If people are protesting on the street/highway and blocking traffic, it should be legal to run them over
Post your edgiest opinions
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>look at my edgy opinions my opinions are so special i'm so edgy look at me
kill yourself faggot
OP is a fag
youre a faggot
The minimum voting age should be 25, unless you serve in the military.
Anyone who plays music over a certain decibel level should be shot
women are kinda dumb
Of course it should be legal to run them over, If people protesting on the streets,
Then where the hell am i supposed to take a shit.
I don't think the illuminati is real, but I think it should be. People should be encased in warm green gelatin until they can prove they are intelligent, useful and harmless to others.
It is
Honest Pajeet.
Multinational corporations should be slapped a 90% profit tax in countries other than the one they are mainly based in.
The new construction along 80 is visually appealing and will age into a decent used-future look
Leftist opinions are never valid. They are incapable of critical thinking. California should be allowed to secede then congress should declare war on the state of California. Males executed and attractive females could be assigned to male soldiers that want one as a fucktoy sex slave. No rights. No regrets. Only final victory.
Vid related, OP
Story? Video??
Sweet Christ that was two years ago.
Yeah, as if this isn't just bait for some shitty news article you'll be writing next week.
Fuck off faggot.
Women are literally a mistake and we should hurry and develop a way of making offsprings without them.
public executions are an effective means of reducing crime
Africa should receive no humanitarian aid at all.
We're about to face a serious overpopulation issue and we're wasting resources on keeping this shithole afloat.
Evolution, survival of the fittest, these niggers don't deserve to live.
Tell that to literally any shithole that still has public execution.
war is an effective means of population control
stoooop, I can only get so erect.
College is a joke, kids seem to come out with less intelligence than they entered with.
Unless you served in the military or civil service you shouldn't have any rights.
Stop using that word.
Come on you apes, you wanna live forever?
I think truckers should protest these protesters.
They can't protest without food.
But i mean it,they're a mistake whose ovaries didn't transition to testicles.We should fix this desu :^).
Dear Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Art used to be something to cherish
Now literally anything could be art
This post is art.
Except for midgets, all mentally handicapped or deformed should be murdered in their infancy
Midgets should be forced to grow beards and carry axes
Police are worthless, you should be able to take matters into your own hands. Only you put the value on your property - so what if the door that got kicked in only has a material value of £80? To me it was priceless, so slashing the niggers face into chunks was an adequate and suitable punishment.
Women should be incarcerated and only used for reproduction. After menopause, women should be killed.
Better than the alternative
THIS, and forced to talk in a scottish accent
>Implying that's an opinion.
only about 10-20 nations should exist, the rest of the world should just be colonies or straight up part of the country
we should have let Hillary win
Handicapped should be castrated
Guys. Stop using the word "literally" so much. You sound like faggots
saudi arabia has the lowest crime rate in the world, seem to be working pretty good for them
would you say they literally sound like faggots?
No. I wouldn't say that.
"Literally" is like "racist". The word has lost all meaning.
Sp has faggot.
Do you not have a mother or a grandmother wtf?
The Death penalty should be bought back for crimes against the nation (treason, terrorism on the scale of 9/11 or 7/7 etc). It should be done by firing squad or public hanging (depending on severity).
All fags should be put in to conversion camps
Can you imagine how disgusting the floors would be?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with slavery or zoophilia.
I was born 5,000 years too late.
Women that sleep around before marriage are sluts.
It's impossible to rape a slut.
Honor killing should be a thing
That's already legal, dipshit.
Only ppl who own property can vote
Pretty sure that it depends on the circumstances.
If you're on welfare or getting money from the state, or even working for any government positions/agencies you shouldn't be able to vote. You are biased.
eh with renters that have legitimate jobs this could be iffy
Literacy Tests or some proof of contribution like paying a federal withholding or Social Security could work maybe
yes but you cant back over them after you drive through the crowd
redpill women aren't so bad, especially when compared to hysterical leftists of any gender identification
Only white, native-born males over 25 years of age should be able to vote and hold public office.
People east of the Aegean and south of Iberia are not white.
Yeah, blocking the avenues of commerce is a high crime. The Orzhov would not stand for it.
Women should not have any rights. They aren't people, they're barely human. Women should be treated as property, they are made to be owned and used by men. A man should have the right to fuck his own daughters, he made them and he owns them.
If you're crossing the street and set foot outside the crosswalk it should be legal for me to run you over
Global warming is real and completely fucking the western u.s. We will see deaths due to water.
Nirvana, and pearl jam have made good music
it's still annoying and serves almost the opposite purpose as its intended meaning, like when people say "with all due respect"
that said, i still say it from time to time...
Welfare recipients should get sterilized prior to recieving welfare.
I only support abortion because black woman get them disproportionately
I think the world works better with less diversity.
pls have cancer
and no welfare, and a voter registration card and ID card must be presented at time of vote.
I sort of agree with that in some situations. Black Lives Matter for example can be very violentand destructive and I think you would be an idiot to stop your car near them.
I also hate the phrase "at the end of the day..."
If people are protesting in the streets, can I drive on the sidewalk?
Liberals are mentally ill, niggers are genetically inferior, women are emotional children and Obama's first term wasn't that bad.
You could always move to the Middle East user
thats not an edgy opinion, thats an immutable fact
fuck, i say that one too, and i agree with you
I would be ok with voter id and paper ballots desu
If a person is found guilty and sentenced to the point that their life is worthless, they should simply be killed.
IE- If you are in your 60s and convicted of murder, you will realistically die in prison.
If you are in your 40s, you will be released after retirement and be dropped into a completely alien world where you can contribute nothing.
It saves money on preserving something of zero value.
pretty sure this has resulted in revolution in the past
All speed limits not within residential suburbs should be abolished. If people die, they should have been better drivers.
You realize you can idle forward and the second they hit your car you have justifiably reasonable fear for your life and can floor it right???
Saudi was the safest place ive been to bar none. Our hotels didnt even lock and people park their cars with thier windows down
and school zones, otherwise I agree
I don't think we should do anything about global warming
it's real but it's natural
sex with animals should be legal
we already killing them en masse so fucking them also won't hurt
I have a few views that would be considered edgy outside of /pol9k/
I don't think women should vote at all
I think the voting age should be 25+
I think if you take more in welfare than you give in tax you should also not be allowed to vote, you don't let a parasite direct your blood flow after all
I think abortion should earn the same punishment as killing a newborn unless the mother is in serious danger of losing her life, this will need to be proven
All citizens should be allowed to buy whatever arms they want, assault rifles, land mines, rocket launchers, etc
State education can go as well 2bh, if you can't afford to send your kids to private school or are incapable of teaching them yourself you fucked up
Foreign aid is bullshit, end it and never bring it up again
Anyway, it's likely all of these points have been mentioned itt already by someone else
Based subaru ran over a bunch of faggots protesting the gentle giant's death. Nobody was injured sadly.
I actually agree with this, there isn't really a reason for speed limits on highways especially. Should be speed minimums though.
Better yet
I legitimately think of women as lesser humans and of female suffrage as a mistake.
>getting to work on time
the only way to stop racism is to wipe out all but one race.
if the holocaust did happen, this is what they were trying to do.
kill every non white person in sight because they vote for socialism
Fucking beautiful, I wonder at what point they realized they were retards
You know Africa is really diverse. It's not that Africa you are probably imagining in your walnut-sized brain. Your sad attempt to sound racist and edgy falls flat because of your retardation.