Deep down you know who ruined dinosaurs

Deep down you know who ruined dinosaurs

>invent dinosaurs to confuse and demoralize christians
>build massive industry around paleontology
>push the dinosaur meme in the entertainment industry for even more shekels
>people start to think dinosaurs are /really fucking cool/
>"Oh no the goyim are starting to feel proud about their history again"
>"btw dinosaurs have feathers now"

Other urls found in this thread:

God have mercy you people get more retarded by the day.

feathers are badass desu

If the dinosaurs had feathers then why didn't they just fly to the meteor and changed his trajectory by flapping their wings really hard?
Checkmate Atheists

>trusting the fossil jew

>Beingnthis ironically retarded

because of liberals

~24:00 he starts talking about feathers



Feathered dinosaurs are even cooler though. Have you even played ARK?

>implying Sup Forums isn't satire.

You can actually travel and dig out dinosaur fossils yourself if you really want too...
They are everywhere.

the entire concept of a dinosaur fundamentally shifts when you switch the mythology from them being lizards to them being birds. Bird dinosaurs are cool in their own way but are totally different from the concept of dinosaur we grew up with. How easily the public readily accepted a fundamentally different shift in the concept of dinosaurs is proof that the entire foundation of the dinosaur """theory""" had flimsy evidence all along. The other red flag on the dinosaur meme is that you can notice that feathered dinosaurs are a lie is how offended some liberals get if you say that. They are so tuned into jewish propaganda that they are emotionally defending some shit that they literally dont care about otherwise.

you actually can't though. Dinosaurs are never discovered by amateurs. It's also some well connected establishment paleontologist. The "fossils" found by normal paleontologists that drank the kool aid is usually just some fragment of a rock or other animal that could just as easily be attributed to any thing. Complete or even close to complete dinosaur skeletons are NEVER found

Dinosaurs "changes" as we make new discoveries.

There have been fossils discovered by Chinese farmers etc.

Yes, you can join in a dinosaur dig - but you probably believe the fossils have been planted so...

that's because you can't get permission to dig wherever you want.
Well known people get more influential on governments so they get the permits, or can afford to pay more.

Dinosaurs were real, they are dragons.
They died during the flood

Russians ofc. They breached those Paleo servers and boom send communist comet on em.

yes you can join. But what they actually find in this digs is in no way at all proof of dinosaurs. They find random fragments of shit that could just as easily be attributed to some other animal or even just is a funky rock. Start looking into how many alleged "reconstructions" are entirely fabrictated. They are based on hardly anything.

The thing about paleontology is that most people dont even realize their whole field is bullshit. They just have been taught an entirely fake field of science. Its not like something like this hasnt happened before. History is full of shitty fake science that everyone believed. Why should be so arrogant to assume the same couldnt happen to us?

What about all the footprints. Have they all been forged?

Found this (pic) kek
"If dinosaurs existed they would have been mentioned in the bible"

Says it all... they also believe the planet was created in 7 days 6000 years ago.

youre proving my point. Tons of amateur and professional paleontologists try to find fossils. Its only the well connected paleontologists with the means to pull off a hoax that ever find the big discoveries. Why hasn't some random amateur ever found a big discovery? Most of the early reconstructions of dinosaurs have already been refuted as total hoaxes. The field of paleontology has been shady from its very inception. Its time to drop the dinosaur meme

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, God created every creature on Earth.
And that's wrong, nobody believes earth was created in 7 days. God created it in 6 and rested on the 7th day

>Says it all... they also believe the planet was created in 7 days 6000 years ago.
>arguing like a liberal

Norwegians are the biggest shitposters on this website and all of them are degenerates

always thought it was funny how t-rex's are huge ass holes because they insecure about their lil arms.

Doesn't look like rocks to me...
The Chinese must be REALLY determined in this hoax to fake 7600 fossils!


Look numb nuts i come from dorset and mary anning is our town fucking mascot, we have dino bones and all sorts of fossils literally falling out of the cliffs here....go fuck yourself.

>7600 fossils
>still no complete or even close to complete skeletons
>literally no proof that these are from ""dinosaurs""

also I wouldnt even be surprised if the chinese faked them. Most of the "fossils" in museums come from shady-ass chinese companies

>7,000 Dino's just chilling in one spot when they died
Makes sense, how come I've never seen more than 3 squirrels in one spot at a time? Or maybe 2 raccoons?


>find dead dog
>skeleton is complete
>find dead dinosaur
>skeleton is broken up into a million pieces and nothing is connected
Sounds sketchy

And if the flood came and killed all those animals they wouldn't be in one spot. I'm calling it a hoax

A fossil is NOT a skeleton...

>I'm calling it a hoax

I know you are just having fun, but not so sure about that other guy

sure theres bones and fossils. Not denying that. What I am claiming is that palentology is total sham and is 100% full of shit and just decided that these bones belong to "dinosaurs". The existence of "dinosaurs" was theorized before any fossils were found. Models were made to show the general idea of the theory and were shown at the worlds fair. Magically, a decade later people suddenly started finding "dinosaur bones" that just so happened to match up with the completely made up models

Just start looking into this shit. Its fucking unreal. The field of paleontology has from its inception been plagued with frauds

>dig up bones
>it's not a skeleton

College paleontologist here, went and dug up a Herrerasaurus over the summer. Completely amateur.

Yes, there were dinosaurs but they all died in the flood. In this instance though it's 100% a hoax. How could there be 7,000 skeletons in one spot during the flood? The waves and current we would have pushed the bodies around

You've got to be pretty fucking stupid not to believe in dinosaurs.

This, dinosaur models only existed in the late 19th century, yes there's bones but we honestly don't know what they look like. Everything is just puzzle pieces kinda stuck together.

Kinda hated the feather thing but that t-rex is tight ya'll. B A D A R S E

Holy shit are you retarded?
>7600 fossils
>still no complete or even close to complete skeletons
Yeah, no shit, do you understand what happens when an animal dies? Do you understand the circumstances in which fossilization must occur?
>also I wouldnt even be surprised if the chinese faked them. Most of the "fossils" in museums come from shady-ass chinese companies
You realize a lot of the fossils in Museums are casts of the original thing, and not the fossils themselves, right?

Maybe they died in a massive mudslide or something. Use your imagination.

Of course it's been plagued with frauds you can make fuck tons of money from rare finds.
A friend of mine found a clutch of sauropod eggs and got fucking thousands of pounds for them
you dumb fuck theorixing something then proving the theory is how science fucking works you dumb fat trans lesbian mexican negroid.

Again, fossils aren't literally bones... Just look up what the process of fossilization is you stupid fuck

----> /x

Scientists claim that after a billion years the bones turn to rock
This is 100% false because the Earth isn't that old. You have to literally be the most retarded person in the world to believe this mumbo jumbo

Atheists should be banned from Sup Forums


Read Genesis.



He's right though. At the end of fossilisation anything organic is gone just a husk cast is left.

>not an argument

>Yeah, no shit, do you understand what happens when an animal dies? Do you understand the circumstances in which fossilization must occur?
after 150 years of paleontology we still have no complete skeleton. Most theorized dinosaur species are based on a handful of bones. Even when the fossils are authentic there is still huge leaps taken when they speculate about what the animal might of looked like. Theres literally species of dinosaur people believe in where only like 5 fragments have ever been found.

>You realize a lot of the fossils in Museums are casts of the original thing, and not the fossils themselves, right?
yeah and fucking nobody ever gets to see the real ones. they are locked away from any independent study in order to "preserve them"

Wtf does that mean?

Citations needed

The jews don't want us to know they all died in the great flood caused by their degeneracy so they made up evolution to trick us.

>Deep down you know who ruined dinosaurs
>>invent dinosaurs to confuse and demoralize christians
>>build massive industry around paleontology
>>push the dinosaur meme in the entertainment industry for even more shekels
>>people start to think dinosaurs are /really fucking cool/
>>"Oh no the goyim are starting to feel proud about their history again"
>>"btw dinosaurs have feathers now"


Just no.


Really makes ya think

They're still cool even with feathers.

>build massive industry around paleontology
Wait, what?
Also, feathers are cool.

Yeah, and Hillary was going to win according to the polls... just because you can get to know a part of the population you don't know the whole, burger education, hope that Trump also changes your education system to stop the retard flood.

1) Dinosaurs existed alongside humans

2) Most dinosaurs are not what we think. Most fossils are straight up fake due to misinterpretation. The most popular fake being Triceratops.

t. average Trump voter

Me on the left

Except for the (((dinosaur))) which had soft tissues in it and it dated much differently than all other finds
>but then Establishment (((Science))) attacked the researchers that were involved.
>edited the system holding the paper they wrote so it would not produce anything outside the abstract in searches
>not shady at all

> t.butt blasted limey

Oyveyraptor, SHUT IT DOWN

>Complete fossils

Doesn't have to be complete to prove the existence of dinosaurs... finding only a massive skull should be proof enough don't you think?