Red pill me on Mediterraneans

Are Italians, Greeks and Spaniards white? Please red pill me on them, Sup Forums. I want to accept them because they are behind civilization as we know it, but I'm having a hard time.

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They aren't. Case closed.

>t. NEET
Those swarthy Mediterraneans were the same ones that conquered much of South America with like two ships.



Some are, some aren't.



spaniards were only good at mixing with Indians, it shows how close they are on the scale. They could never defeat a real European enemy which is why they had to go beat shit tier Indians. Same goes for the shitalians and gayreeks

italians are white

Italians are part eggplant.

>could never defeat a real european enemy

>i have no idea what the history of europe is

we're all part eggplant as we share much of our DNA with plants

like he said some are some aren't
some spaniards look swarthy as fuck almost like a pajeet but when they go north they look white

Mediterraneans are the master race.

Some Italians and a few Greeks are.
Spaniards aren't.

genotype is what matters
there's plenty of Scandinavian looking Sicilians and they aren't whiter than swarthy Germans, but cluster with other Sicilians, even levantine looking ones

we're not white, case closed

This is the truth. Italians, Greeks and Spaniards are all white. Only divisive shills create these threads.

>american education

also an imeg

>Spaniards aren't
Pic related is a Spaniard.

>mutt saying who's white and who is not

Fuck off jap, tired of your dad threads.

i have spaniard friends that have lighter eye colour than i do and lighter hair
i've also visited the greek islands several times and i rarely saw anyone that looked towards the arabic side
they are definitely white in my book

where's that "YOU'RE NOT WHITE "image when you need it?

>be me
>maternal great grand parents were gypsies
>paternal great grand parents were aboriginal, father is stolen gen twice removed

Being me is suffering

Southern and Eastern Europeans are white. Some have darker skin or hair but that applies to other European nations as well. (eg. the beady Anglo meme)

fanculo fottuto terrone

Not white but definitely Caucasian.

do you even realize how many times europeans were embarrassed and btfo in the new wold between 1500 and 1700?

Spaniards and Italians mostly white. Greeks I'm not sure, they were mixming with turks for quite some time.

continua a fatti pigliar per il culo dai bianchi
la sola ragione per cui ti vogliono considerare bianco è per pretendere di essere dietro le grandi civiltà mediterranee, quando non sono occupati a masturbarsi sui nordici e prendere per il culo gli altri

pepperoni mozzarella parmigiano reggiano spaghetti meatballs pasta macaroni,Linguine.

These guys don't even look like an average spaniard.

>be white American
You are lucky, emu.

t.kike shill


I'm part Italian and pale as shit, my mother's side of the family can trace back to a specific Roman patrician family. She has brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin like her father who was literally 100% pureblood Italy.

Then I've met people who look like they're straight out of Saudi Arabia who go on about their noble Italian heritage.

ma io sono bianco terrone di merda

This is the only real answer


>implying being white is a good thing

Whites are faggot cucks.

non certo per gli standard di questi clown
e non sono terrone, semplicemente non mi bevo le stronzate dei meticci atlantici privi di identità loro
siamo Italiani e mediterranei, basta quello

We wuz Greeks

You're forgetting Malta, you fucking idiots.


they are. Americans are mongrels so not white. Pls stop the "divide and conquer". It's a jew thing.

not bad, the accent is still strong tho

t. globally irrelevant hue country

enjoy your hiv



Yeah pretty much this. Italy is a mixed bag. Some are nearly albino and some are just shit.

t. Half italian

Stop trying to unite and conquer us with Mediterraneans.

Only Northern Italians are White. The rest are niggers.

t. Has Italian History Teacher Who Explained on Thursday

Many of them look swarthy as fuck but what really matters is the genotype.Some people have more non-white blood than the others and some have less.

The history of Italy is a little more complex than that

I am not a Jap. Most posters with Japanese flags on this boards are not Japanese, mate.

>all in one
I'm sorry.


Go fuck yourself, we Brits built our own cobbled streets and towns long before the Romans came here.

t. Breton Cambro Norman

You have to go back, ahmed.

note I am not spanish, even though my hefty spanish ancestry, I am but a lowly colonial whos fathers decided to fuck negresses and indians.

It's not really that high

I have visited almost ALL the important European countries from Spain to Denmark.

I can tell for sure MOST Italians and Spaniards look white but there is a BIG MONORITY(like 30-40%) that look like they had North African blood

The more south you go people start to look more and more dark, for example in Islands like Canarias and Sicily I'd say whites are 50%

>Pic related, both are Spaniards

>Are Mediterraneans white?
Yes, but not all of them.
Trying to refute this is stupid.

All cuckold Germanic countries will look like Brazil at the end of the century.


True Romance might be my favorite Tarantino script. Classic.