Also why is captcha so retarded
What's his name again
Saints Row Commander
Mike "turns the fruits into vegetables" Pence
Mike "Tase the Gays" Pence
>4 more years of the best memes
What a time to be alive
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
Mike "if you're in transition, say hello to the electrician" Pence
Mike "Tame the Flame" Pence
Mike "Zap the Traps" Pence
Mike "Can't Mince" Pence
Mike "Bruise the Fruits" Pence
Mike "A Lightning Strike on Every Dyke" Pence
Mike 'Turdeau is a fag. Put him in a bag' Pence
Mike 'AC/DC if you're LGBT' Pence
>Captcha is retarded
>Tells me to select food
>MFW It thinks pizza is food
His collage nickname must have been: Mike "thunderstorm in the dorm" pence.
Mike "Shock the Sissy till he takes a Missy" Pence
Mike "blast the thunder on the ass punchers" Pense
mike "10 megawatts a day keeps the gay away" pence
Mike "homo repents when they meet electric fence" Pence
Mike " AC/DC in your boy pucci" Pence
>not screenshotting the capcha
cmon man
Mike "Two Dicks Don't Mix" Pence
Mike "zapping queers is common sense" Pence
Mike "putting gays in volt relays" Pence
>If it's not there, click 'Skip'
>Mike "Ockisfirmlyinmy" Pence
Mike "Zapping gays with gamma rays" Pence
Mike "Electro-shock your love of cock" Pence
Mike "A gay per day to keep the lithium away" Pence
Mike "Concealed carry stops the fairy" Pence
Reddit in full damage control atm.
They're using subreddit loopholes to get their political agenda pushed into the front page because r/politics is basically quarantined.
Also mods of those loopholed subreddits are letting it slide.
Why can't i stop laughing to theses stupid thread.
>Mike "LGBTQBBQ" Pence
have fun.
Mike Penis
Mike "you like your salad tossed, prepare for homocaust" Pence
Mike "Don't like mammaries i dicharge batteries" Pence
Mike "Making Gays Past-Tense" Pence
He reminds me of this guy.
Mike "you take it up the ass, you'll be 6 feet under grass" Pence
I feel so happy right now about choosing electrical engineering as my field. Guess ot's not getting oversaturated anytime soon.
Mike "you like to eat man ass, you'll feel my shotgun blast" Pence
I'm tellin you, he is the one that is going to turn our Anakin to the Dark Side.
Mike "gas the dykes" Pence
Mike "get back in the closet, or my bullets I'll deposit" Pence
Michael 'Mike' Pence
Mike "word is that you're a fag, your body I'll soon drag" Pence
Barney 'He's a leaf? Give him the beef' Frank
Mike "Tase the Rainbow" Pence
Mike "Anus violators meet my generators" Pence
Mike "If He's Bi He'll Fry" Pence
Mike "if you take men's cock, there's going to be a shock" Pence
Mike "Gay? Nay!" Pence
Mike "feeding faggots to maggots" Pence
Mike "a cock in a man's ass = a blast" Pence
Mike "Speak with a lisp? Then fry to a crisp" Pence
That's brilliant. kek
Mike "If you believe in kek, then my digits you should check" Pence
Captcha. I am not a robot posting here. **beep**
is PePe a geometric anagram of beep?
Mike "Ship the gays to better graves" pence
Mike 'If they're gay, throw 'em on the electric fence.' Pence
Mike "Zap the Trap" Pence
Mike "270+ Electoral Volts" Pence
Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence
Mike "An Ampere a Day Keeps the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
Mike "Follow God's Path or Feel Tesla's Wrath" Pence
Mike "These Fags I Will Not Kill, But You Gotta See My Electric Bill" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "If Men Make You Jerk It, You Complete the Circuit" Pence
Mike "Clean Your Closet with an Electric Deposit" Pence
>tfw I "invented" (by shamelessly ripping off the Ben Garrison style jokes) this meme a month ago right after Pence btfo'd Kaine in the VP debate but no one will ever know I'm responsible for all their hearty keks
sometimes anonymity on the internet is a
have some of my originals:
Mike "Aryan Versus Creditor" Pence
Mike "Doesn't Brake For Clinton's VP Mistake" Pence
Mike "Tim Kaine's Reptile Brain Pain Train" Pence
Mike "Crashing this Plane on CIA Kaine" Pence
Mike "Kaine is Dense, this is Abel's Vengeance" Pence
Mike "Time-Travelling Clinton-Unravelling" Pence
Mike "Vice-Presidential Interdimensional" Pence
Mike "Wicked Nate Silver Fears Geralt of Rivia" Pence
Mike "Between Him and Ben Garrison There Is No Comparison" Pence
Mike "On a Crusade to Get Sup Forums NEETs Laid" Pence
Mike "Using Rare Pepes Against Mexican Jefes" Pence
Mike "Try to Stump the Trump and He'll Give You Lumps" Pence
Mike "Last Hope for the Day of the Rope" Pence
Mike "The Indiana Lion You Can Rely On" Pence
Mike "Spooky Ghost Haunts the Huffington Post" Pence
Mike "Feeding Huma to a Hungry Puma" Pence
Mike "Training El Rato for the Ultimate Battle" Pence
Mike "Saving Those Babies from Feminists with Rabies" Pence
Mike "Shooting Binge Shall Not Be Infringed" Pence
Mark "Doesn't like gay people very much" Pince
Mike if you like dick it's gonna be electric Pence
Mike puting back the amps in our straight camps Pence
Mike if you love a chap, I must give you a zap Pence
actually Aryan versus Creditor was a suggestion by a person in the debate threads, not my own invention, but it's too good to ignore
The memes just keep on coming.
Mike 'Erect the Fence' Pence
Mike gays in your dorm, they'll taste my thunderstom Pence
Mike speak with a gay lisp, I'll fry you to a crisp Pence
Mike put your dick in Mick, you'll get the electro stick Pence
Mike suck a cock, electroshock Pence
Mike suck a dick, you'll go static Pence
Mike put your queer derriere in my electric chair Pence
Mike stick it where they poo, zap the gay out of you Pence
Mike Electrocute the fruit Pence
Mike like a guy, then arbeit macht frei Pence
Mike wetting your head, dolts will be spread Pence
Mike if you're queer then jolts you will fear Pence
Mike if you're in transition, say hello to the electrician Pence
Mike touch a willy and I'll zap you silly Pence
Mike touch dicks in the dark and get the spark Pence
Mike gay flirts, 60s hertz Pence
>"270 Electoral Volts"
That's magical
Mike buttbumpers get the jumpers Pence
Mike jerk it to a guy, circuit 'til you fry Pence
Mike fap to traps and get the zaps Pence
Mike having a gay fap will get you the zap Pence
Mike fags in the Periphery, charge my battery Pence
Mike bareback raw, ohm's law Pence
Mike act like a sister, human resistor Pence
Mike touching jewels, get the joules Pence
Mike once a cocksucker, now a conductor Pence
Mike out of the attic, into the static Pence
Mike electrocution is my final solution Pence
Mike if you're queer, you get the ampere Pence
Mike gays in the corner, now hook the transformer Pence
Mike still haven't learned, get the current Pence
Mike stick your wiener there and get the chair Pence
Mike put on Nike, kick that dyke Pence
Mike drag queen, meet this Tesla machine Pence
Mike if you act camp, you get the amp Pence
Mike your ass is loose so you get the noose Pence
Mike blast those gays with teslay rays Pence
Mike conservatives don't kill, but look at my electric bill Pence
Mike Megawatts for your impure thoughts Pence
Mrs. Tim Kaine
>Mike out of the attic, into the static Pence
>Mike "270+ Electoral Volts" Pence
Best one yet
Mike "If I see another store front, I swear to Kek..." Pence
Mike if men make you jerk it, you get the circuit Pence
Mike If you're a sodomite, then you will ignite Pence
Mike if you like to be queer, then get ready for mjolnir Pence
Mike liking men, dial up to ten Pence
Mike anus violators, meet my generators Pence
Mike don't like the mammary, become a battery Pence
Mike get an itch, I'll flip the switch Pence
Mike stick those dykes on some spikes Pence
Mike if you're a gay of any sort, you'll double as power cord Pence
Mike shock the gay until they pray Pence
Mike if I see you pitch, I'm flipping that switch Pence
Mike forbidden orgasm, electric spasm pence
Mike you like to get tapped so prepare to get zapped Pence
Mike if you're bi then you will fry Pence
Mike if you're a bum driller then I'm your killer Pence
Mike if you're a gay dolt you'll taste my thunderbolt Pence
Mike if you're gay you get the faraday Pence
Mike if dicks make you damp, I increase the amp Pence
Mike burn those queens to smithereens Pence
Mike ambassador of the capacitor Pence
Mike reach around, short-to-ground Pence
Mike loving a dyke, power-spike Pence
From where do you get those even
Mike "Get Out of the Closet and Prepare for the Wattage" Pence
Mike "Blast away the pride parades" Pence
Mike "A grenade for every gay" Pence
Mike "Putting queers into electric chairs" Pence
Mike "Lightning doesn't strike twice, but if your'e gay it strikes thrice" Pence
Mike if you don't roast her, you're getting the toaster Pence
Mike touch a crapper, get the zapper Pence
Mike male interior decorators go to the incinerators Pence
Mike never too late to make them straight Pence
Mike if you fall for gay flattery, suck down this battery Pence
Mike if you're a thot, you're getting a powershot Pence
Mike asshole loose, prepare to meet Zeus Pence
Mike if you don't like twats, I'm upping the watts Pence
Mike if you think a vagina is frightening, you're riding the lightning Pence
Mike two men wed, sponge on their head Pence
Mike if you're gay and proud you get the thundercloud Pence
Mike if you have aids, electric crusades Pence
Mike leaving Sandy for Mark, now I'm upping the spark Pence
Mike men wearing flannel, up goes the panel Pence
I saved a bunch but a lot of them are my doing, they just kept coming as I was doing my cardio this morning.
Mike sucking a chode, I'll turn you into a diode Pence
Mike touch the dome and you get the ohm Pence
Mike if you're gay you touch this relay Pence
Mike feminine penis, no match for Tesla's genius Pence
Mike you're a dyke, voltage spike pence
Mike your inner gay I will fry away Pence
Mike singing Queen songs, now taste my electrons Pence
Mike you call it gay, I call it lack of Michael Faraday Pence
Mike your perversion needs an electrical conversion Pence
Mike follow God's path or taste Tesla's wrath Pence
Mike clean that closet with an electric deposit Pence
Mike thinking about men in the shower, micropower Pence
Mike thinking about men and their dicks, nothing shock therapy can't fix Pence
Mike like men in nylon, become a human pylon Pence
Mike want a gay nation, electric substation Pence
Mike if you're sleeping with peter, I'll forget my voltmeter Pence
Mike if you tell me you're gay, I'll zap you away Pence
Mike if you lube your ring, then taste lightning Pence
Mike if you like to sext then electricity comes next Pence
Mike put it in he, electricity Pence
Mike you don't like girls, electric curls Pence
Mike partaking in gay vice, lightning strikes twice Pence
>Mike "like men in nylon, become a human pylon" Pence
Mike "The Dark King" Pence
It's Mike "Unloadin' mags on crowds of fags" Pence
O fuck my sides!
Mike "Step Up Transfagger" Pence
Mike "Halting aids by shocking gays" Pence
Mike "If you're transgender you're getting the fender" Pence
Mike "Amping up the chairs to rid the world of queers" Pence
Mike let men in your bed, electrodes on your head Pence
Mike tweeting about dadbod, you get an electric shot Pence
Mike if you look at a guy, zapped in the blink of an eye Pence
Mike if you wear a pink slip, you become a power strip Pence
Mike handkerchief in your pocket, become a human socket Pence
Mike if men you demand, it's off to the power plant Pence
Mike "like the cock, get the shock" Pence
Mike "assasination insurance" Pence
Mike if you like dudes in kneesocks, you'll double as my electric box Pence
Mike if dick you admire, fear the electric wire Pence
Mike if you use a popper, I'll zap you through copper Pence
Mike male beautician, electric transmission Pence
Mike if you don't practice absistence, electric resistance Pence
Mike "Faggots to the Gas Chambers Where We Will Pump Gas Into The Air and Poison The Homosexuals Until They Die And Then Burn Their Bodies Or Maybe Dump Them In A Mass Grave and Cover Them With Lye Also Kill The Trannies Too" Pence
Mike "Take it up the crapper, taste the zapper" Pence