I'm not a fucking millennial! I was born in 1991! I GREW UP WITHOUT iDEVICES! I 'member VHS! I 'member Windows '95!
I'm not a fucking millennial! I was born in 1991! I GREW UP WITHOUT iDEVICES! I 'member VHS! I 'member Windows '95!
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1991 is a millennial birth year. From 1982-1993 is about what most people use.
Said the millennial.
I was born in January of 97.
Glad I'm part of the redpilled Gen Z and not a shitty millennial.
>tfw can't call people born the late 90's underage anymore
1983 reporting in. Feels good to be the millenials older brother.
>tfw I'm the one calling others underage now
I was born in '93 but my town in the middle of nowhere rural heartland didn't get internet until 2006. Even then it was dial-up so no one really used it.
Fuck off, kid. I was born in '92. I remember Apple 2 and vinyl.
Fuck off, kid
1978. No fucking clue which generation I'm in. MAGA
>born in 1991, 'members Win 95.
You fuck off.
I am a millennial but I am an active Boy scout and Eagle scout and I have been fighting these fucking degenerates since N64 so fuck everyone who thinks "ALL MILLENNIALS" are fucked
We arn't you just have to know what to look for in a person to see if they are degenerater or not.
You are a millennial.
86 here. I remember the thrill and joy of the modem dialing before I could chat on yahoo, search on altavista, and find some hentai on angelfire. Fuck I miss the old internet so badly.
Get a rectangular flag like everyone else you fucking nigger loving kike faggot.
'84 here. Hello brother.
Too bad, Millennial already has it's shitty stereotype, just like all the other gens.
Millennials grew up with VHS and ps1 you dum dum
Yes. An older one.
I voted for George W. Bush. =)
You jelly? Only the coolest states have a swallowtail flag.
'84 is best year.
Only the gayest states. People think "ohio" and they think of niggers and faggots.
All great people were born in 87
You're a fucking Millennial.
Jesus Christ, why are Millennials such fucking whiners about themselves?
STFU millennial. Now SIT the fuck down.
We grew up with crap b/w or green/white PC's
'member MSDOS?
'member Windows 3.1?
'member playing OUTSIDE?
STFU you faggot. I'm technically a millennial and I was born in 1985. Can you even fucking imagine how I feel?
I thought gen Z was only ironically redpilled.
1991 here. Devices did not matter. You grew up with a computer and probably played some cheesy games that last no longer than a half-hour too. You can probably use computers in a way it takes a genius gen-x, baby-boomer to use.
Depends on who's numbers you use. Some people place millennials from 90's to 2000. You're a shitty millennial too.
Success breeds jealousy. We have our Democrat cities full of niggers, but other than that our state is top-tier.
>I was born in 1991
Protip: If you were born between 1982 and 1995, youre a millenial.
t. '87 user
post 2000's is millennial, fuck off trying to blur the generational lines
Your state sucks Iowa dick on the regular.
the term "Millenial" is for those who came of age at the turn of the millenium. People who were toddlers in 2000, by this definition, are not millennials.
>mfw I see the state of Gen Z kids
We were pussies but they're a new level of faggot coming up.
> Born in the 80s
Things are much better in current year. Retro was horrible. Remember having your mom answer the phone? Remember talking to grills in the kitchen? Remember buying a Genesis when all your friends has super Nintendo's? Remember when you bought a shitty game because all you had to go on is magazine ads from magazines your parents wouldn't buy for you, then having to play the shitty game until the next special occasion? Remember demo cds? Remember early electronic music and everyone calling it techno? Remember owning only a few albums? Remember when CD players skipped and you regretted not getting a walkman? Remember 1x CD burners and paying a ton for blank cds? Remember when you ran out of HDD space and traded porn on floppies? Remember not having videos of porn and just spanking to images or the porn vids your dad owned (weird jerking to what your old man jerked to)
Late 80s and 90s sucked.
Whatever, flyover state.
>thinks that's an insult
Baited for this exact response.
Yep, but like how each person is different each millennial is different
Hit the gym faggy and go Pussy Crushing not Candy Crushing
If you keep whining I might give to the urge of bitch slapping you with my pokeUrMom
Remember windows me? Remember family computer and hiding porn in 50 nested folders? Remember viruses? Remember playing mmorpgs where all your equipment dropped when you died and were punished with your precious computer time for being bad? Remember when games didn't auto patch and searching for updates so you could play online? Remember long ass CD keys? Remember Sega Saturn? Remember when consoles were worse than arcades? Remember going to the video store and paying to rent a movie and getting charged when you didn't rewind it? Remember ISA cards? Remember third party controllers sucking really bad? Remember memory cards? Remember fucking save codes you had to write down and enter? Remember renting games twice only to find out some asshole overwrote your save file when you left 2 free they could have used?
Fuck off Trey Parker.
>Remember buying a Genesis when all your friends has super Nintendo's?
This wasn't a bad thing. All it meant you could go to your friend's house and play their games.
If you were a kid today and you had a PS4 while your friend had an Xbone you couldn't talk to each other and you couldn't even play games together!
I was born in 89' such nostalgia!!!!!!
>tfw nobody calls you out for underage.
(you) happy?
millennial technically is from 84 to 2004
There needs to be a subclass or something then, because someone born in 1981 had a childhood nothing like one born in 1995, and their current views reflect that. People born in the 80s seem to be more conservative and based than these 18-24 year old BLM/anti-trump faggots.
-t. '85fag
Millennials are 1984-2004. Look it up.
78 here also
We are Gen X
millennial master race here
82 checking in. Fuck all you millennial scum babbies.
We were colossal faggots when we were 18, but just in a different way. My friends all replicated the dumb shit they saw on Jackass, and played that retarded game from the movie Waiting where everyone tries to show each other their dick. If you acted today the way we acted you'd be arrested and charged with sexual assault.
So in other words, it's not that we're more conservative, I think. It's that we're liberal in a different way. We prize the freedom to do dumb offensive bullshit above all else, and these faggot kids think they can silence us and huddle in their safe spaces.
Show eachother their dick? That was a game of balls & sacks bro, not shaft. No homo.
>1991 is a millennial birth year.
you are just rightly ashamed.
The term Millennial was invented by Strauss & Howe. Their conception of a generation is a cohort that lasts around 20-25 years.
According to them, the first Millennials were born in 1982 and the last were born in 2004.
The log was the shaft. The goat was... well...
I'm 1982 here, but I'll go ahead and disagree: Strauss and Howe define millennials as 1982–2004, and they coined the term so they get to define it IMO. Plenty of other demographers actually start it EARLIER, with the majority of polling firms starting it in 1980 or 1981. Some start it in the late 70s. Nobody starts it as late as 1984. Sorry guys.
>Remember renting games twice only to find out some asshole overwrote your save file when you left 2 free they could have used?
Those bastards.
Yep you're right. I thought 84' but it is 1982. to 2004.
i was wrong, its 82 to 04
i was fond of the brain & trhe wolf