them
ohhh this is fap material
>tfw a bunch of neo nazis expose Soros for stealing from Jews during the Holocaust
I don't even know what's going on anymore
Anime are real
basically this.
I'm starting to sympathise with this lad.
Except leftist Jews generally aren't anti-Israel, the average AIPAC supporter is a democrat. The American establishment is still zionist as fuck, it would be of Clinton or Bernie were president too. I personally see more anti-Israel sentiments developing on both the left and right though so Jews are pretty fucked either way.
Kek help us removing the evil soros
>literally the Nuremberg Defense
Watching him "hum" and "hurr" while formulating his answer makes me wonder if he's trying really hard to not deny the holocaust.
The ultimate redpill is that Soros caused the Holocaust in order to remove 6 million potential rivals and concentrate their wealth among a couple of like-minded dynasties.
Any books by Soros to look at?
He has a published a bunch of books for the public but it might be more interesting to look at this compilation of lectures he gave at the university his son founded, since it's more of an insider view:
>George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility.
"He is you, your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out."
The holocaust didn't happen fag
The classic "lobby government to make things difficult for your competitors" tactic. He's really good at rationalizing without actually rationalizing. Very good at his job.
Hard one to call
It's just cremation room talk.
another soros thread
Thanks user
>be disgusting weab animefag wehraboo
>can't even get german uniforms right
They didn't wear NSDAP armbands
That would be like wearing a big giant fucking target sign saying "I'M HERE - KILL ME!"