We already all agreed that there is too much proof that Slavs aren't white, but what about the Spanish?
Are they really one of us?
We already all agreed that there is too much proof that Slavs aren't white, but what about the Spanish?
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how are Slavs not white?
On that pic only the girl could pass as spaniard.
>implying austria is white
Damn, I forgot about Shitalians. You guys also aren't white.
who cares, but how are Slavs non white?
Spain has a border fence at ceuta and melilla. Any country that need to put up a border fence to keep people out is a white one.
>implying mountain germans are white
Our southern neighbors are mostly white. +1 vote to yes from Catalonia
No achievements, never created anything, got fucked by non-whites (just like Shitalians), all Slav countries are third world shitholes, Poles are basically Mexicans, Russia is AIDs capital etc.
I'm half Spanish, half English. My Spanish Grandmother has red hair and my Spanish grandfather had blue eyes
Shit, they're almost whiter than my English side.
>No achievements, never created anything
top kek you are one of those
we're talking genetics here
>got fucked by non-whites (just like Shitalians)
nice fantasy krautnigger
>99.9 European
That's weird. Wad there some kind of an error? It clearly says 40.5% Italian. You should ask for a refund.
>still mad after almost 100 years
It's true. You can't compare a Russian to a German. Russians never invented anything, just like niggers. What a coincidence!
Also, look at your skin, faggot. I'm sure it's brown.
Italy is in europe
No and we don't want to sorry lad.
Fucking hell, can you be any more ingnorant?
>Russians never invented anything, just like niggers.
confirmed for illiterate snownigger subhuman
The pure blood still runs in spain but most of the country has been cucked by north african DNA
We're black as night, black as coal
Don't have anything to do with you, we were kings.
The people in that photo don't look like Spaniards
Still nothing compared to the Germans.
And what about the Mexicans of Europe (Poles)? Even when their country was somewhat successful for a few years they still didn't do anything. The greatest Polish scientist was a fucking German lmao.
On that picture everybody is so racially mixed that's for sure.
If they are european or not that's more dificult to answer than it seems because recent studies have proved that the african admixture of the iberian peninsula comes from neolithic herders and therefore was there for thousands of years. It is mostly not related with medieval moors or jews.
But not all of us look like that. Actually, here where I live people like that are a minority. Plus those on the picture look imbecile as fuck.
And slavs are white, you fucking jew.
We historically don't give a fuck about race, religión is the only thing that cares to Spain, sorry u'll never understand that
We already all agreed that austrians are sperm chugging sneaky wannabe kikes
They look like Mexicans larping as Spainiards. You guys are darker but you don't have chink eyes.
None of them have chinky eyes
Look up the Lwow school of mathematics. We played a huge part in breaking your shitty Enigma cipher.
you outed yourself as someone who knows fuck all about the subject, I doubt you are able to asses "nothing" about their contributions
and in any case, if "whiteness" is all about the contributions, then no sane south Euro would want to be in the same group as "whites"
That's you and some dumb national-catholics and thats exactly why nobody takes you serious.
You are literally an useful idiot. Catholicism is rotten to the core and it is not useful for europe anymore, drop that shit already.
Well lad, go and burn some churchs rape some nuns and vote Podemos, who cares about history and tradition?, u r a shame
Reminder that brown haired, brown eyed men are the strongest form of human being. Builders of civilizations and no tendency for being cucked like the sissy nordics. Put the "white" bar wherever you want, it's not always a symbol of pride.
>Canada in charge of calling cucks
You're not even a real country.
Meds are white, ignore jew D&C tactics.
inb4 that one autist from russia posts that retarded map with blue and orange borders
Can someone pay images of Slavs that look like chinks? Thnx
No I am not a savage and I actually respect everything good the catholics did for europe and the european part of catholicism (morals, tradition, etc)
But your dumb anti-racism and your attachment to a false god is holding us down because it's dumb and pretty much everybody knows it.
If we don't get into the train of the new european far-right movements we will lose it and then we will be an african country for true and forever.
>didn't create anything
Italy was Rome,the place that made the entire western world the way it is today
What he said is wrong anyways. Yeah Spaniards loved to mix but never brought the non-Spaniards to Spain. And even discriminated criollos.
I look like a chink but I won't bost bics, sorry.
>only country to successfully kick out the Jews
>only european country to rid itself of muzzies (though they let them back in like retards)
>Based Franco
>98% catholic
>Tan skin from living close to equator
Behavior wise, Spaniards are whiter than half of european cucks.
They're stifled by shitty economy (still reeling from britain siding with FUCKING COMMUNISTS in the civil war for NO REASON)
t Literally blue eyed castillian spaniard here
Literally who?
>implying the superior mediterranean race isn't more desirable than weak cumskins
Si, España es blanca.
>Slavs aren't white
Good goy.
>that pic
>we will be an african country for true and forever
Podemos (literally far-left with a real chance to reach government) is winning the cultural war for the youngsters' minds and spirits. Things are going to get a lot worse.
If nothing changes, they will win in the long term and things are not going to be pretty once they remove the fence in the Moroccan-Spanish border and promise welfare for illegals.
Not to mention they could collapse for good our already fucked up economy and allow Catalonia to secede.
Besides, Spain has no room for a succesful far-right party. And for the better, because Franco set some the foundations of today's economic decadence with our ponzi scheme tier Social Security.
Spain would need some mix of republicanism French-style and some people to get rid of all the bureacracy and make our economy take off again.
Por la cuenta que te trae, ¿eh? BTW nice trips argentine pal.
>pink nipples
>brown nipples
not white
it's that simple
>he fell for the racial mysticism meme
>periodic table
>shat over germany
>giving the US a run for their money and putting the first living being outside the Earth's atmosphere
>a slav woman helped develop the fundamental steps in order to understand radiations and x-rays
What has austria contributed, by the way?
>We already all agreed that there is too much proof that Slavs aren't whit
>see flag
You are a slav rape baby.
what about freaky translucent white?
freaky translucent white skin or nipples?
white either way
common don't let them meme you with "american education"
The kind of girls whose skin you can cum on and not tell if it's there? They are pretty top tier but the ones I know are all crazy redheads.
they got raped by sandniggers and not the iranian aryan kind
>spanish women
Fucking This, one thousand times.
I'm so glad i haven't got milk-sick skin and the jaw like neardenthals.
I fucking love Spaniards tbqh. Handsome af men and gorgeous women plus a super qt accent. Really fell in love with the place after recently visiting. My favorite was seeing Europeans speak a European language in its proper manner instead of the bastardized mongrel tongue I hear here in California
Austrian folks was living in caves while we was building empires... We explored the world and expelled jews before Hitler and them Austrian homos ever got around to it.
Into the oven it goes
nips my niggah
>Austrian folks was living in caves while we was building empires.
>We Was
Paco, learn how to English before embarrassing ourselves.
i've never encountered that
He was poking fun at how spaniards are niggers, I wouldn't expect you to understand
Fuck off uncle Tomás
They did that to fuck with you guys, the english hate everyone.
>Building empires while Austrians waz in caves
You aren't the romans son.
See &
There you go, snow gook.
Just shut up white monkey
Shieeeet so we wuz romans?
Slavs are slav, comrade
you are 3/4 slav, bruh
>posting perroflautas
Not cool, bro.
Dude, the Austrians are a mix of celtics, roman, slavs, german and even their share of turk.
Of all the bloody people talking about whiteness...
A lot of them don't look very white
When i look the faces of the north of Spain, i can see a lot of similar ugly derp faces.
Im not into muh diversity, but i think this is true.
Also im not taned af but im not south american white.