Mike "Queers better Fear" Pence is getting ready
Mike "Queers better Fear" Pence is getting ready
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this pleases me.
Me too man, me too
Mike "Smear the Queers" Pence is going to drain the swap.
fire up those chambers boys
You couldn't possibly mean THE Mike "Shock the Gay Away" Pence, the absolute madman?
Is there any low that Mike "If men to men you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence wont stoop too?
Milo's gonna have a hard time spinning this
What does the article say? How far can Mike "take the cock, get a shock" Pence go?
>Michelangelo Signorile
what the fuck is up with these names. How the fuck does a first generation Italian get a job at HuffPo?
Stop it
>Mike "Queers better Fear" Pence
>not Mike "Amperes for the Queers" Pence
I want Mike Pence to fuck me!
What's his name again?
am I the only one that has seen nonstop pence-bashing the past 2 days or so regarding LGBT stuff?
is this CTR? was an order pushed?
This. What has he said or done so far?
Mike loves dykes.
why is everybody obsessed with fucking fags
Mike "Cock in Ass? Turn on the Gas" Pence.
It will happen if these leftists retards do anything to Trump, and it will be FAR deserving.
Mike "Shooting Fags Is Common Sense" Pence
Mike "Put a Dyke on a Spike" Pence
Mike "Shank a Queer With a Spear" Pence
Mike "No Mo' Homo" Pence
Mike "Pray the gay away" Pence knows how to make America great again.
are you counting posts like this: ( )
as bashing?
Are we talking about Mike "Blast the Gays with Tesla Rays" Pence?
No, I mean from leftists on social media(the only one I use is for twitter because of the pro-trump presence)
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence is sure making a move
Good one!
Who else is hoping Trump gets assassinated so Pence can cleanse degenerates and atheist trash?
He's doing it! Just you watch! Here it comes! Any minute now!!!
Mike "You better just poop from there, mister" Pence.
The Don was going for his cock!
Mike "Enemy of the Enema" Pence taking care of business
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay
It seems America finally got it's own Milonov. Great! God bless Pence. Amen
If you like cock then you're in for a shock
There's nothing 'wrong' with it, in the sense you're not harming others (provided you don't promote your lifestyle), but acting like it's normal is wrong because it's contrary-to-fact.
Milo is a degenerate cumdumpster anyway.
it's giving cause to all the rioting fags
I was really hoping Pence would just get put into a corner for 4 years
Turns out Trump is just a republican
Sure if you want to control the statistical perception of normal I guess we can just use whatever version you want if that makes you feel better. But there still isnt anything wrong.
>Huffington Post
time to start a pention to ban them from Journalism.
why Pence so cute
im gay for pence
because they know that the trump hates lgbt argument doesnt work
>I took him out, it was a Friday night
>I wore cologne to get the feeling right
>We started making out and I took off his pants
>He grabbed the 'gator clamps
>And that's about the time he electrocuted me
>Nobody likes you when you're a fag
>And I'm still more amused by MSM
>What the hell is K.K.K.?
>Mike Pence say I should not be gay
>What's his name again?
>What's his name again?
>Then later on, on the drive home
>I called his mom from a pay phone
>I said I was the cops
>And Trump's in jail
>Madame President, say it with me
>And that's about the time that bitch hung up on me
>Nobody likes you when you're fag
>And I'm still more amused by prank phone calls
>What the hell is voter ID?
>Mike Pence say I should not be gay
>What's his name again?
>What's his name again?
>And that's about the time he electrocuted me
>Nobody likes you when you're fag
>And you still act like you're in freshman year
>What the hell is wrong with me?
>Mike Pence say I should not be gay
>What's his name again?
>What's his name again?
>That's about the time he lynched me
>No one should take themselves so seriously
>With many years ahead to fall in line
>Why would you wish that on me?
>I never want to not suck dick
>What's his name again?
>What's his name again?
>What's his name again?
Mike "No country for gay men" Pence is gonna clean house
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot....
>mfw all the qt traps flee america and come here
Fire up them 'conversion' ovens, don't worry faggots Pence will 'fix' you
Mike "Watt Watt in the butt" Pence.
I mean, there's a higher percentage of people who will develop cancer than gays, so if you treat being gay as normal, I guess it's 'normal' to get cancer.
So proud of you!
Mike "A million joules if you stroke his jewels" Pence
Fair enough.
Hahahaha. Moar funny Pence names pls.
We're not "controlling" anything. From a moral standpoint sodomy and likewise gay relations are wrong because these acts involve abusing your own body and the body of another man for functions they were not designed to do. Its also not normal by any means, humans not only have no biological or sociological use for homosexuality (unlike frogs and lions which display homoerotic tendencies) but also have bodies that are clearly not made for the gay act.
Pence was only ever "assassination insurance" for Trump. NOBODY will risk hurting Trump with the electrocutioner waiting in the wings. As long as Trump lives the LGBBQT people have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Trump is not going to ban gay marriage. He's not going to elect judges to overturn Roe v. Wade. I highly doubt he's even going to try anything to defund Planned Parenthood unless pushed into a corner. Even during the election he basically said "who gives a fuck?" when the North Carolina bathroom controversy stuff was happening. Trump is above it all and doesn't care about this shit.
9/10, because i don't know how to shoehorn
>nobody likes you when you're a fag
>nobody likes you when you're twenty three
1) He is an attention whoring cunt so his opinion hardly matters
2) he is an edgy cumslut so he said gay rights were a mistake because it stops gays from spreading their superior genes, since they are usually smarter/more successful/better than straights.
I thought we agreed to stop using huffpo, washpo, and salon as """sources""" after their humiliation
Gay here.
Me and my husband never perform any sex. It is degenerate. We married because we co-depend and love each others companionship.
We both voted Trump and Pence.
We both want this.
Destroy the LGBT.
If those fuckers want to throw out "normal white gays" because "we are to privileged" then the pro-Trump gay vote has chosen to burn down the house.
I will gladly march into the gas chambers, just to laugh at my enemies within this faggoty LGBT community.
Mike "Target priority: minority" Pence
Source? I want to see where Mike "the only power liberals will get is in volts" Pence said that.
Give me one reason why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed
"Degeneracy" is not an argument, because the word has no meaning
>Not created by Abuse
which family member touched you?
Arent something like 70% of american men gay or bi?
How can you guys be glad about this when most likely it will affect you?
Fucking great.
I just want him to gas the degernerates and create a band of thebes for the rest
So fucking funny. More of these. 12 threads is not enough!
Degeneracy has a fairly well defined meaning, unlike most buzzwords, but gay marriage isn't degenerate.
You'll change your tune after a few sessions of electro-therapy, faggot.
>Queer voices editor-at-large
Christ almighty what a joke of a "publication"
Mike "One man Homocaust" Pemce
I once stuck something up my backdoor and I can not get over the shame
You're a good guy.
Trump doesn't hate gays though.
Pence does, but unless Trump gets murdered that won't be an issue.
>i control word definitions, shitlord
Link link link NOW
can't wait to see the look on you fag lovers' faces
I'd be fine with that. I just hate LGBTQWTFBBQ+
Here is how I and many of my conservagays see it...
There are:
Men and Women
Straight, Bisexual, and Gay
Nothing more nothing less.
No man is a woman at heart. He's just a faggot who likes to dress up like a woman. Not a woman.
>gay marriage isn't degenerate.
Sticking dicks in your ass is you dumb faggot
The worst that's going to happen is that determination on same-sex marriage is going to get tossed back to the states.
Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. Just let fags be fags.
it degenerates the time tested definition of marriage
nobody likes you when you take the D
> amperes for the queers
> not Mike "The Closet Electrician" Pence
>Queer Voices Editor at Large
We found your first specimen, Mr. Vice President.
You should start having sex!
>internalized misogynism
>Faggots are already freaking out, thinking they'll all be burned in a bonfire.
If we're lucky, all the special snowflakes will kill themselves out of fear.
Mike "Make America Straight Again" Pence should be appointed moderator of /fit/. This place is filled with faggots & other closet homos. We cannot let them run their perverted board. Somebody has to act.
Do you stick your dick into a sewage pipe? Same thing.
BJs and handies are just fine though.
faggot detected