Why are white women so fucking pathetic?
Why are white women so fucking pathetic?
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spoiler: women are emotional creatures.
Its like you never grabbed one by the pussy cuck.
never had a hard day in their life.
sheltered from cradle to grave
Liberal white women are the number beneficiaries of affirmative action and welfare, more so then black people. They are married to the state.
53% of them voted for Trump, dumbass
Nah mate they're ok
only 45% of them
Holy FUCK the cringe
What is her problem? source so i can have sound?
It's not pathetic it's cute. If you ever manage to get a white gf you will understand why they act this way.
Parents are to blame
Even he looked disgusted
Because if they weren't then they'd be men.
Jesus Christ...
Fucking latinos were only 11% of the total voters? Fucking how? Did they just not show up?
white women got trumpy elected, might have to start rethinking this shit.
The dream of getting Muslim gang banged is over.
White men have created a world where any woman with a shred of intelligence, decency or common sense can be successful
White women are jealous and vindictive creatures, who respond to failure by lashing out against those they perceive to have allowed them to fail.
They're so comfortable in their lives that they have no proper concept of identity, religion, politics or personality beyond "who'll give me the most free stuff"
It's not white women op.
It's single white women.
that's 47% more voting for Clinton than we should have allowed
White women = literally /ourgirls/
heaven personified
shh don't encourage them
>just want to meet a nice girl
>all I meet are retard liberals and atheists
What the fuck happened?
It's because the jews stripped all meaning from their lives so they cling to fringe beliefs in order to feel like they're doing something worth while and meaningful.
Liberalism teaches that motherhood has no meaning as abortions are promoted as the epitome of womanhood.
Sex is meaningless as it's now archaic to believe that sex should only be done by two people who love each other. Instead, we have hook-up culture.
Being independent is meaningless as its now the norm to shun household duties in exchange for working jobs that leave them feeling empty.
Being a woman is even meaningless because a faggot in a dress and makeup can now be considered a woman. White women now live empty lives and the way they cope with all that is by trying to uplift the lives of minorities and homos which leads to SJWism.
White women are great. Young people are young people.
this is sort of true, but still white women were more based than any of the mongloids. we need to get our white women to know that if they stand against their white men who protect and give them everything they will get nothing.
Its liberals...there were plenty of white men bawling there too. This is what happens when everyone gets a gold star for effort.
b8 thread?
xan she run in 2024?
jewish media
life was too easy for them so they had to invent problems for themselves
like 1st world problems, amirite? like omg ugh
Cringe was to hard couldnt make it past the first few seconds.
Man, that brown haired girl gets around.
based leaf. how are you not locked up for truth speech i mean hate speech already? are you living in some canadian wilderness retreat near usa wifi?
They were raised to be weak and bitchy.
They've never built a house, plowed a field, hunted for their own survival, built a bridge, a skyscraper or stormed the beaches of Normandy.
They have been coddled since birth, and think that as long as they can work sedentary jobs they'll be safe.
They have forgotten their places.
That Indian girl is so pretty. Anyone know her? I want to wife her
Based white women
that's a type of white girl man leave your basement for once maybe you would know.
To be fair, those faggots in dresses usually look better than left-leaning women
Lack of purpose or identity
You see, these girls should be in the home taking care of the house/children and their husband. However, the siren song of feminism has confused them and they now live empty meaningless lives pursuing things they don't really want or care about
date only white girls, guys. *excludes liberal white women
can someone post the pic of the crying hillary supporters but it has that one qt. with a smug face?
We posting Ivanka?
American white women aren't so bad.
Trump won them at 54%.
The problem is liberal women.
Lets see...
Cave Woman, Asian Nerd, Chinese Foodie, Crisis Actor, Assram the Indian, Brianna Wu, Upper Middle Class future trophy wife, Middle Class Coal Burner, Future Tweaker.
I haven't done any of those things either
so the meme that white women are hopeless brainwashed liberals turned out to be another jewish trick
Are we talking about the same white women, here? Because the Minnesota girl I dated in Australia was an outdoor-loving, WoW-PvP bullying, slut-faced gym freak who, to this day, has spoiled me for other women. I even remember how we met - it was at the laundry and I was reading the WoW Burning Crusade guide book and she just randomly cuddled up to me to read on my shoulder. No warning, no foul, the first words out of her mouth were:
"So, you PvP?"
Our first conversation was about Karazhan. I remember every single detail.
Best 2 years of my life. Regret breaking up with her.
I wish her all the best. Her husband's a total bro, too. :(
I don't know but something about seeing them cry makes my wiener do things. Half the reason I voted tbqh.
The Joke
All women are full blown communist liberals unless they are under the thumb of a man.
liberals whites of either sex are garbage and should be forced to live in the inner cities. really guys, what we need to do is stop giving money to the jewish media that enables and emboldens them. that's where most whites are liberalized: the cinema and colleges.
this desu
if they are based, encourage them to breed at every opportunity.
She's a comedian and it's staged. It was part of a sketch for a porn awards show.
The irony of sticking your "I Voted" on Susan B Anthony's grave, and then this shit running
Most white women voted trump.
the only women that matter
bumping can someone post that pic please
This girl actually looks a lot like my cousin. Kind of creepy.
>when even the niggers have more decency
I know. I browse reddit too.
still waters never made a great sailor
They got Jewed to chase after blacks and now their own race don't want them, and as to where they were running to... fatherlessness?
overall or you ignoring millennial women
just shows how irrelevant non-whites are
/r9k/ BTFO. Time to go back to your shitty containment board guys.
Why are you so fucking pathetic?
Way to paint half the white race with one brush.
Some of us are, but I voted Trump, so get that cactus outta yer rectum.
Yo, babe
Interested in this chilean alpha? I bet you are great in bed
Hey Liv Tyler, when did you get on the gas?
Nope. I have 5 sisters only one is married with a kid but they all voted Trump. Mom voted Trump too. They all work and two of them own a small business. My 2 female cousins voted Hillary and now refuse to talk my sisters. My cousins are both meth heads and the older one has had two abortions out of four pregnancies. The other one was getting gang banged by 40 year old Mexicans when she was 14. Liberals in general are trash.
Yeah but your sisters had a strong relationship with your father right?
>Even niggers dont want her
fucking kek
No. He was a shitty wife beating spic. None of us had close relationships with our fathers. Mine was white but in prison until I was 18. Maybe its because we grew up in the rural South.
>overall or you ignoring millennial women
Not all millennial women are bad.
Just skin through this kike funded video.
Notice how the two attractive young women in their twenties openly support Trump, while the old hags and bitchy, cunty looking dykes, single mothers, and old harpies all support Clinton.
More of our women voted for him than didn't. And it's about even across all age demographics.
Ok well there's always exceptions. Most women without a good father figure or a husband to keep them in line usually end up hating men and they become SJW liberals.
In general.
Because 53% of them are extremely unintelligent.
Yeah, the south is pretty much what saved me as well.
>Not all millennial women are bad.
Women shit on each other 10x more then men do. If you're a woman and your "friends" discover you have ideals that are non kosher, its game over for you.
I really think its a Southern thing too. My sisters are half mexican but southerners through and through. We are considered bigots just by our accents so the racist sexist homophobe labeling bullshit doesnt have as much as an impact.
Reminder that 52% white women voted God Emperor, they can be salvaged.
this is 100% true in my own anecdotal experience. I've had FAR more success getting far left men to agree with me than far left women.
Something about women, its like they submit to one and only one ideal pusher at a time.
>13% black men vote for Trump
pretty good actually, I now think slightly less of black men
>when monkey """"""culture"""""" infests whites
This one?
Are you the oldest?
Did your mum fuck your dad and fall for the 'grass is always greener' meme, or did she fuck the spic first, realise she'd made a horrid mistake and then settle with your dad?
Not being facetious btw
Genuinely curious
> Tfw confined to containment board for containment board.