Do liberals have less respect for democracy than conservatives?
Not only does the US election come to mind, but also Brexit.
To me, it seems like liberals think they're "the good side", and when they don't win they think evil has won. Literally.
Do liberals have less respect for democracy than conservatives?
Not only does the US election come to mind, but also Brexit.
To me, it seems like liberals think they're "the good side", and when they don't win they think evil has won. Literally.
Dehumanization is a hell of a drug
Liberals respect almost everything less than other people do. Except their own opinions and feelings of course.
Liberals don't respect the fundamental freedoms of all people. Everywhere you look they're trying to suppress free speech and brainwash the citizens.
Malta is mostly liberal free. :)
really it's all gone to shit since the left became the moral authority, we need god real bad right now, it's a shame he's dead
Liberals have a fundamental disrespect of two things: 1. Tradition 2. Things that make them lose or look bad. They can ignore the first one as long as it doesn't cause the second one. In this way they can be either for or against democracy depending on the circumstances. In the case of Trump winning, they are flipping out becasue the tradition (electoral college) caused them to lose. This is the perfect storm of butt hurt and thing most likely to provoke a reaction for them. Now, if they had won, they would have ignored any and all previous criticisms of the tradition (electoral college) and instead would be gloating all over us telling us about how great it is they won.
Can someone explain to me how one can be "neither gender"? Or "gender fluid"?
Got some stupid news report a little while back about "xim" and "xer" or some shit. How is this even being considered?
they're hyperventilating hypocrites of the highest order
They were told they are on the "right side of history", and convinced by Hollywood drivel that there is always good and evil. So, of course, they feel as if they are these good, brave, progressive heroes fighting for righteous causes, and whenever they do not get their way, "evil has triumphed".
They see themselves as the protagonists of a movie, unfortunately this one seems to be directed by M Night Shamalamayan since it has an extremely unexpected twist for them.
Gotta love the Democrats; they would never send us to war for profit to slaughter a bunch of near illiterate Buddhist rice farmers.
fascism is not right winged, senpai
by definition, it consists in valuing the individual less than the group it belongs to
fascism is full on leftist
is exactly why the best kind of socialism is natsoc
it's best because it's at least coherent (it's still socialism though, so still libertharam)
also, as to the dubadubs: witnessed!
but Also this.
Literal children, regardless of legal status.
They preach tolerance but are the least tolerant of opinions they don't like
They scream bigot, but they're openly bigoted towards all they deem 'privileged'
They scream racism when you treat blacks with equality, not special right. They see other races as inferior people who need our help.
They will scream sexism if you treat a woman based on merit not their genitals.
It is a manipulation tactic that they use to control their oponent and protect themselves by blaming others of their own flaws. Notice how Hillary often accused trump of things she was proven guilty of such as rigging the election and working with foregin governments. Once you're aware of this tactic it's impossible not to see in every conversation with an SJW
They have been the ones in power, now when it is taken away from them they leash out
If Clinton won Sup Forums would have been similarly dismissive of democracy. No one really likes democracy when the results it produces goes against their personal beliefs.
I still think it's rigged. I think if Clinton didn't have the media in her pocket, and bussloads of travelling voters, and dead people voting for her trump would have won 80 -20
The US isn't a democracy, fuckwits.
They think they are superior in every point and deep within they want to overthrow everything and implement things like marxist ideologies, even if they don't vocalize it often (which they do).
They will support all fair values (like democracy etc.) as long as they are on the winning side. But if it just goes slightly towards the opposite they will be crying out racisms, fascism, sexism etc. They are the biggest hypocrites you can imagine and it not only affects their politic ideas, it also affects how they behave in general.
LOL. bitter left wing feminist liberal much?
Some liberals genuinely want communism and hate capitalism. You will never see a conservative bash our system.
because Left parties promote atheism.
Many people regardless of their political views, have a natural aptitude for religiousness.
Those potentially religious people who have left views can't believe in god because they are told only retards believe in god. So they fill the hole in their heart by believing in "their" political candidate.
So when their candidate loses, to them it's like their god was slaughtered.
Bear in mind these liberals tend to be commies, and well, you know how democratic their democratic people's republics were