So far Trump is refusing to cooperate with the MSM and will not be making MSM appearances.

Instead he's most likely going to be giving the nation speeches via alternative media networks like Infowars.

>mfw CNN/MSNBC/FOX/ABC has to cover infowars all the time

Other urls found in this thread:


Wolf Blitzer is pissed because Trump wont even tell CNN where he's at.

It's the ultimate Fuck You to the media. To treat them as if they are completely irrelevant

He should just stream his speeches himself.
Make it like nintendo directs.


Holy fuck this.


Dissolving the old media is necessary. Trump knows what he's doing. He'll bleed them by ignoring them

your point? the college i went to is controlled by jews as well. doesn't mean im jewish

Yep. He should just create his own .gov website and do speeches directly through it. Maybe even do a weekly fireside chat type of thing.

**REAL** Alex Jones even said this yesterday. Trump is cutting out the MSM because they are recognized as enemy agents.

he called alex today and will be appearing soon

>Spend entire election being completely biased in your reporting
>Get pissed that the guy you bet your integrity on won't give you access

It's great, even my normie parents were laughing at how Trump is fucking over the media.

fuck infowars conspiracy theories, they're as biased as they get.

but yeah I hope he pursues alternative media

Think about it. Every other president throughout history has cooperated with the MSM and told them their whereabouts and plans.

He's not telling them shit and their freaking out because they know they will lose a ton of power

Got anything good to watch or read on this?

Didn't he also say he's still going to do rallies?

It is glorious.

This sounds like a doozy. It's actually quite funny. This is the final nail in the coffin for the lamestream media. That's about all—peace out.

Too bad you dummy he says.
He looks me in the eye and moves forward, his lips to my ear
china, he whispers

Good, the MSM needs to be pushed to irrelevance, because if you want the truth you can't find it in State TV.

The Trump TV is happening

>infowars is gonna go mainstream
They better stop with the conspiracy theory shit

Yes please, I love watching the media squirm.

>BTFO the Lügenpresse
>plans to stage rallies

could it be?

Trump should team up with Nintendo and having Reggie preface every stream, with just some info on what he'll be talking about, etc.

>MSM can no longer report on politics
>loses ratings
>infowars, breitbart and not an argument man replace them on prime time tv

gentlemen we have some meming to do

i doubt he would do that because they'll claim its a propaganda network and it does look bad. but theres plenty of good independent media out there who he can go on for interviews, rally streams, and speeches to the nation

we dont need the MSM anymore

So what would happen if Trump bans CNN from press conferences and shit?

What are they ever wrong about?

How butthurt will the mainstream media pundits be if Trump actually completely fucking ignores them and speaks to fucking Breidbart and Infowars instead?
Like, on 1-10 scale, how much asspain will CNN etc be in?

that's the whole point. force the conspiracy shit into the mainstream.

trump will be appearing on infowars this week for another interview.

you shoulda seen wolf blitzer yesterday literally flipping out because trump is ignoring them

Jesus, it is going to be glorious.

These next 4 years are going to be gold

Care to show us?

Hillary on November 9th/10

11. They've had a monopoly on information for so long. Only they get exclusive interviews and debate hosting rights. No longer

so since alex jones can sometimes communicate wiht the president can his fans communicate with him in a big way and is there a chance he can relay stuff right from us to the god emperor?

think about it, why would he use MSM to do his shit, they did nothing but fuck him and convince the leftist idiots that he was Hitler reincarnate, If i was him i wouldnt give them shit

CNN hasn't been relevant in over a decade.

i don't have a number but this much

damn that is a nice picture of trump

Anyone have a link?

>Yep. He should just create his own .gov website and do speeches directly through it. Maybe even do a weekly fireside chat type of thing.

It should be a podcast available on .gov

20 minutes each, new guest every now and then.

Could be a veteran, a scientist, hell even a grade school kid.

haha, Alex is making it BIGLY

I used to believe this until everything I thought was crazy turned out to be correct. Now I don't trust the media. For example this morning I woke up and saw on youtube a Portland protester shot by a car full of black guys after they were held up on the bridge. Then turned on CNN later to see them report "anti Trump protesters shot for peaceful protest." Not how they were shot. Not why they were shot. Not who shot them. Just "Trump is bad, see?" and now for pictures that make Melania look unfit to be first lady. There's a smear campaign against Trump by the media and the only ones reporting the facts are now nutjobs who have become more reliable than real journalists.

They will have their tantrums and achieve nothing but digging their own grave while Breitbart and InfoWars become massive.
10 they deserve it.

Lugenpresse is going to need sodium poisoning treatment.

>Alex Jones becomes the single most powerful media kingpin the world
>becomes the moderators for the 2020 presidential debates



im new to alex jones i need to know how easy it is for fans to communicate with him? can he relay from us to trump?


Oh dog you just made me cum

>starts promoting water filters and iodine in the middle of debates

There was aclip of the butthurt faggots at young Turks realizing that President Trump will probably have his press conferences and interviews on Inforwars.

The humble water filter salesman has come far.


It doesn't even have to be .gov
Just do Trumptelevision

holy fuck that would be glorious

Good, I hope he guts the press corps and opens up press events to all types of random media outlets

>trump is clearly a fan of alex jones
>he will probably use him as an unofficial presidential advisor
>alex jones is literally one of the most powerful men on the planet now
this is the craziest lucid dream i have ever had.

>Based Alex Jones becomes the most powerful media mogul in the world

Make it happen

>becomes the moderators for the 2020 presidential debates

jesus, no one would survive this. He would ask them question why vaccines kill children and why they poison the people with fluoride in the water.

Dawn of a new age if he keeps this up

i want to see this


>this debate is brought to you by phone pouch
>tired of nsa and google spying on you and your location 24 hours a day? simply place the phone in this ziplock pouch!

The exclusive press pool should consist solely of alternative media correspondents.

this is the world I didn't even know I wanted to live in

Oh holy fuck please make this Real

First Debate moderators: Milo yianopolous and Stefen Molenoux
Second debate: Alex Jones and Kevine Schroyer
Third Debate Moderator: Ryan Dawson


They made him look really Slavic

I like it

>as if they are completely irrelevant

Cable news ratings are at an all time low. They were high during the election, but they'll drop now.

>mfw Alex becomes White House Press Secretary

God damn they are so fucking butthurt.
Why the hell should Trump tell those cunts anything, after they spent the whole last year shitting on him?

What's a MSM? Sounds like a candy.

add david knight to the third debate and you're rock solid

He's gonna be on 60 minutes tomorrow

He started out as a man screaming about Aliens and Illuminati on shortwave radio in a Texas bunker and he ended up as the advisor to Fuhrer Trump and the head of a Water-filter empire.

>Okay, our first question tonight is gonna be about the genocide chemtrail agenda, followed up by the communist plot to poison the population with fluoride. Trump, you go first.

>CNN is biased
>So instead I'll watch biased Info Wars

Top kek

main stream media user.

>manipulate the media for a year and half
>free publicity worth billions
>ride that shit into the White House
>never call that bitch again


probably nothing
obama banned fox reporters very early in his presidency

ahaha I can see it now.

Why? 90% of what he's been saying for years has all been proven true over the last 12 months. HE'S BEEN REPORTING THE FACTS.

The MSM are the ones that need to stop with the fucking conspiracy theories.

>"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Alex Jones, and I'd like to welcome you all to the first of three debates of the 2020 Presidential Election seasons, all of which will be hosted by INFOWARS.COM INFOWARS.COM INFORWARS.COM!!!! You can support us by going to our website INFOWARS.COM to purchase our fantastic water filters and male vitality supplement. Thank you. Let's Begin."

>"Mr. Trump, you said you wanted to build a space wall to stop the reptilians and their half breeds like Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and Warburg from illegally coming into Earth, how will you accomplish that?"


CNN/ABC/MSNBC/FOX are nothing but a fucking bootycall to him

he says its messing with the protocol

is he talking about protocol zero?


Just saying that I'd trust infowars over CNN as of late.


>He starts interrupting the candidates and talks in that demon voice he does

I can't stop laughing

>Takes off shirt in middle of debate question and runs across stage screaming "SATANIC GLOBALISTS WILL NEVER TURN US INTO ROBOTS! I LOVE CUMMING! I WILL END MERCURY POISONING!"

This. MSM BTFO forever

>Secretary of Intelligence Alex Jones

Wasn't Fox kinda all right?

new anthem


Sauce me nigga