Just try to refute this
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they're sheep. liberals are sheep that can't see what's behind the curtain.
So its their body and the life who is totally a different human don't has a value, but the grown up humans do have one?
>liberal logic 101
>getting your property destroyed doesn't make you marginalized
then what does?
But usually the proverbial windows belong to those who are marginalized.
no they don't
sounds like something a window installation specialist would say
>minorities don't own windows
Racist and sexist much?
Then I've got some good news for you. No one's going to a concentration camp.
>priveleged city kids that tantrum when their parents buy them the wrong brand of car think they're more marginalized than middle america
So the people living in states they are trying to marginalize by stripping away a system that gives them the opportunity to influence the government matter more than their riot?
Burn them all
go be a marginalized nigger somewhere else.
They want to be on "the right side of history" so much they'll do anything to change election outcome.
I care if my windows are broken
>X matters more than Y
>So it's OK to destroy Y
No they dont. If you disagree, come speak to the business end of my shotgun.
until it's your window. if someone bricked their window theyd go fetal
Then give them your space to destroy.
Let them break everything you own.
They aren't marginalized. They're destroying property because they want more gibs.
Whites are the most marginalized of all.
lol how?
This game that the left plays is always hilarious. There's no argument actually being made here, just a presumptive statement and the reader is supposed to draw conclusions about the actual argument being made. The reason for doing this is solely for the fact that when the argument is stated properly, then it's either a complete non-sequitur or just sounds moronic. In this case:
Statement 1: People's lives are being marginalized
Statement 2: Windows are not as important as people's lives
Conclusion: We can break windows when we want
Wow, so powerful and inpsiring.
That's actually true. And remember: the future of America matters more than "the lives of the marginalized."
I'm a fucking white male and you're doing your best to marginalize me.
Mind if i come and break your fucking windows?
That's the difference between us shill, we won't burn down our neighborhoods when it comes down to it.
We'll burn yours.
>my feefees trump your right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness
The marginalized meter is more than 100 centimeters.
What is marginalized supposed to even mean? There are no successful people other than white people? What a load of crap. If you're too much of a pussy to grab life by the pussy, you cry about it and give yourself a label so people can sympathize with you.
Fuck you straight to hell. Our president is black for crying out loud. There is no such thing as marginalized, only laziness.
And besides that, I have a scheduled walkatho... i mean protest to attend to.
Black lives are not marginalized.
Also known as a Glazier
More importantly, life, liberty and property as John Locke put it and especially in this case.
Well. You don't fucking own anything with a window to break, so you can't speak about breaking windows.
how can the left be on the right side of anything?
No they don't, their lives are less valuable than windows, windows aren't a complete drain on society, windows are useful.
>No affirmative action programs for us
>Universities skip over us in favor of minorities
>lower average yearly income than all racial minorities
>Not allowed to advocate for our own racial interest while other minorities are
>not allowed to identify with our roots and European culture without being called racist and ostracized
That's just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more, anons.
Breaking some shit isn't going to uplift anyone, it's just gonna cost some innocent person money and drive their insurance premium up, they're punishing people for simply existing in a certain space at a certain time.
You could just not break windows. You do know that the damage you do can be measured in dollars, and that's a bill the city has to pay, right?
>>lower average yearly income than all racial minorities
lol k pal
I care if a brick is thrown at my windows
broken windows reduced crime by more than 50% nationwide, the largest benefactors of this reduction were minority communities.
Get fucked dumbass SJWs.
The lives of the marginalized are no excuse to break them in the first place. You could swap out "broken windows" with "broken legs" and this statement would be no different, since they're using dead niggers to justify their violent and generally brutish behavior.
While the text is true the sentiment isn't.
Pandering to minorities is worth considerably less than property rights.
You forgot:
>Anyone can wish for the genocide of the white race without being called out, and you're racist if you disagree with that sentiment.
Antifa anarchists are retarded. They are against heirarchy forms of government so by showing that they destroy everyday small business' property. That's a real load of hoseshit if you ask me.
"yeaaa we sure showed the government we mean business by destroying what we stand for. derp"
Refute this.
My bad. Scratch that. Everything else still stands, though.
>When someone is marginalized it means they are treated unfairly for no reason they can control
>breaking some random person's window in a protest is unfair and something that they can't control
>ergo the person who's window is broken is marginalized
>person's life suddenly matters more in comparison to the previous person who matters more
We may have found a loophole in quantum physics that people can exploit to get exponential amounts of privilege, if we could harness this process we could then use it to get everybody 500 jobs and infinite free passes from police
Sup Forums: blacks are genetically inferior. they are dumb animals. kill all niggers, race war now!
come on guys, why are you rioting and complaining!?
I prefer butter over marginalize
weaponized idiocy
I use Linux anyway...
>his sides and pessimism: gone
>Something something kristallnacht
A violent group of protesters breaks one of my windows and they're getting some bullets in return
I don't see any reason why intact windows and the marginalized can't coexist
seems like a bit of a false equivalence in my opinion
No they don't. Simple as that.
Me too. Fucking Windows breaks all by itself so I use Mint.
>be black business owner
>live in a city
>lanky, greasy, white kids are rioting outside the store with hoodlums and illegals
>somebody throws a brick through my window
>rioters run in and loot my shit
>"We're doing this for you! Broken windows don't matter!"
>keep shop closed for the next 4 days and lose income and can't pay bills this week
By destroying property indiscriminately and being a hazard to society their lives are forfeit.
>Pampered faggots who are throwing a hissy fit because they didn't get what they wanted for once
>spent their entire time throwing white, straight, Christian males (or any combination of the aforementioned) under a bus.
>The marginalised...
The fucking brass neck on these people... The total cheek it takes to do what they do then turn around and say they're the marginalised...
If they keep this shit up for long enough they just might.
You don't argue with savages, you just smash them down until they either submit and become civilized or die
Do you have any idea how hard it is to make a fucking window?
Funny how it's not the marginalised breaking them
Yes, but the lives of the marginalised don't matter more than John and Martha Smith from Michigan being able to put food on the table.
Not if they're breaking my fucking windows
I wonder if the bike was worth the risk
Are they saying it's OK to commit crimes if you're "marginalized"?
The lives of the majority matter more than the minority when the minority has their own racially homogeneous country.
What do you sell?
"Marginalized" is a new, made up victimhood for liberals who have no real complaint, but want to be included in the ranks of the marytrs. It's a label for spoiled, arrogant, brainwashed kids who, instead of enjoying life, make up things to be "suffering" under, so they can make a spectacle of themselves and get all the attention and warm fuzzies their narcissistic little powdered by mommy asses need.
My windows matters more than these fucksticks, because I can close it to block the sound of their whining and sniveling, while they "protest" taking selfies on $700 pocket computers and designer clothes.
Fuck them. Fuck them hard, long, and deep. Sideways. Make them go build the wall fro Trump, with their bare hands, and no power tools, air conditioning and WiFi. See how long they like real suffering.
Fucking spoiled brats.
>implying niggers plan ahead
No really, that's one of their biggest issues. They lack impulse control and can't associate present actions with future outcomes.
See: dindu nuffin.
Matthew 15:14
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
If the "marginalized" people were castrated and exterminated we would be living in Mars in 3 generations
Fuck those faggots, that window was paid for by a business owner who actually contributes to society. I want that fuckin window to exist more than the retarded liberal.
Sometimes you just have to grab a rifle and shoot leftists. Where do I sign up for the Right Wing Death Squads. I'm really edgy and serious about this.
Yet these people will rally against the Electoral college.
A system designed to protect marginalized rural citizens.
>tfw an entire theory on criminology exists disputing this exact argument
Yeah OP, except right now the working class is who's been marginalized.
Fuck off nigger
Couldn't shatter the glass ceiling so they'll settle for an accord windshield.
>The lives of the majority matter more than Jewish windows
remember how that ended up?
remember how the Jews declared a holy war on Germany and boycotted all German goods before this happened?
How would you feel about Chinese businesses if China decided to boycott America and was using its influence to push other countries into boycotting also?