ITT: What is your political compass faggots
ITT: What is your political compass faggots
Weird. I hate commies.
Trump/Pinochet 2020
I think that test is bullshit. My answers are split between the 2 red dots so I end up being a centrist on the purple dot.
too much reading lmao
Fedora-tipping spergs, the lot of you.
come on its just 10 question with 4 answer each
>confederal sovereignity
>gays banned, no womens suffrage
>Death penalty for dissidents
>No state to carry out killing
Its like i stepped into a madhouse.
muh graph
the dissidents are the ones that want to create a state to redistribute the wealth
the monarch of the lichtenstein allow any town of the country to secede if they want
you don't have suffrage in anarchy/monarchy so obviously there is no suffrage for womens
the state don't have to recognize any form of unions
t. Free Market Nationalist
See? This one is different.
I, uh, what? Jesus.
I'm going to go ahead and lean more towards reactionary.
reactionary is an ultra-conservative anarcho-capitalist or a monarchist
And now this. I guess the first one is garbage
Of all the interesting results I could have gotten I get this boring one.
If you're not in the blue you're wrong.
they use the real liberalism definition and not the post-modern """liberalism""" that is just degenerate socialism
hey buddy
>that much into the left
I take this test every so often and usually flip flop the x component
this is my most recent test
>You just want to get on with your life free from the interference of others. You get annoyed every time political changes come to your attention and if it annoys you a lot you may take action to tell others how you feel. You should get a 'My Home Is My Castle' picture to hang over your mantlepiece, along with a national flag on the front lawn, a 'Beware Dog' warning on the side gate, an 'Unsolicited Mail Will Result in Prosecution' label on your letterbox, and a 'Welcome' mat at the front door.
What does it mean by this?
Yeah, that's not like me at all.
aka these ones
Need to go down badly
We´re twinsies
I'm a 1.0 x 1.0 authoritarian right, but as society shifts more authoritarian and more right, so will i.
we have some stuff in common.
fuck these neo nazis though, ANTIFA is the way
Nigger you went off the chart. You are more leftist than Marx.
I don't really have a political compass tbqhfam, in my opinion rights don't exist and everyone can do what they want, and if they choose not to kill me on the street today I just got lucky. You can't use logic and words to oblige someone to act in a certain way, if they decide to be evil they're going to be evil and nothing can stop them.
nazis are scum. end of.
I think pretty similarly. My test showed me libertarian. A libertarian jew hmm
My psychological compass.
So anarchist then?
I'm an anarchist fascist, kek
I guess there's a little bit of consistency among my results.
What site? Can't find it.
Hate, Rate?
you are too right and authoritarian, you are practically a fascist yourself
Why are you here?
great, the best one
To think you went from taking the falklands to this. It's too sad. Have a (You)
Ancap reporting in.
by saying its propaganda bullshit
same guy here
hello spanish brother! what does your spectrum look like?
>all those liberals
Taxation is theft.
Lol only because property is theft
Well, id support less government but we need some to stop these fascists and nazi's from doing what they did again.
fuck off nazi
stop us from doing what?
actually contributing to the west by going against the rampant cultural marxism that is making our generation degenerate?
I don't get it. Man moves to wilderness, stakes out claim and invests his labor. Then he sells it to someone and that person sells it to another guy. All voluntary. Where is the theft?
I'm not a nazi. I hide nazis. Get your memes right.
Am I a cuck?
You must be living in a very hostile environment to say that. At least that's what my experience tells me.
Explains why I hated Hillary so damn much.
crying kids on twitter and the riots are retarded though. Occupy Wallstreet didn't do shit.
What's wrong with you guys? Sup Forums is a purple board.
really now?
tell that to 6 million dead jews
commies killed more people, your point?
No famalam, I'm not going to read that whole book. What is the argument? Good principles have simple explanations.
its not even a meme, you people are dusgusting
"taxation is theft" came from that book. Ancaps appropriated it but they didnt realise that it is only theft because property is theft.
>the monarch of the lichtenstein allow any town of the country to secede if they want
So, the entire thing will fall apart at the first crisis.
Would have been the complete polar opposite a little over a year ago. The red pill has been hard to swallow.
I won the prize! Get on my level. I always check my drinks for poison.
At least it's warm here. I hear it's a real pogrom in mother Russia.
thats just western imperialist bourgeois propaganda, fucking unintelligent fascist
oh god you're just hilarious
who u calling uninteligent
Private property is the opposite of theft, and whoever wrote that book is retarded.
your all just anti progress, backward neckbeards
>Rudolph Rummel's data
Yeah, killing all your scientists sure means progress.
You still haven't explained how property is theft. I consider the concept of property pretty reasonable. You could come up with some extreme example, like a single man claiming he owns an entire continent or something. But let's just imagine a man builds a normal sized house for his wife and two kids. What has been stolen? I expect either:
>but you stole it from society / the government
>but you stole it from someone else who may have wanted to live there
>but you stole it from mother nature
cuckservitiv libertarian
50-71-93 Ultra-conservative Reactionary untermensch checking in. I guess this is their paleo-conservative option, which sounds about right. It's hard to be a proper fascist when you are born and raised American, I think.
Political compass puts me just northeast of the center but it's meaningless garbage.
purple is the best color