Why does he looked so shocked after meeting obongo, Sup Forums?
Why does he looked so shocked after meeting obongo, Sup Forums?
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He look bored. Like that voldemort guy in the corner at the party.
Forgot to wash his hands and just got poo on the President.
They showed him the tapes
>smearing poo on Obongo
How could he tell if he even got any on him
He would not run if he had knew about expected ayyys invasion.
They didn't have taco bowls.
He is like Superman, except instead of the sun it's gold that powers him.
Fox News asked his employees things about him and they said he hates long meetings
Reality has set in. Even he expected to lose.
"Fuck, i'm really going to have to do this aren't I?"
"And you're certain it's more than just angry shouting and tweeting?"
"Pretty sure."
"Will i go grey too?"
"If you're lucky."
If only you knew how niggered things really are
Obongo invited him to eat some Cheese Pizza for an hour, he realized what it meant
This is why.
He was told about the 15 secret ways the US has to destroy the entire world.
He's being blackmailed by the GOP
Cap this
He was briefed on the ayy lmaos being the real rulers of Earth for many centuries
>that expression
pick one. i realize Sup Forums is full of autismal people who can't read expressions very well but come on
Ayylmaos, black projects, the cabal
The emotional weight of it all was too much
Obongo told him about the endgame.
Allah Ackbar.
He was told that the petro dollar was about to collapse and trump was allowed to win so he could be the fall guy
mfw liberals starve.
>If you don't do exactly what we tell you we will JFK you, torture your family and destroy everything you cherish. Good luck!
He just became President and is in the white house meeting with the current President. How would you feel? It must be pretty overwhelming and surreal.
He saw micheal obama without his wig
Looks like he's overcome by the smell of nigger sweat and cocoa butter
Everyone around him told him that the fun and games are over. He has to take shit seriously and dignified now. Its weird cause thats not Donald and he's adjusting.
I get the bit here and I see the body language in question, but why have we had this thread so many times and why is it always so similar?
how do we know it's even trump
>"that THING touched my hand. I will have to bathe in sanitizer"
This is why
He met the masked elites who run shit. Grand council of 11. They're beyond Rothschilds and soros
my sides.
#TrumpIsChanged, #TheyReplacedRealDonald
Obama told him one of the biggest secret things ever (aliens killed kennedy) to try to wig him out and get him to give up
This tbqh.
The look on his face is the look of absolute disgust and disappointment. The White House is probably in shambles, as I'm sure he already knew, but now he gets to see the smelly truth right up close.
> believing in king nigger
He's already had enough of that nigger's shit. Their meeting probably consisted of how obama would go about things, and what he hope trump does blah blah blah.
Shadow government; 7th floor, to the left.
his body language isn't that clear imo. it could be shock or it could be a mixture of disgust, impatience and boredom.
Redpilled on the effects climate change being a very real and imminent threat.
Obama can't force the issue without sounding like a typical liberal tree hugger.
Trump will have to do it.
And most likely, NO I REPEAT NO ayylmaos at Area 51 and no illuminati cospiracy...it was paranoid fantasy all along.
Nigga it's like one frame. You can find any facial expression you want when you go through a video frame by frame.
It's like the post that showed the Don looking at Obama when shaking hands, and Obama looking bored and looking away. When you watch the video they clearly look at each other when shaking hands and then Obama turns and says that they aren't taking questions.
Trump didn't just sit there with that look on his face the whole time.
cause it's fun to say ay lmao
he just realize that even monkey can become the president of US
This. Obummer, has used executigve action to bypass congress. Obummer knows the jig is up and DJT all has to do is sign a new Exec Order, and all that shit goes up in smoke.
Dream act? Dream on.
TPP, in yuou dreams.
The only real legislative problem is Obummer Care.
Obummer probably used the power of the office to try to daze Trump into agreeing to keep with tradidtion of maintaining exec orders.
Here is the thing. Exec orders in the past were used primarily to deal with interoffice issues or some niche monetary issued with respect to any office in control of the White House.
GWB and Obummer pushed the envolpe in order to run around congress and house of rep byt using exec action.
Enough of the exec action. So Trump is simply trying to firm but polite.
He could just be tired, or it's all finally hitting him what winning the Presidency means. Whatever Obama told him in that 90 minute meeting likely knocked his socks off, too. Even without the memes about aliens and the Illuminati, there's almost definitely some dark shit going on behind the scenes that has all been unceremoniously dumped into his lap by Obama.
Showed him the JFK tapes from the perspective of the shooter and told him he better toe the line
He told him that he doesn't actually have any power and is going to spend the next few years as a puppet to the lizard overlords.
Damn he actually changed his hairstyle
maybe rockefellers, rothschilds scold him for talking shit about Soros.
Or he has one of those head snake things installed now.
The both watched the missing Watergate segment
Still shocked from going from a simple businessman to the most power man in the universe in less than 24 hours.
>nation is divided
>making america great again isn't going to be easy
>and all the other president stuff he has to do
>AND the realization he's sacrificed his final years for the most stressful job on earth instead of sitting back and enjoying his wealth
> Tfw when obobo tells you aliens are real.
>Obama: Look Donald, you have no power. They will kill your family. Your first day in office they gas you and put remote control explosives in your neck and your families.
>Obama: I wanted to change but they wouldn't let me Donald. Now you will be blamed for this mess and they do not like you
>Oh god I have to live in this shitty little shack from now on
>that guy who shot the pastor was right
>the reptilians are among us
>that picture
>realizes he's still dealing with the same corrupt media, literally in his face.
>We can't really go to mars because our martian overlords will exterminate us for illegal immigration. It's upto you to keep up the facade.