GEORGE SOROS: Video surfaces on the internet from the 90s
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Can we meme magic him aggressive testicular cancer?
we can try
what if we used meme magic to pump and dump penny stocks or cryptocurrencies to make ourselves rich and become george soro's billionaire arch enemy who funds pro nationalist movements
Even aggressive testicular cancer is very curable.
illegal and also fucking retarded
there's nothing in there. all he talks about is how he makes a lot of money by being a crafty jew on international currencies markets. that's it.
nothing about funding protestors
nothing about supporting unrest anywhere
nothing even remotely political
all the philantropy he's talking about is politically irrelevant stuff like a hospital in haiti, a water pipe in bosnia, and how he once advised nelson mandela on how to best protect a countrys currency against financial speculation.
i started watching the video hoping to find some actually incriminating evidence, but it's just not there.
He would just chop off his own balls and keep jewing fast
The day after that story is posted
its only illegal if one person does it not if thousands do it
I feel like such an oldfag. I can vaguely remember watching this quality and style of audiovideo recordings on TV when I was young in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Funny how each time period has it's own "look" and "feel."
penny stocks would be perfect, but we'd need to concoct newsworthy stories that make it on Bloomberg.
More are coming
Too much coincidence
This. I don't know why this shit is getting so much hype.
This guy is a real world Bond villain
I know that feel
sad but true.
I'd like to go there and ask all those blacks why they're getting arrested protesting some rich white guy so some richer white guy can get even richer.
reincarnation of trotsky
we could manipulate the smaller cryptocurrencies with just the money of the people on here if we had enough people on board
This kike needs to be tortured to death.
He's pure evil in human form.
impossible - those cunt types have no balls.
only money.
>Produced by Leslie Cockburn
Is there a worse name to be born with?
>Amoral and moral decisions.
This guy has no principles whatsoever, no wonder he is successful, in this world.
I watched the video and if anything I find him less evil now. Fuck Reddit and fuck anti-Soros dopes.
You're not very bright
Soros is /ourguy/
Stop being jealous of him because he's rich and powerful
he literally admitted to being jewish in the interview and you think he's less evil now? what a retard
It would be playing chicken between ourselves.
We need fresh money from outside if we wanna increase our collective capital.
This video is literally nothing. It shows HRC with him in Haiti but like she already lost. Most of this is about his philanthropy and how he can fuck over whole countries. But it doesn't talk about him funding greasy shit like he does now. Kind of disappointing
George Soros why won't you just die
He's already a coughing fit away from dying. His son will continue his legacy.
We need to destroy his ideas. The man is just a man.
>he bought into the moral/amoral meme
His (((moral))) actions are always towards niggerish nations, to make them stronger. He's actually being a piece of shit even when he does nice things for people.
He's a nasty old man.
fuck off kike
go away soros shill
>talks about how he can fuck over whole countries.
>doesn't talk about him funding greasy shit like he does now.
Yeah by investing in and speculating on currency.... Not by investing in BLM. All im saying is it's not a 1:1 example of what's happening now and the dumb dumbs we're trying to red pill won't care
well we could meme them into popularity like with ethereum
>implying you wouldn't do the same exact thing he's doing if you had his wealth
>thinking anyone is going to watch this video and think Soros is evil
>gives loads of money in aid
>tells countries how to protect from financial predators like himself
>wants more regulations in hedge funds
Is Sup Forums this stupid now?
Funny to see him look like less of a ghoul in that time.
It is Martin Shkreli all over again. Reddit goes apeshit over him, that trickles into here, then through time we find out he's based. Soros just has the "Jews are evil" meme going against him as well so people here look no farther than that.
I've been saying this but we're probably both just soros shills
Maybe Mia Cockburn
The video was from 1993.
He's been very busy since then.
>george soros is in a way donald trump without the humility
ha ha ha
they fooled you, goy.
>he literally admitted to being jewish in the interview and you think he's less evil now? what a retard
I'm too autistic to know if this is sarcasm. I hope it is.
We all know Soros is a Rothschild butt-puppet, is there any proof to link him to Rothschild, directly?
So, Soros is a scumbag who supports BLM, he's the kingpin behind the Clinton Foundation, he snitched on his fellow Chosen to the Nazis for a profit, he ruined the Pound, etc. Typical international kike shit.
The answer to "Why" is obviously just "$$$" for a lot of this stuff. However, he also has some murky goal of an "Open Society" which from what I've seen is best described as 1984 but with SocJus instead of IngSoc.
Is there anywhere I can read up on this open society stuff? I don't give a fuck about what Karl Popper thought, I'm interested in what Soros thinks. There's an article from 2007 that has him listed as the author where is talks about how the electorate is susceptible to manipulation in the media by the likes of Karl Rove and statistics and polls but I highly doubt he's voicing his actual opinions on anything.
>George "((( )))" Soros will die in your lifetime
bone cancer sounds better.
Georgie is that you?
I got curious and it payed off
As much as I hate what Soros does nowadays, I respect what he did as a businessman. Taught me a lot.
grab her by the startpagina
Hillary in this and donald trump mentioned.
>>George Soros is like Donald Trump, minus the humility
LMAO. So humility and billions is all thats needed too MAGA
Willem Cornelis Pot?
Of als achternaam: Naaktgeboren-in 't Zand
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
so many Soros shills ITT
assholes live forever
Is RT a good source of information? They seem to be one of the few news outlets that aren't owned by (((them))).
wtf i think soros is a rational human being now
Not gonna lie I would fuck 90's Clinton like u would not believe mate.
>gives money to haiti with clinton
>they pillage it later
>tells countries to protect themselves from predators like him
>evades laws he wants set in place
He's a kike and one of the worst kinds.
In that case pol is the secret to immortality
yeah he's great
he produces nothing and destroys economies through parasitic financial speculation
what a great guy
We need to meme him into becoming broke. The reason, you ask? Well, his fortune is causing this mess, and I'm sure once he dies, he will have a kill switch, to put his fortune into the further destruction of mankind.
Is he melting?
The reporter actually calls him out on demanding regulation over the people that he completely ignores by having his money overseas.
Not only that, but he excuses his actions by saying someone else would do it if he didn't.
Are you completely retarded?
>Re*dit link
Opinion discarded
What's going on in this thread?
Why not incurable painful ass cancer?
good shit nice find op
Is it viral yet? please tell me.
>asking angry protesters
>asking paid protesters to be angry
Bitch is thick. Her hips are huge.
a viral video needs to have fast digestible information unfortunately
this probably will get 2000 views in 10 days
This is reaching so many normies, either that or they are showing their power level around me. Over the past year I've heard Rothschild, Soros, Bilderberg, etc mentioned numerous times, in a tone of vague ignorant suspicion. Like they know something isn't right and want to know more. I give them just a little bit more to keep them affirmed and curious to do more research on their own. You can't force the redpill or they choke, just gotta let it happen on its own.
He seems like a pretty cool guy. I think he is our guy now.
Why did Trump do best in states with Soros voting machines?
What's his endgame?
I think that this video has blue pilled me about him too.
Probably because people expected rigging and asked for paper ballots.
That's why she looks like a traffic cone right now.
lmao this
>Advisor for South-Africa and Ukraine
is that all there is to Penny Stocks? Concoct a story that people will buy?
If thats the case, welcome me to the cluib.
Male breast cancer would be better