Anyone else starting to regret voting for Trump? I was on the Trump train as much as the rest of Sup Forums...

Anyone else starting to regret voting for Trump? I was on the Trump train as much as the rest of Sup Forums, but ever since getting elected he has revealed that he:

>will not repeal Obamacare
>will not deport illegals
>will not build a wall
>will not prosecute Clinton
>will not get rid of NATFA
>will not kill TPP

And that's just been in the last 4 days, who knows what else he's going to flip flop on over the next 4 years. I'm starting to think we bet on the wrong horse.

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ITT: OP is a retard who's never read art of the deal. Every real Trump supporter knows he wasn't going to do all those things they were to put him in a strong position for negotiations in order to compromise into something he can actually get you fucking idiot

>TPP already dead
>NAFTA has been reopened for negotiations by both Canada and Mexico
>Wall study key point of first 100 days

come on breh

I'm just waiting to see a white house decorated entirely in gold

Now what would make you say that...?

>will not kill TPP

Source for this? because every source I can find suggests exactly the opposite

Has Trump himself said these things? you know how truthful the media is, give him a chance, he hasn't even taken office yet.

Stop spamming the same thing over and over; the entire board knows you're a concern trolling shill.

Literally kill yourself; you are a traitor to the ideals of the republic and hold yourself to no ethical or moral values. FFS you're taking money to act like a fucking robot. It's incredible to me that anyone would ever demean themselves like this, yet here you are - a pathetic loser trying to shill on Sup Forums for the sakes of people who literally want to kill you, and ethnically genocide your entire country and everyone you love.

Get a goddamn fucking clue.

Not regret, but kind of like a less severe version of that feeling you get immediately after jacking off. I'm glad Hillary didn't win, but now what?

OP won't respond; he's a shill.

The answer to your question is, No. It's out-of-context shilling that the media's been doing to Trump non-stop for the past year and half, and is a continuation of that shilling in spite of Trump having won the presidency.

CTR didn't stop just because Trump won; he's still not an establishment figure, he's still not one of the pedophile elites - he's uncontrolled and unpredictable, so they need to tear him down and prevent him from destroying their globalist insanity and planned genocide of whites.