Swamp Status? Totally Drained

Swamp Status? Totally Drained.

lmao at least the libs knew hillary was lying, you guys actually believed this dude.

Other urls found in this thread:


am, am, am, everyone knew this team from the primaries onward.

no guys really he's an outsider just like us

*tabs back over to crunchyroll & eats some leftover chinese while Trump eats caviar in his gold-plated bedroom*

General not a politician
>Ben Carson
One of Americas best neurosurgens never been in DC
>Pence and Sessions
Absolutely BASED
>Crispy Cream
I don't like him he should fuck off

Ben Carson is a hero I hope he gets a good cabinet spot

>*tabs back over to crunchyroll & eats some leftover chinese while Trump eats caviar in his gold-plated bedroom*
it's a reddit thread

Carson and Krispie joined the Trump Train really early into the Primaries. Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence is obvious. Flynn is based. Rudy has been shilling for Trump for months

>Ben Carson

Racists BTFO

>defending these establishment insiders

election's over, sjws are crying, you can safely drop the act and turn on these clowns now

Dont you have a protest to go to faggot?

I hope Donnie does right by Carson, they seem pretty tight tbqh.

>he thinks this team isn't a dream ticket for almost all trump supporters

keep living in ignorance nooby

>Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence

gehehehe that's a good one

>cabinet full of neocon warhawks and kikes

Yeah I totally didn't see this coming.


That's a pretty great looking team, tbqh.

>inferring I think Trump is any better/worse than the rest of the establishment he's been part of for 50 years

I don't care enough to protest because nothing will change. you guys are gonna be cute in a year or two when you start to wonder when he's going to stop tweeting about the status quo and actually start changing it

Unless you're like 12 and can only remember the Obama years, in which case give it a little.

The only person there who you could really argue is an establishment insider is Christie, but he burned a lot of bridges to get here.

no see it's good because lol the one guy doesnt like gays hahahaha lol take that, the establishment *posts pepe*

Giulinai and Mnuchin are as establishment as you can get lmao.

>but he burned a lot of bridges to get here.

Yeah, he jammed one or two as well.


the rest are, too, just without the added microscope of having served in public office. MAYBE Carson, I'll grant you - but he's an ineffective doofus and won't amount to much more than a sandbag to absorb leftist jokey-joke criticism while the other guys duck

Literally 1 of these people is a DC politician


They all are lmao. Look them up on jewgle dude. I mean I'm assuming you're

well I mean it's from Fox, so I guess take that as you will

but I didn't make this up, if that's what you're saying. my protesting shift is done and hillary doesn't pay me to photoshop on the side now that the campaign fundraising is over!

i'll grant these shills are correct about 1 thing and it's christy fucking off

Hardcore Trump guys tend to be your standard GOP old dudes, and a lot of 18-23 kids who got sucked up in the whole vortex without knowing anything.

They just think these guys are "that dude who tweets stuff that makes SJWs mad lol", and good luck convincing them otherwise. Insiders are only the guys the MSM tells you are insiders, right?!?!?!

I agree, Christie's the only problem here. That said, he was probably (((promised))) a spot for the bleep-bloop takedown, and that was great enough that I'm willing to give the fat man a shot.

weird thing is that Trump must really love Christie in particular, because he's the one dude they could jettison without taking ANY flack. Even the New Jersey GOP hates that fuck, and the bridge stuff gives them perfect cover.

So either Trump or one of his kids has a real boner for the guy, and that should tell you a lot

>not based

He was the best choice of what we got, and definitely the best on gun rights, but to see all these newfaggots rationalize his warhawk neocon cabinet is pretty funny.

Maybe in 4-8 years they'll see that voting doesn't change anything but then we'll just be swamped with more kids getting caught up in the glamor and excitement of "America's next top President."


Chirstie is the only problem. IDK enough about Sessions to have an opinion on him though.

Here's something to dip your toes in for the newfaggots who don't know about Rudy Giuliani.


yeah but even gun rights are just a stalemate, for all the fuss Obama never even really tried to do shit. GOP/NRA loves the scared-militia money too much and the Dems are too terrified of losing middle class union types.

I'm waiting to see how long before the Alex Jones crowd start to turn on Trump. Alex won't because I think this has elevated him enough that he'll just attack anyone who criticizes the administration, but the truthers out there HAVE to be catching a pretty sour odor from this already

It's a transition team, not a cabinet.

Probably the worst thing about Trump's short political life is that no matter where he goes absolute cretins like Giuliani and Christie are sure to follow.

Stop spamming the same thing over and over; the entire board knows you're a concern trolling shill.

Literally kill yourself; you are a traitor to the ideals of the republic and hold yourself to no ethical or moral values. FFS you're taking money to act like a fucking robot. It's incredible to me that anyone would ever demean themselves like this, yet here you are - a pathetic loser trying to shill on Sup Forums for the sakes of people who literally want to kill you, and ethnically genocide your entire country and everyone you love.

Get a goddamn fucking clue

Which one of these people am I supposed to hate?

>projecting your NEET status onto Sup Forums

If you're into NFA items Obama did do a lot. He fucked us over big time on that. And he constantly tried to fuck us over on gun rights in general. You can't count on republicans for anything, but blatant infringements on gun rights is one thing they're okayish at.

As far as Alex Jonestien goes I don't know. As recently as last year he was going on about the secret Nazi world order trying to take over lol. With Paul Joseph Watson getting so popular on youtube it's hard to say where all that shit is going to go.

give it a couple months

just wait until he installs priebus into a lofty cabinet position and starts making deals with Ryan left and right

Oh no he called me 12 that sucks.

>*acts like an enormous faggot*

>concern trolling still works
Literally none of these people are a bad choice. What was Trump supposed to do, fill his cabinet with Eric and Ivanka?

>you're a concern trolling shill.

>point out how Trump surrounded himself since the first day of his presidential run with neocons and various warhawks
>get called a shill


>Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence

Yeah man I discovered Jones shortly after 9/11 like a lot of people and it's been quite a bizarre thing to watch him turn into a bootlicker for the POTUS within 15 years

trump is pretty squishy about guns, or at least he was for 99% of his life until this campaign started, so who fucking knows what he'll do.

Fill his cabinet with people like Ron Paul, Chuck Grassley(not the best but still), Senator Black from Virginia, etc,etc.

You know what he did though? Had the same people who he surrounded himself with during the run. The same neocon warhawks from the Iraq and Bush years.

If voting changed anything it'd be illegal.

yeah hahah lol ops a total shill fag

but when you're done scoring sick burns off me, seriously do a little poking around into these guys and the other satellites in Trump's orbit. Like, back further than 5~ years.

neocons, warhawks, tightly connected to the establishment, questionable loyalties, you name it.

Carson's too sleepy.

Christy corrupt/fat (although he put his neck out for Trump when it counted)

Don't know Flynn

Rudy and Sessions are OK

I learned of jones about the same time but I never listened to him. He's a charlatan constantly going on about water filters, reptilians, the nazis..etc.

I mean fucking Christ dude you can read straight from PNAC, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century for their plans.

Like shit dude, no one here does an iota of their own thinking. The people in charge laid it all out for us and you can read their playbook basically to the letter of what they want to do but no one cares.

Ain't nothing stopping you from buying caviar

Literally what. I'm happy with all these people

General Flynn, sweet. Obama sweating his ass off right now, when they wake up to the reality of his Muslim Brootherhood alliance which Flynn got purged for opposing.

Of course you would.

but god emperor trump retweeted pepe and did the smug face and makes libs mad!

but yeah longtime political heavyweight hillary clinton and her lifelong friend/donor donald trump being the two choices isnt fishy at all, he's clearly his own man who cares about us, the people

Correct me if i'm wrong but the drain the swamp sentiment wasn't ever that he was going to kick all the politicians out. He was going to make it harder for politicians already there (and that will be added) to bend over for special interests, lobbists, and foreign nations. Right?

faggots were always going to complain about this. if he picked a cabinet full of zero-termers it'd be "SEE!! HE'S A MADMAN!! NO-ONE HAS EXPERIENCE!! HE'S GOING TO DESTROY US ALL"
we're going to see this damned if you do, damned if you don't shit played out so many fucking times in the coming weeks and months. although knowing Trump he has some sort of counter-persuasion plan ready to turn all this whining into a positive.

>not KissAnime

yeah, def stay focused on that narrative and don't look any deeper

Yeah totally lol. Trump has the White race's best interests in mind. It's not like he supports Israel with all his might, or married his daughter into the tribe or anything.

t. Nu male

>using Kissanime

Yeah and possibly take advantage of the Clinton Foundation investigation to get rid of the most corrupt, we will have to see on that one.

Krispy Kreme already got kicked off the team. None of the others are insiders


>Vice Chairmen

What's the point of having so many? Why even call them Vice Chairmen? Just call them Members or Committeemen. Vice Chaimen, plural, just loses it's importance and prestige.

Fucking this

>Rudy Giuliani as attorney general

This fucking guy took out the mafia and he turned one of the most dangerous cities in the US into one of the safest. I'm a bit of a fan.


i cannot wait until he investigates the emails


isn't he a meme thought? all i know from him is that he was the mayor during 9/11

>transition team

>even the finns don't fact check

I'm glad Carson got in, he has the knowledge and background for medical and healthcare that's needed in this country. I don't think he'd make a good president because he's way too focused on those fields alone but as a chairman he'll be able to put forth the plans he wanted the whole time.

You're either a troll or a fucking Humpty they are already distancing themselves from Christie we knew Guliani and Carson would be with him Flynn good as a military rep and you need an old timer like sessions who know how DC operates


i REALLY hope Sheriff Clarke is asked to join Trump's administration.

Lel. I voted Trump because I trust his judgement and that he'll do the right thing.

I'm not gonna sit there and babysit everything he does. a good leader doesn't need to be watched constantly.

He knows what he's doing, let him do it.

He's legit. He destroyed the New York mafia in the 80's.

which he's totes doing by not restricting anything in the least and rewarding old neocon warhawks with cabinet positions~

also lol at trump not bending over for foreign nations


also he was complicit in 9/11 but hey lol he makes libs mad, keep marching in this totally real struggle between the two sides!

Christie bent a lot of rules for Trump to have his way in NJ, so he kinda owes him.

>doesnt need to be watched constantly
>had his twitter taken away so he wouldn't blow the plan in the final week
>never made a dollar his daddy didn't hand him
>fucked up everything he touched until grown ups did it for him
>prez because old pal hillary helped

yeah he's in it for us!

what do we even know about him?

This. I'm so tired of these jew threads. You niggers are really self hating. Why don't you kill yourself? I'm seriously curious--

This is the Trump team....Why do you post threads if you don't know the people who Trump surrounded himself in the GE?

None of these people are a surprise at all

NO NO NO we need gowdy


Are you questioning the fact that Obama has an alliance with MB? Or that Flynn was purged from the DIA for opposing it? If you believe in any way that Obama has supported jihadists in the ME(which he has, and does) then you must know that the MB is connected, it's their head organ across the globe outside of joint islamic governments in the OIC. If you are so enlightened by why Flynn was purged, why don't you simply provide a counter argument?

you're right, it's not a surprise that he's part of the establishment and is blatantly pissing in the faces of the morons who thought he was "totally different!"

>*sucks cock*

Yes yes, stay mad at Obamaaaa~ and those spooky nebulous muslims groupssss~ don't look at the men behind the curtain~

jesus christ is it summer?

>Unless you're like 12 and can only remember the Obama years, in which case give it a little.

Did Obama have a majority in the house and senate? Didn't think so faggot. Trump will have more power to get things done from day 1 than Obongo had in his entire 8 years.

You've got nothing left to shill other than 'J-Just wait and see guys' the exact same nonsense you said about the election, do you realise how fucking stupid you look?

ur surprised hes got positions for the only fucking people in the world that stood behind him when everyone else was calling him a fake republican racist sexist bigot

Go pick up some caviar on your way back to rebbit.

>transition team
pick one

These people were a part of his campaign though

uh yeah at one time he did
fucking lol

no but trump's really really different and not already waffling on literally every promise, really!