And someone please redpill me on his reflexivity meme.
What's his end game Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Economy is about to crash very very hard, like great depression level
>lets let trump get elected, but 2-3 years in
>he will take the blame
>people will hate him and remove republicans for the next 30 years.
His endgame is to literally fubar the west before he goes.
He's a vile motherfucker.
Well congratulations! You lost the election. Whats the next step in your master plan?
That you?
End all the wars making wars to accomplish his objetives.
Basically he wants the plot of Elysium only it'll be the jews in the spacestation.
I'm convinced he's a sociopath with a god complex. He has absolutely no remorse for the things he does.
Paying the troll toll to get into Barron's boi hole
imagine the antagonist from black ops 2 but real
i just explained it, all tacticians adopt what is called strategic depth. When you are losing, you let your opponent win the battle so he will over extend himself and run low on logistics/coverage. Although it looks like you are losing, you are actually consolidating while he is getting stretched thin logistically/or on political support.
Same here. You take a small loss for great gains in the future.
>like great depression level
thanks to you, that's not possible because of globalism
you'll have to crash every single market and I just don't know how are you going to do that
That didn't work very well for Soros in Russia. His entire plan relies on people not coming for him during their window of power. He relies on his enemies being on the constant defensive.
Its simple
1. Build up a nation economically, against another nation.
2. Force them into war
3. Finance both sides of said war
4. destabalize those nations and put them in a recovery period
5. repeat with other nations.
As europe and the US fail, China and India are booming.
>When your enemies win, you win.
Basically Soros details how he went from Hedge fund manager to Sim City player via Real life nations. Then he goes on how he realized his Open Society idea will only be able to grow and survive if he destroyed all it's opposition. So after practicing on countries most 1st world countries never cared about and figured out what to do, then he moved his full attention on to the US. He states CLEARLY, his intention is to topple the current government and install an 'Open Society' based on HIS beliefs.
Also he states openly in his book how he actually believes he is a god. Guy is as close to a real life super-villain as you can get.
If this was his plan, why would he bother funding riots.
At this rate, people will blame the left for all the damage its doing to the cities.
He doubled down his investment into clinton, he put money into groups in europe so the dual citizens there can vote here, and funding riots after clinton lost.
Face it, he just faced the first loss big loss and he is not happy about it.
Brexit was a step back, this was a wrench in the cogs
His end game is to fuck the world up and profit off of it.
He wants it to go completely off the table to the left, but in the end, he doesn't really care.
He just revels in profiting off of suffering.
>Also he states openly in his book how he actually believes he is a god. Guy is as close to a real life super-villain as you can get.
Jew World Order. Same as all the rest of his kind.
>Be billionaire
>Get bored because you have everything you could want
>Start funding unrest in various countries for shits and giggles while also making a pretty penny on the side by buying cheap while the economy takes a downturn
He's a megalomaniac who wants to make some extra shekels while making the goyims life miserable before he finally croaks.
he was just hedging, he wins either way. Clinton had way more corporate money than Soros. A man like Soros has no allies, he cares only for himself.
white genocide. then kill 99% of the rest of the world's population. become global dictator over the remaining 500 million slaves
>He wrote in 2000 about the Nazi occupation of Hungary, in the foreword to his father's autobiography: "It is a sacrilegious thing to say, but these ten months were one of the happiest times in my life".
>"happiest times in my life"
Can we meme Soros as a Nazi and anti-semite?
Then Phase 2: Islamophobia = a form of anti-semitism, turning the SJWs on Soros.
GEORGE SOROS = 11 Letters
DONALD TRUMP = 11 Letters
Was Trump winning part of his master plan?
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Remember we are dealing with Luciferians.
Man no one here knows shit, this jew is actually smart, read his book called 'The alchemy of finance' it talks about the concept of reflexivity in great detail, it's pretty much says that the financial markets and human beings are stuck in this reflexive relationship where they cannot know the markets work because we don't even know how individuals work
he's so villain like I kinda like him
i am pretty sure it was. If you expect the whole world economy to crash, whoever gets into power will be blamed. If you are pushing a leftist agenda, you would want a bunch of populist/right leaning leaders to get elected. Everything falls apart and people will blame them, and then you will fulfill your globalist agenda. That is how I would do things anyways.
How do we find this man someone must know where he owns properties at least
But why is he the only one to be discovered? He can't be the only one at the helm. Even then, why would he expose himself as such?
very unlikely hes the true enemy.
That should work
He was taking jewish property FOR THE NAZIS, because
otherwise somebody else would have done
What is no excuse
He states, that its actually THE SAME what HE IS DOING NOW
He takes money and cause bad social output, because otherwise somebody else would
Were do you have that from?
Mazzini-pike plan
Read about it. It was written in 1800s and has come true.
It is the Illuminati's plan for world govt in 3 wars
>trump got elected
George Soros wants to control the planet via global governance.
The freemansons plan?
He's gonna finally get his shit pushed in. A dead cop's father is suing his ass for 550 mil. More are already filing suits for his full funded groups injuring people during his staged riots.
This will cost him billions, and is the only real way to hurt him.
He will probably croak before he gets called to testify, but if any of these suits are taken to court, his entire operation will be exposed.
>let your opponent win the battle
does it really look like that's what happened there?
he doesn't care, he shilled against Brexit but got a shit ton of money out of it
No, the Freemasons were co-opted by the Illuminati when Pike took over (actually likely a few decades before) because it is clear when Pike wrote his books, he encorporated many Luciferian ideals into the rituals. Freemasons, just like Rosicrucians, Thule and other secret societies, are not co-opted b Illuminati. Illumiati is likely stemming from Jesuits. Jesuits are the deepest level I can identify and have been talked about by everyone in history (check out what Dostoevsky said about them):
Here is a video on Jesuit influence. They likely are the ones who wrote the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." It is their plan but they blame Zionist Jews (who are also evil). Religious content of the video is heavy, but lots of good info:
Also read this book to understand the SOP of Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt:
also read and watch these
I like the illuminati conspiracy talks
Im actually living in city where weishaupt founded the organisation
I know this letter, too
But i red that its a forgery
This letter is not a forgery- However, even if it is, it is forged from a real plan. That plan is the Jesuits.
"The protocols of the learned elders of zion" was also determined to be a "forgery" from the Swiss government. It was also forged from a very real plan of the Jesuits.
Remember Weishaupt was a Jesuit priest. Do not believe ANY claim to the contrary, for it is a lie. The architecture of the Jesuits is identical to aspects of the Illuminati, just as the Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons and Freemasons gave rise to the KKK and Mormonism. This is how they operate. They are the major innovaters and infiltraters of new organizations. They are prime movers and inventors of things that give them the eventual goal of NWO.
What flag is this?
He wants to bring back fascism and have it reformed for the modern Era.
He stated that the occupation times were the happiest times of his life. He worked to find and report Jews and Jewish property to the nazis.
Post world War 2 the world fell into a bit of stagnation. There was no real war the west declared, fought, or won. However, the Soviet Union (and by extension the bolshevik atheist jews) was the enemy in the east that the world worked to beat. Soros gained his power near the last 10 years of the cold war.
Suddenly, the USSR was destroyed in a whimper instead of the great War that was promised. The west began to stagnate, and nihilistic bolshebik ideals began to take hold, while religion started to fall.
The people became lost in this stagnating peace, and began to turn to degeneracy to fill the void without a direction or purpose to their lives. People stopped having children and birth numbers plummeted while globalism began to take hold. Borders were basically destroyed and nations began to start their Roman collapse.
Soros used globalism and his power to radicalize the left, speed up immigration, make refugees out of terrorists, all to snap people out of this stagnation. He created an enemy unlike any other, as the main enemy was ourselves practicing social Marxism.
He hoped to make it so blatantly bad that it would direct us, and finally give us purpose like the world wars and cold wars. Unlike the USSR, this is all out in the open and blatantly forced onto us. We feel uncomfortable with it and reject it, for reasons unknown at first but the gut feeling that it's inherently wrong. The first generation of SJW's has grown up to regret their youth. The newest generation is so bad that their personal backlash in the end will be a tidal wave of rejection.
He essentially woke up the white race. He reminded us that the others are not us, and made them an enemy by idolozing them and giving them preferential treatment in our homelands.
Soros' boss:
I guarantee you of this. Watch it and see the architecture of the Jesuits. Lucifer himself runs the Jesuits.
oh look another soros thread
Nice conspiracy theory.
Yeah, it's completely a tinfoil wearing conspiracy that instigators are being BUSSED IN to major metropolitan areas to agitate for violent riots.
Really makes you think
Its not a conspiracy you idiot.
Thank you for Correcting the Record (TM). Your limited time remaining until day zero is: 37 days and 9 hours.
>"I want to personally remind all "users" to contribute only to the Corrected Record's established talking points updates. Further noncompliance may be submitted for "[code 62c.5] Non-compliance of [REDACTED] Vital Engagement" (TM)"
>- George Soros (TM)
This is your (1) Reminder(s) to follow this updated directive.
>"Please make sure to keep your extra Soros credits above 250 per week or you will be submitted for failure to comply with 21st Century America tax codes and be subject to early "withdrawal" from the soon-[REDACTED] USA."
>- Updated Statement from George Soros at GLOBAL WORLDWIDE (TM)
Remember, the Zionists are simply tools of the Jesuits, just as the Freemasons are, the Illuminati is and the Moslem world is. They are all controlled by Lucifer himself through the Jesuits. Zionists are simply the bankers of the Jesuits. Zionists are also the "fall guys" for the Jesuits. The Zionists actually hate their own people, the Jews. They facilitates and benefited from the Holocaust, just as Soros did. This is who Soros works for and this is who he is. He is a Satanic Zionist Jew, hellbent on world domination and destruction of his own people, and he works for the Jesuits.
he makes his money off financial instability (currency devaluations, shorting stocks etc.) and he is funding groups that are trying to cause mass social unrest....what do you think his endgame is?
1.Cause economic and social collapse in a country via funding subversion/rabble rousing
2. Install his puppet government
3. Buy all the countries assets up on the cheap
4. Repeat
See Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Soviet Union
Next Target: United States - Purple Revolution
This actually sound convincing
But Weishaupt was student at a jesuit university and later broke away of that organisation, to build up the illuminati
Thats whats written in the history books
I believe soros has gone rogue and done his own thing.
He is following the orders and doing everything that could be wished of him for the cause, but he is doing it very quickly; basically fast forwarding what would be a slow transition and indoctrination. He didn't work towards legalizing drugs, and now opiates are hard to get while Marijuana is still only beginning to be legalized.
This is causing a backlash, and I believe the movement got so caught up with short term success that they allowed the acceleration believing they were far ahead of schedule and overestimating the people.
Their movement and their indoctrination suddenly became the enemy, with the brown third world pawns being seen as alien barbarians. We are on the brink of a race war, and looking towards the turks, Syrians, Israelis, Egyptians, and even Gaddafi and Sadam to teach us how to deal with them.
They got their war on time and under budget, but the war was declared against them. We are in conflict with their movement and ideas, and are at war with their clearly wrong way of thinking like the old cold war culture conflicts.
They're flawed anyway. They completely forget that nihlism is just a phase, and the modern world is so full of boundless information at your fingertips that their bullshit only works on the most blissfully ignorant degenerates anyway. The doublethink almost always breaks down, and we don't have numbing drugs at hand to make it work for even a small amount of the population besides the willful morons.
>Imagine if there was no soros
Imagine a man like soros doing everything properly. A man who doesn't want the good times back, and is just a large puppet who follows orders perfectly.
Imagine the legalization of painkillers and other opiates to sedate us like soma. Imagine Marijuana becomes the new tobacco.
Imagine if they didn't bring our enemies to us, let the population go down, and fill areas with browns when we are sedated.
No. Soros is following the orders and plans of the Jesuits. I guarantee it. Soros does not control the educational system in the US - the Jesuits do. Soros did not found the Skull and Bones, who formed the CIA who helped Hillary and are running CTR - the Jesuits are.
Just watch the video brother.
The Jesuits run it all and Lucifer is running them.