Racial Enemy Thread

Choose two races you hate/dislike the most
Baltic, Balkanic, Celtic, Finnic, Mediterranean, Germanic, West Slavic, Russian
West Asian, Central Asian, South(east) Asian, East Asian
Semites, Levintine

semites and east asians



I like the argonians though. Khajit are dirty niggers

I hate Poles and Bulgarians.

Easy, I pick Germanics twice.

I don't really like Central Europeans and Balts

See, I don't think ya'll understand. We got young queens out there on the daily making sure they mans stay woke af. We educated now. We smart. And we making everybody in this damn place woke. So is you woke? WELL? Is you?


What about latin americans?

mongrels. should have put as an option

Does Levantine include the entire Middle-East? Because then Levantine>>>>>>>>>negro

>tfw when you don't even remember that mixed race people exist
Russian segregation is a blessing

Levantine are Lebos, Syrians and some kikes. Semites are arabs and most kikes

South Asian (as in Indian) and non-Levantine Semites.

germanic and baltic, literally the scum of this world


I see, isn't the term kinda broad though? Anyways, it's Semites>>>negroes then I suppose

No u


You are already mixed race just as we are. If you didn't want to be you should have left Finngolian tribes alone instead of promoting russification.

Negros and da joos

Want some Skooma, lad ?

Celtic ftw

That's why Russian are separated to a single sub race within the European race by many researches. Russians are a mix of Germanic, Finnic, Slavic and Baltic.
t. zydotatars


Oh wait but I hate (nonreligious) jews and Levantine negroes the most

We do not care about finngolians and they do not care about us.

semites and negroes is the only real answer

>Finngolian tribes alone instead of promoting russification.
t. swed
With out us you would have been sucking somalians dicks right now.
Pay some respect wont ya.

Indians. They're disgusting hideous, creepy their food smells like diarrhea and they are dirty

Without the Soviet Union no shit that happens in Europe, North American and Oceania right now wouldn't be a thing. You confuse the cause and effect

Thats Southeast Asians. Who else?

Russians is already there

if soviet union continued existing nothing of that would ever happen, dumbass

>Without the Soviet Union
t. 14 years old nationalist.
Opinion discarded.

Semites and negroes.
Honorary mentions that aren't listed: Arabs and Turks.

Pretty much all cumskins.

Not an argument. Soviet Union was a commie ISIS

Arabs are semites, turks are west asians

>Soviet Union was a commie ISIS
youranidiot user.

East asians and either kykes or arabs

Kill yourself degenerate
Terrorist state created by Jewish assholes, Polish genocidal pervert and Baltic shooters. No different to ISIS in its legitimacy and means to power. And welcome to Sup Forums - where Soviet Union is hated

Funnily enough this is actually true. Finland started getting Somalians exactly at the moment when the Soviet Union fell and that's because they came from there.

Our first batch of "Somalian refugees" were actually some communist project being trained in Moscow for some revolution or counter-revolution that never happened because USSR fell and Siad Barre fell. Rooskies kicked them from Moscow to Estonia and the Estonians immediately put them on a ship and sent them our way. Our smart border guard stopped them but our idiot leftists campaigned to let them get off the ship.

Celtic? Nigga what did we do to deserve this?

Soviet Union opposed Apartheid and supported niggers terrorists there, KGB financed nigger and spic Civil Rights in America, they've done all the nasty anti-white shit. Do you think if Hitler had won or Anglo-American-(German) Alliance crushed the USSR they would breed all the subversive shit out there? USSR gave birth to the holocausr meme, USSR started importing niggers in the late 50s, USSR financed leftis all over Europe. If revolution never happened or Hitlee/Anglo Alliance/Anglo- Alliance + Hitler had won the world today would be ducking fantastic

niggers & arabs

from France not surprising

Baltic, Balkanic, Celtic, Finnic, Mediterranean, Germanic, West Slavic, Russian, East Asian

Semites, Levintine

West Asian, Central Asian, South(east) Asian

>Celtic, Finnic, Mediterranean, Germanic, West Slavic
Why are these even options?

There are cucks, untermenschen and soviet scum out there

And personally I don't like Meds with the exception to Catalonians.

Why Catalonians? I thought they were cuckold spiteful types like Scotland is currently