You can't justify this, Sup Forums. This isn't right, I'm not even joking. You shouldn't be threatened like this.
Muslim High School Teacher told to hang herself
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Okay it wasn't really a threat, more like basically saying "kill yourself"
People hate us so much its unreasonable.
>whatcha doin rabbi
Given the poor penmanship, even odds she wrote that herself with her non-dominant hand.
False flag, nothing to see here.
what kinda name is akericce?
>High School
Why does it look like it was written by a kindergartner?
Fuck me I know the le >American education meme but still if your in fucking high school you can do better than that to write a death threat
The funny part is a SJW probably wrote it because they have to make up anonymous unconfirmable "hate crimes"
Was the student a snowflake?
thats even less reason for concern then ay
No. Muslims deserve every shit they get until they start changing their fucked up religion. They do not cause most terrorist attacks but they are far ahead of everyone when it comes to deadly terrorist attacks.
Most high schoolers, particularly boys, have absolutely garbage handwriting.
>even odds she wrote that herself with her non-dominant hand
Yup. This is exactly how muslims work, and they're not half as smart as jews at getting away with it.
Considering the handwriting, probably a special needs child.
Yeah, this is so fake
>lowercase T
>that godawful handwriting
Fuck outta here
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
We need to make this Operation #1 for Ameribros. Eurobros are busy with #MEGA/#MFGA. We are fighting the war on two fronts and need all Sup Forumsacks to report in. They are trying to divide us by flooding the site with concern troll type threads. Its very easy to get sucked in and forget about what the real issues are. We have A LOT of new people here now and need to keep the important threads at the TOP.
Please spread the word in concern troll threads and false flag threads. The battlefield is shifting and the war is still hot
no american highschooler would write & instead of 'and'.
shes a LANGUAGE ARTS teacher. someone who would use an &.
This is 100% bullshit. She wrote that herself, the lines are too crisp and controlled for a young child still developing hand dexterity.
Mrs. Teli -
Clock Boy is in Qatar.
His prank was a working detonator for the IEDs he is working on now
Take off your suicide vest and chill
Please don't kill the children.
>high school
>penmanship and writing ability of an 8 year old
wtf even is this?
Is it a nigger school? They hate muslims
Why can't muslims just stop wearing that stupid shit?
Also look at this grammar, she either wrote it herself trying to emulate a "dump drumpf supporter" or she's teaching actual retards
Leftists have fabricated countless "verbal attacks", it's not like they will stop fabricating more.
High school
Whole new meaning to neckscarfs
>high school student
>that handwriting
Excellent point
>killing mudlsimes
>not justified
U wot m8? 'avin a giggle?
what the fuck is this logic? do you have any control over westboro baptists or christian child soldier armies?
literalists are crazy, parts of both the koran and bible support genocide.
I was born here and cant. Maybe if you eventually deport us all. Until then people should at least be somewhat respectful.
Hey weev
Don't ever leave your containment city.
Isn't it "illegal" for her to show this to the media?
Like afaik there's rules so that issues like this get handled internally.
oh and another note...
if you're teaching a clas that involved writing.. even a MATH class, your teacher WILL know your handwriting. she knows who did this. joke is, she knows she did it herself.
Well fuck me that is some shit ass writing sure had me fooled.
If there was a name I'd agree with it being private but as long as its anonymous I don't think it should matter.
>that "i'm an adult pretending to be a child" handwritting
the letters are traces with too much confidence for a child, look at the S in Mrs, it has movement, power, it was written fast by someone who is used to write stuff, no a child.
juste writing letters different wondy sizes doesn't make the illusion
A huge fucking load of Muslims actually believe in every word of their book. Unlike Christians, who just stick to the parts they like
Even the fucking "M R S." in the top left of the pic looks like it was drawn by someone who can write arabic
>fucking cursive script
So, do any male adolescent deplorables write w/ fucking cursive? Look at that feminine "a" in America.
>comparing westboro baptists and fucking Uganda to the average muslim
that's weird
You think you'd fucking get it and fuck off.
But no. You actually think you're fucking entitled to stick around in white countries built by white men for white men.
And for that you will burn. Perhaps not this day, but one day you will burn.
Totally real. Not a staged false flag conceived in a narcissistic quest for FB/Twitter likes.
Most Muslims (here at least) are completely unaware of any violence in it because they dont understand Arabic but read it in Arabic. I've only met a few, though.
>Teacher is insulted by students.
>This is news worthy.
Call me when she's attacked by an angry parent like it happens here.
Wait, that student don't know how the capital 'I' looks like? Or is it her trying too hard?
Yeah, like Christmas.
I like Christmas.
so, every time something like this happens you guys come out in droves saying it's a false flag just to make you guys look bad...
and then in the same breath say shit likeit's like denying the holocaust and then saying we should kill all the jews.
Americce! What the fuck is an Americce?
I don't buy it. What kind of kid writes with, for lack of better words, different fonts?
two different kinds of lower-case a's.
two different kinds of lower-case t's.
two different kinds of lower-case i's (one with dot, one with circle).
To me it reeks of an adult trying to write like a kid, using fonts they are not familiar with to make it look ugly (as if a kid wrote it), but accidentally (or rather subconciously) slipping in font styles they themselves have used forever.
your reading comp sux bro.
>westboro baptists
Not an issue. They may be a nuisance, but they are not violent. They're just a small, edgy church that just about every Christian spits on. As annoying as they are, they are protected under the first amendment.
>christian child soldier armies
Most of that is done *by* Christians but not in the name of Christianity. Now compare that to amount of Muslim terror attacks.
Unlike Islam, Christianity has been reformed multiple times. If you compare ISIS to Westboro in an attempt to defend Islam, you're part of the problem.
The average muslim will not publicly condemn hamas, isis etc.
She's kinda cute but has that retarded look
No they're not. They know how to use social media, they're actually really good at it
>Ampersand instead of writing out "and" or "an"
Confirmed for adult writing it and pretending to be a kid, probably her.
This board is mostly people with possession
This is true, my handwriting has been the same since like 3rd 21 now
Also the teacher wrote it herself. Case closed
A few things
1. I can't go back to where my parents came from as I don't have citizenship
2. I only know English
3. I am only in this situation because my parents were allowed to move here. Halting immigration is a good step if you hate us so much but I think it should be done in secrecy.
4.If were all eventually kicked out the American military presence in our countries should also be removed and any of our governments should stop being backed.
furthermore, even the dumbest high school student has better penmanship.
good thing we've evolved beyond the need to be acknowledged by our peers
hey rabbi!
Is this the EXACT same statement that some lying muzzie posted about on social media, claiming a MAGA hat-wearing fucking white male yelled at her a couple days ago?
Seems legit and not like you just wrote that down from some shit you saw on social media.
i love it
the child soldier thing is very often done in the name of christianity. they believe god will protect them from infidels' bullets.
In Christianity women are supposed to cover head while praying. Men, never. What did we do? Blamed them. Open them up to being raped by fallen angels. And then we covered our men's heads. Guess who wears one sometimes? The Queen
She tried soooo hard to write like a teenager.
Also not even americans would be dumb enough to sign such a letter.
I am inclined to wait for further proof.
Kek'd, noice m8
I don't care what she looks like she's still a Muslim trojan horse. Get them all the fuck out. She would have no sympathy for Christians or atheists if here Muslim brothers were in control of the country.
It's us vs them. White people need to stop being so altruistic.
Incredibly fake and incredibly gay.
The comments think its real. What high school student capitalizes random letters? Jesus fuck
It is supposed to spell "America" apparently
Mehmet it's time for you to leave.
Zionism is the much bigger problem. Nice new Zionald you got there. Start reading your Bible rabbi
Yes it is
>student does something to antagonize teacher
>wow its fucking nothing
I work in a high school and kids try to bait the fuck out of me constantly. He have a teacher in a wheelchair who cops more flack than pretty much anyone else. She doesn't give a fuck, and neither do I. If you're not prepared for kids to push shit on you, don't be a teacher in a western country.
Of course she could always move to a muslim country and teach there oh wait
Medpack. Mountainous zionist. Whenever i see memes i know im right :D
islam has gone through plenty of reformations too. if you haven't noticed, theres plenty of different sects and not all of them are violent.
in fact, if you take all historical sects of christianity and islam, christianity has vore violent ones.
it's just that most of those died out because we stopped living in monarchies, unlike a certain other religion.
Found the donkey rapist.
It's possible a student wrote this with their non-dominant hand, that would explain a lot.
Death threats aside anyone else feeling a sense of pride that the next generation aren't feel-feel touchy lovey SJW faggots?
Blood libel. Putin is pedo. Epstein trial
Matthew 18:6
Splitting != Reformed
Penmanship in the US is atrocious. I've been complimented a number of times on my handwriting, and every time it makes me sad.
Interesting that the two moderate "reformed" sects of Islam, the Sufis and Baha'i are slaughtered by the unreformed ones and make up the vast minority of Muslims.
Rly maek u tihnk