2016 results by counties.
Trump won bigly.
He literally won like 90% of the country.
2016 results by counties
>dirt should have a vote
>tfw El Paso county
Makes sense tho
fucking northern new mexico. remove hippie.
And Hillary is literally the biggest loser in presidential history.
top kek
Put that there literally to trigger you.
Why is Iowa so liberal?
That's not 2016. Trump flipped all those blue counties on the upper Mississippi River.
Give us the West Coast, New England and New York, nigger.
>b-but muh population centers goy
Can someone tell me how the hell Hilary got the popular vote when the map looks like this? I find it very hard to believe she honestly got it. The media must have shilled saying she did.
>90% of the LITERAL country
Really makes me thing.
You dont understand how population density works, do you?
nobody lives in the red areas you underaged redditard
In the end, the only way you win is by connecting with suburban Middle America. The history of US presidential elections bears this out time and time again. Hillary...could not do that.
>crowded run-down population centers should have control of what the whole country does
So there are these things called cities...
Without the electoral college, Los Angeles and NYC would decide every election.
....and 3 million illegals voted Hillary
Wrong map
This is 2016
And this is why we have an electoral college.
This election was urban centers vs. Everyone else.
Population isn't uniformly distributed across the nation you dumb shit.
jesus fucking christ, back to r/TheDonald
Those aren't 2016, though.
>literally like
San Diego county is red on that map. Not remotely dirt, and the only real conservative bastion on the People's Republic of California.
>he's american
Because dirt doesn't have a vote...
Im not disagreeing with you senpai. That's why I was pointing out how stupid their comment was.
Doesn't matter
Trump must surge in the big cities. It's there the people live.
The original point of the electoral college was that citizens would elect trusted and educated citizens from their state to vet candidates for the presidency the same way anyone is vetted for job qualifications. And then those citizens would submit votes for the president.
Now the seats for each state are pledged entirely to whomever wins the popular vote in a given state, no matter who and by however small a margin.
It's completely pointless; it's a significant barrier to democracy.
CTR detected
>it's a significant barrier to democracy.
And the funny thing is:
Middle America will always be white (and what minorities are there will be Repub), as blacks, browns and leftist whites can't handle it outside of their cities
We haven't discounted votes from illegal immigrants and the dead yet.
What point do you think you're making with that retard?
Quick question:
If you don't like the Constitution of the United States of America, why don't you move to a country where you like the system of government more?
We're all one human race right? So this shouldn't be an issue.
Bork bork bork, shouldn't you be at ikea loser?
you do know the map ALWAYS looks like that, right?
Eh, we have a similar thing here and people don't seem to complain
Number of seats = who wins
Seats are based on "districts"
>niggers and illegals should have a vote
that map is wrong. charleston sc went for clinton.
fucking downtown is full of college hippies and rich transplants
>them mason and grays harbor counties in WA
>what is electoral college
I was just reading about the Populist movement of the 1890s. In the 1896 election, William Jennings Bryan made a radical appeal to poor, indebted farmers in the South and Midwest. Like Hillary, William McKinley had big money and corporations behind him, but unlike Hillary he also had the middle class vote which is why he won handily.
This is what I was trying to get at but apparently the dumb asses here wanted to think I was insinuating otherwise.
There was a ton of reports of illegals voting numerous times for Hilary and there was a ton of vote fraud going on for the democrats yet they still lost.
I seriously doubt she got the popular vote. I bet Trump won both electoral vote and popular vote but this shill media is going to claim otherwise so that these libtards can continue on whining about muh popular vote.
This whole election has been disgusting.
I'm pretty sure one of the reasons was because the Founding Fathers ultimately didn't trust the majority of Americans to be dissuaded from choosing a popular upstart that could shake the very foundations of the newly burgeoning democracy.
Ironically, that seems to have backfired...
It's the same reason that we have chosen representatives instead of direct voting. FF didn't have a lot of faith in the general electorate making informed decisions.
>it's a significant barrier to democracy
Good. We're a Republic. Not a democracy.
In the beginning, Senators weren't elected by the people at all. They were elected by the state legislature and could be called back and replaced at any time, depending on how well they were doing their job.
The founders knew cities were cesspits of sheep that could be herded into voting for a cause only to swing over an entire state.
There's a fucking reason lefties want more direct democracy and larger urban areas. Because they attract metally weak sheep to them and then campaign there so they'll vote for them.
Then magically you've got an entire nation's resource owners going red while the useless urbanite leeches are going solid blue. Without the electoral college, without republicanism, useless rootless urbanites would be ruling the country out of 4 large cities on the coasts.
No fuckin thanks.
Burn the goat!
>Then magically you've got an entire nation's resource owners going red while the useless urbanite leeches are going solid blue. Without the electoral college, without republicanism, useless rootless urbanites would be ruling the country out of 4 large cities on the coasts
Said Henry Ford, "Without the cities, life would go on, but without the farms, the cities would be a jungle of weeds."
McKinley is pretty cool guy. He makes mountains and doesn't afraid of getting of shot.
You forgot that the fucking Pope literally campaigned against Trump
BASED Henry Ford. He was a smart man. Hated jews too.
The past two presidential elections have demonstrated a growing backlash against Beltway insiders. They all went down to defeat; Hillary, Jeb Bush, John McCain, etc.
Ford had something of an obsession with farming and spent a large part of his life amassing a huge collection of farm implements which are now on display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI.
Also big business in the 1890s wasn't globalist or treasonous. Nowadays they literally just think of countries as a market for goods and nothing more.
Epic pic, I saved it.
This should say "A steak salesman" for even better effect.