You are at war

EVERY non-white group in this nation is against you. Every single one. They want to displace you and take over what you created.

Almost half of all white women are against you. They are greedy, easily manipulated, and know they can act like assholes and you won't do a damned thing about it because you have trained to "never hit a female", and your dumb asses actually passed laws that favor them over men. They have nothing to fear from you, and will continue to exploit the security you provide to favor themselves at your expense.

Leftists are against you, because you stand in the way of their total control of the nation. They own the news, and the entertainment industry, and they've been using propaganda to stir up hate against you for decades.

ALL of these people exist in YOUR nation because YOU provide the security for them to exist.

It's time to take away that security and make it dangerous to attack us, by political means, economic means, or whatever it takes to prevent those ungrateful scum from destroying the country you fought and died to create.

The time to act is long overdue.

You made this thread yesterday breh

And I'm going to post it every single day, too, until my dumb ass countrymen get it through their stupid lazy heads.

It's actually a good OP. I don't imagine it will gain traction because it makes people uncomfortable. People like to feel like they are in control, even in the worst of times.

>EVERY non-white group in this nation is against you. Every single one. They want to displace you and take over what you created.

No I fucking don't, if I wanted that i'd go back. C'mon man.

This. We hear you op. Many people do. Seems like many are playing a hard defense at the moment. Including Trump. Just keep busy for now

White boys need to stop being bitches and start making people their bitches again, in school, on the job, on the street.

They need to get passed all the programming they've been exposed to since birth.

What this nation needs is to split it's ideals in bite sized pieces. We need to have a system where SJWs can live inside their shithole cities, while other beliefs can live away uneffected. Unfortunately, both major sides wants total control of the system.

Fuck the pendulum system.

Fuck the two way races.

We need a change.

Also there's a lot of non-whites and ((non-whites)) under the multicultural countries flags. Not to mention the obvious trolls.

>Almost half of all white women are against you.

Try 99.9%

I have no loyalty to country, only to race, the white race. And when the times comes, i am willing to give my life for it.

No, the SJWs need to be wiped out of existence by any means necessary.

>No I fucking don't, if I wanted that i'd go back. C'mon man.

There's more than a billion Chinese, alone. Add the other oriental Asians, and it's probably over 2 billion.

There's more than a billion Indians, alone.

There's over a billion black Africans.

There's less than a billion whites. And whites are currently importing non-whites by the millions.

Some would say it's suicide, but what it really is, is TREASON.

>I have no loyalty to country, only to race, the white race. And when the times comes, i am willing to give my life for it.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Where is your sense of duty for your home?

This is the truth, listen to this man.

sadly i cannot fight, was signed up to join the marines the day before my accident, i can barely walk when the race war starts. kek must have something planned for me

>Tfw finally found a 8/10 redhead cutie who might like me past my beliefs
>But she is a SJW with associates in theater
>I would get cucked everytime she's on stage (she always physically kisses dudes in plays, since she always gets the 'hot girl's role)

What do?

They want what we have because their own nations are shit because they live there.

Is that a skin transplant from a black person?

naw im just black on the inside

AH i see what you mean

don't gas me though i'd rather be a slave then be around spics and niggers, they don't know how to run anything



shut the fuck up, schlomo.



Into the trash.

What a fag. I have loyalty to my country, that is, its concept and what it means, not what it currently is. I will fight and die to make this country free of the liberal globalists.

>every non white is against you
Only niggers

>the time to act is long overdue
What do you expect, you can't censor the media so what would you even do?

Some foreigners are fine and always have been. The issue is the shear number now.

We need to end immigration with Africa and Asia. That would solve the problem.

Why are non-whites calling themselves minority if they make up more than half of Earth's total population?

>liberal globalists

The globalists go by many names and fly the banner of many political parties.

Never forget that they're all against you and they hate you.

This will never work, because resources are limited.


Speak for yourself my Latino and Asian friends are multigeneration Americans and super conservative. Theyre fully assimilated in cultural religion and politics.

The problem is in the west coast and North East where minorities form their own communities that turn into echo chambers without any true assimilation.

Must suck to be a Yankee.

Tell me something I don't know

Good post OP

All of it is true

>Being this afraid of getting meme cucked
Wew lad.
At the end of the day your the dude whos fucking her.
At the end of the day you are the dude she comes home too that all those fuckers envy.
Dont cuck yourself outta some sweet redhead because you are afraid of being cucked

The Cultural Marxist-Feminists-Leftist radicals sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in the night to protect them and visit violence on those who would harm them. Maybe they deserve neither.