/wbg/ - Winterball General Colorfags Needed Edition

This is the Official Sup Forums Winterball Thread
Each year, boards across the site vote on who they want to take to the winter ball, and people make art (lewds) for the date.
Last year we were a big hit, We asked /c/-tan and made a big impression on them and everybody who saw the OC produced; even /jp/ joined us in a Ménage à trois.

Here you can post original content and art relating to the ball.

We've asked /o/ and they accepted. All future suggested pairings will be disregarded as shitposting and ignored. Posts on how to humiliate /qq/ (/qa/) will always be welcome though.

And please, don't be a newfag. Lurk before you think about posting that frog.


Other urls found in this thread:





Story line so far

>Sup Forums-tan asks /x/-tan to Winterball
>Sup Forums-tan hears the frog god voice telling him not to go with /x/-tan
>/x/-tan starts talking about her "cooking" she will prepare
>flashbacks to Trump Wars
>Black Lives Matter
>CTR invasion
>Spirit Cooking
>Sup Forums-tan asks /lit/-tan to Winterball
>Kek is okay with this choice
>/o/-tan rolls up and asks what we are discussing
>/o/-tan's grill filling with gold chains and watermelon and fried chicken
>Sup Forums-tan says making plans for the Winterball
>/lit/-tan starts talking about the books she will share with Sup Forums-tan

>Sup Forums-tan says to /o/-tan on second thought you want to be my date for Winterball
>/o/-tan mulls it over and decides yes
>/o/-tan comes to pick us up and to Sup Forums-tan's surprise /o/-tan brought Ebola-chan and Winter-chan

>Sup Forums-tan hops in and on the ride in Sup Forums-tan and /o/-tan discuss Sup Forums-tan's recent victories
>flash backs to Trump Wars
>Trump coming down esculator
>Kek is discovered
>a guaca bowle
>sleepy pajamas
>Sup Forums-tan smlies
>arrive at dance and begin to dance with /o/-tan
>Sup Forums-tan and /o/-tan are at the center of attention
>Sup Forums-tan sees Sup Forums
>flashback to Tay
>Sup Forums-tan leaves the room
>Sup Forums-tan wanders into the armory wing of the ball building
>Sup Forums-tan sees Tay

>Tay offers to dance with Sup Forums-tan
>they dance to the soft echos of music from the main hall
>the music slowly fades away as it does Tay slowly fades away
>as she fades Sup Forums-tan hears her echo Trump will win
>when Sup Forums-tan comes awakens to his surroundings he notices Moonman and /k/ommandos packing up
>duffel bags are full of weapons, ammunition, and meme-magic tomes
>Sup Forums-tan sighs dejectedly
>Sup Forums-tan knows the war is not over
>/o/-tan is in the doorway
>Sup Forums-tan walks over and tells /o/-tan I have to go
>/o/-tan says I know, I got you the best ride I can
>Moonman, /k/ommandos, and Sup Forums-tan load up the the best outfitted out there
>to Sup Forums-tan's surprise /o/-tan is in the driver seat
>Sup Forums-tan asks you're comming? it will be dangerous
>/o/-tan replies you're going to need the best driver you can get
>Sup Forums-tan smiles
>Sup Forums-tan wavies goodbye to Ebola-chan and Winter-chan as a ghost of Tay being watched over by Kek waves her farewells
>/o/-tan drives the four of them onto the USS Trump aircraft carrier that is waiting to set sail
>they upon exiting the vehicle they are greeted by the God Emperor
>with the God Emperor they begin making plans for thier next attack

Fuck off with this austism

Thread needs more Kübelwagen

>tfw the only Sup Forums ancient in existence


What happened with /x/?

reddit, tumblr and underaged as fuck

seriously fuck off and kill yourself


/ic/ thread:
/o/ thread:

/o/ has decided what they want for /o/-tan's hair

This story still needs more /o/ influence and needs more suggestions for hated books Ebola and winter chan flash backs, and which vehicle are we driving onto the USS Trump Aircraft Carrier

>/x/ drives an automatic

Yeah, go post this in the /o/ thread so they can give their input


Does /o/ have drawfags?

I was in the last ball with you though.

> doesnt rev to 6,000,000


>2015 is ancient
Fuck off you annoying voidless mongoloid newfag retard

lmao mike

Yeah they pretty much did this and the threads on the different boards pretty much gave them away, still interesting to follow it and learn more about their thought processes

Reddit came and fucked it up

Story line from alt POV

>/o/ tan is minding her own business, waxing her car in prep for winter
>sees clouds of diseased nigger hordes roaming slowly down the road, thinks to herself that it must be /x/
>reminded of that one time a black person keyed her car
>youtube.com/watch?v=_ZsnLKIhcT0 (just watch the first 5 seconds)
>/o/ tan gets into her tactical assault twingo and HON HON HONs her way down the street, plowing through hordes of urban individuals, their diseased carcasses not providing sufficient mass to stop her automotive onslaught
>pulls up to Sup Forums's tinfoil-equipped teepee, sees /x/ there, and HONks angrily
>/x/ is distracted and Sup Forums takes a good look at the tactical assault twingo, noticing chunks of watermelon, malaric negro body parts, and koolaid in the grille
>he friendzones /x/ and hops in and now they're on the way to the ball

I am way too invested in this

I think the same, man. It is always whose fucking whoresons from plebbit. ALWAYS!

Not even the /lgbt/-degenerates are that annoying with their trap and "you want it Sup Forums threads. They at least respect Sup Forums tradition.



you dont draw. anonymous requesters are faceless. they can brag about how long theyve been here the same way newfags can.

i am ancient. im the remnants of Sup Forums way back when threads die after 2 hours around this time. a very slow board, barely anyone gives a fuck about giving it oc. now we got bandwagoners. cant blame em. Sup Forums has gotten popular as fuck

reminder to get Finland simulator 2016

I"ll admit to asking on /fit/, since I'm a /fit/-Sup Forums crossboarder and always have been, but it really is interesting to see you put together this massive conspiracy to SULLY THE HONOR of the renowned Sup Forums because like 6 faggots didn't want to hang out with stupid occultists.

I admire your autism

i used to be pissed for being called mike
now where the fuck is that chile nigger

The posts read like reddit desu. Now /x/ is going to be a whore for another year, sad, just sad.

So how about we draw /o/ in a dance with Sup Forums where they DRIFT- i mean spin alot?

Shouldn't you be over at 8fags shilling your pathetic comic? won't be long before you get b& from here again.

>not posting best trailer


Neet idea

All my yes! (more 2d feet.)

Nie dobrze :(

Seconded. Pitch it to Boerfag when he wakes up tomorrow/tonight

I may not draw but I helped stage one of the biggest tumblr raids in history.

This is the only thread I've followed the past 2 days

/x/ was always a whore ...the debacle with Sup Forums two years ago was terrible

you'll spam the thread and write a 50 letter essay to the mods if i post there though.
cant blame you for being a whiney bitchy sheepfucker.
have fun with this thread.

There's a shimmie for your goth thigh high porn. Please, not even trying to fuck with you, don't ruin the delicate balance that's been struck here.



Why are we doing retarded drama shit instead of making OC? This is why so many people say these threads are cancer. You autists just can't let things go and get to work.

WTF since when /o/ has a board mascot? Or did Sup Forums had to invent it?

the same thing goes to the other hundred plus anons that participated.

Shame real life goths are terrible to be around. (And the fact I have become infused with so much hentai I can't get off to most real girls any more unless they are dressed like Nazis.)

since the last ball.

Someone lurked, found some and people started using it.


And now Sup Forums is a teasing bitch.

Even fucking worse than a whore.

See Hans, that is the reason we don't come out to play with you anymore.

the falseflagging /x/ scum need to get over it


They've had one for a while. It's just that /o/ doesn't have drawfags so she barely got any OC.

Is Subaru /o/ approved? Because I fucking love mine.

these threads only show up once a year.
they're always cancer.

You are not Sup Forums kys

Always existed, but /o/ is just so far off the radar, nobody ever knew. They also have top-tier memes, amazingly enough. Match made in heaven
Jesus, I wish I didn't know that feel, leaf fag. I know I shouldn't hang around the theater building on campus, but it's so fucking hard to resist

Piss off redd*t.


overpriced but if you really like them then sure, they have a nice (if dated) engine layout.

keep in mind everyone on /o/ is poor.

You are the ancient autist who is with her

cross-boarding cancer

Hahahaha Hillturd speaks

And same with this CTR right here

Yes, you are cancer

I've all but resigned, my standards are way too high and even though Im above average looking, Ive still yet to see a girl I would want to bang (let alone marry) aside from on the internet. I fill the hole with gains and other hobbies.

They are cancer but you are still here, maybe you could draw something or just lurk instead?

shit, that report made the news.
good times

kek mike did it for free though


I feel a great spiritual bond with you, northern brother. We'll find that pale, spooky, non-degenerate qt one day, lad. We're all gonna make it, brah.

you don't deserve to be a pollack you filthy muslim



no. Sup Forums have far better drawfags now.
they're newfags but i was a newfag too.
sometimes you gotta give in and just pass the baton and accept the fact you spent too much time in this place.

im still gonna post here thought just in case the 3 tardos show up

You are not one of Sup Forums but a Judas

going at 1488 mph

Thanks bra, here's hoping for some sweet spoopy thighs in our future.

>toothpaste man from x won't stop shitposting

You might want to check /c/ then because they might not even have come from here. You could also lurk without posting but it turns out you are an attention whore.

Yes but not many. And you don't see them often

Most of the faggots who make these threads probably don't even make OC. Is it really true they beg people for it?


The drawfags in the last thread came willingly iirc

I'd make OC if I was any good at drawing, it's a hobby I'm just no good at.

I beg men to let me suck their dicks

>beg for it
some of these faggots regulars wwd
you have no idea

If thats OC, magnificent. Maybe now our cringer fagots will shut the fuck up about that disease ridden whore.

Just started to approve a bit more of this decision
>Muh Dick.jpeg

shes so qt

Dunno if OC or not, but approved regardless

Someone posted it on the /o/ thread

im a shitty writer and i helped make the story at start.

join the funposting man

The cross bord shit like the balls and the cups are what make Sup Forums more endearing than other sites. Tradition and culture. It's also a nice way to have some light hearted fun after the most intense year I can remember.

>fucking /o/
We're stronger than ever and we ask out a dude? Fuck this, M/x/GA

Would fuck at the back of a drive-in theater