I was bored so I went to a local park with my friend today. It's the klyde warren park in Dallas, so you know its going to be a pretty diverse place.
Holy shit, Its amazing how right Sup Forums is and how fucked things have become.
Everywhere you look, white guys that are dressed like abercrombie models. Soft, weak men.
And lol, get this. Out of the literal 100's of interracial relationsihps I saw, 99% were niggers with white women. I looked at them all with disgust but I was honestly in shock.
I knew white women were degenerate as fuck but holy shit, they really have betrayed the white race as a whole. I saw *more* white girl/nigger relationships there more than any other type.
Fucking disgusting. Nu-males, nigger lovers, etc.
Makes me sick. Why the fuck is the media/corporate world doing this to us? Poisoning our country.
I was bored so I went to a local park with my friend today. It's the klyde warren park in Dallas...
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dont worry, Dallas will have its own DAY OF THE ROPE! in time
Yeah, it's when Trump gets KENNEDY'D
is there anything more blue-pilled than being bitter and insecure that other men are getting laid?
maybe they're just taking their niggers out for a walk in the park
Dont assume
Secondly you kniw not the power of Unconditional love
Your perspective is fear based and
Is conjoined by the constructs of a domination and control system to destroy the surface population of mankind for the very few wealthy
It's just disgusting if you ask me.
All these white girls are only doing *interracial* because they feel like they have to prove they're not racist, and progressive.
So instead of having standards and self respect, they worry more about being considered racist for not riding nigger cock.
It's fucking disgusting. Genuinely grossed me out.
I have a girl, she's very redpilled. Hates niggers with a passion.
Listening to germans as based as you always makes my heart flutter with pride of being mostly german/polish
Yeah. Coalburning.
You would think white men who are not racist were smart enough to listen to this so we can all end this tyrannical beast together but as they are attempt to do so are being absolutely condescended and bombarded by the racists to take up arms because they assume a hitler white supremecist is in power itsabsolutely appalling how it is the best oppurtnuity to put those fuck boys of demonic intent to be put the fuck back in place so we can save humanity as a unification to transcend the paradigmn of fear and destroy this conquer divison of domination and control of innocence
The fuck are you talking about nigger lover.
I for one take pride in my race, and appreciate civilization. If you want a nigger world, go to Africa. See how tolerant they are of you.
White women are the choosiest females and they all prefer black men. What does that tell you about black genetics? is what you should be asking. African males had the most male to male competition on the evolutionary time scale. They evolved to be the most attractive reproductively successful race (among the males). Which in Darwinian terms means they are the most evolved race of today.
>Klyde Warren Park
wow it's fucking nothing.
That's the center of Dallas which is 30% white at best.
I see nothing but white couples when driving through Highland Park or any nice areas in DFW
key to the map is
white=blue dots
>Why the fuck is the media/corporate world doing this to us?
The truth is we just don't know.
Dude, go ride a bike.
Then get the fuck off 4 chan and do something coward. I bet you jerk it to pics of Dylan Roof every night with a sleek up your ass.
Make Dylan proud, bust a move storm fag
So? I've seen some here too. Just be smart and never date a girl who went black.
Sincerely, if they want to go the STD and single motherhood way, so be it.
I give zero shits for it, and you ought to just scoff at them.
Negroids evolved to fuck like rabbits because the death rate in Africa is so high. That means they had to develop quickly and be violent in order to compete with each other. Being intelligent didn't really pay off. This explains the high levels of intrasocial violence in black communities and why no one wants to live near them.
non-Negroids (Eurasians) evolved to be more intelligent and less violent on average.
you've woken up to the disgusting hypocrisy that these serpents drool their venomous dribble onto our kind destroying in a pox that is tolerance in absurdities and insanity.
Like the great Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Its time to struggle back as our forefather did whenever these iconoclastic society destroyers made their presence known! The time is now, awareness must be spread!
God forbid, amen.
racemixing is the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot and then bragging about how you need crutches
theyre getting laid because of the absolute garbage being poured into their heads, maybe nigs like being used as tools and beasts of labor. But I would a rather woman really know why she likes me than say I'm getting my dick wet because of BS. Only cucks and virgins sit there and say oh well let them just have it and get the vagina that you yourself want lol
You probably saw me there. I'm brazilian with a redhead gf. We usually walk our dogs in that park.
We are both getting our PhDs too. What're you doing with your life that makes you so much better?
nig nog youre delusional. To women there's no such thing. They look at everything around them as a tool and a thing to be used to aid her in getting what she wants. True love haha dumb ass
if you're at kwp tomorrow come by and i'll give you and your friend free popcicles courtesy of steelcity pops
I doubt it.
No women would ever touch a nigger, unless she has no other option.
About the nu-males, you can have some fun with them. Point your finger to them and say that they look like little girls.
They're cucks, so they'll do nothing even being in major numbers
poor granddad
Actually its because they are resonate to the sincerity of heart
Not to the inevitable spite and destructive egotystical racism that arises from envious destructive intent on innocent minorities who do their own thing literally
YOU are disgusting
Womankind itself is re emerging into her SACRED divine feminity and YOU are literally descending into primtave egotystical entrapment of self destruction upon soul
the only women with actual love capabilities are conservative ones who go to church. everything else is manipulation.
Dallas TX has nigs with white women?
I thought TX not allow such.
Statistically white women date outside of their race the least.
92% of BM/WW children are born out of wedlock
97% of black fathers are not involved in their mulatto child's life
these stats are all for black male fathers who race mix with non white mothers btw
>non-Negroids (Eurasians) evolved to be more intelligent and less violent on average.
Not less violent at all. They just focused this violence in a warrior culture.
Violence+intelligence is the perfect combination for the conqueror
I'm a white man married to a black woman and I will happily give my address to anyone who wants to look me up during the Day of the Rope. My handgun will be waiting for your visit.
Eurasians are far less violent intrasocially
They are going to murder each other over a pair of sneakers
Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele
50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks
Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"
What's your point? In the end you will live and die paying (((them))) regardless. And you will never stop them, just vent because you're master race didn't think to do it first and it's to late to take it from them. You've been kiked, sold out by your own race so they too can get a few extra coins, get over it.
Ok, I agree
It's impossible to become bored with a white man crying about a black man pounding white pussy. Impossible, I tell you.
Going to Church change your brain's composition?
They are doing it so they have a coffee colored slave race to buy their shit and be their slaves. White people must be destroyed since we offer resistance to globalism.
Take heart though, white women racemix the least. You are just in Dallas, a shithole. Even 52% of white women voted Trump; some can see through the propaganda.
It's a very rich source of amusement indeed! There's a reason alt-righters are obsessed with calling their enemies cucks. Their fear of "muh white wimminz" being defiled by virile black men borders on the psychotic.
Sup Forums is part of the reason I go exclusively for white girls. The butthurt is just unreal.
>t. black guy
>Out of the literal 100's of interracial relationsihps I saw, 99% were niggers with white women.
i live in a pretty hipster neighborhood and most of the interracial couples i see are white dudes with black women.
use it on yourself and rid us of your stupidity
>From the data amassed it can be suitably deduced that on average 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock, with Caucasian mothers leading in that percentage. 90% of women who have children out of wedlock with African American men will not end up marrying that man, where as 10% will wed, yet those that wed or do have their children in wedlock typically end up a single mother nonetheless due to divorce. Of women that had biracial children with African American men out of wedlock 50% had only one child out of wedlock and 50% had more than one child out of wedlock, and when they do have multiple children out of wedlock 79% of the time the children do not have the same father. 77% of biracial children with African American fathers presently live below the poverty line and 82% end up on government assistance at some point. 88% of the time the father of the child does not financial support or help with the economic costs of the child, consequently leaving the encumbrance of fiscal care exclusively on the mother. 90% of biracial children with African American fathers don’t have their father in their life. 94% of the surveyed mothers believe the father of their child doesn’t have a good relationship with the child. 63% of biracial children who are raised without an active father in their life exhibit major behavioral problems, where as 37% of biracial children raised without an active father don’t exhibit major behavioral problem. Biracial children with African American fathers who have an active father in their life exhibit major behavioral problems 17% of the time leaving 83% who won’t exhibit those behaviors. Unmistakably it is within the interest of the public to endorse and advocate black fatherhood and find resolutions to remedy black paternal absenteeism.
white women who race mixing are destroying their own lives
if whites go extinct then niggers will too since they will just fap to blacked rather than touching their niggresses
Makes sense. Black women are thick, strong, beautiful. And they don't fucking whine or obsess over materialist achievement like boring white women. I'm proud to be doing my part to dilute the white gene pool by sleeping with my lovely black wife.
>obsessed with calling their enemies cucks
It's because they are cucks
once you go black
no one wants you back
Thanks for proving your cowardice! There will be no Day of the Rope, only white virgins keening for interracial blood from deep within their basements.
Ooooh brave oildriller on the internet. Why would anyone attack you when we can just let you ruin your life with shitty mulatto children?
Most black women hate on black dudes for race mixing too. Nobody likes traitors.
Admit it, your dreams are haunted by the thought of Stacy being hollowed out by a thick mandingo dick.
Well women should have their fun too unless they want to marry nigger.
t. jew telling a false story like always
I don't intend to have children. Mulatto children are disgusting because they carry white genes. I'm doing my part to end the white race.
It's more like I don't want to live in a ghetto surrounded by monkeys
racemixing=more monkeys
did her face come off?
Kek nice b8, you got me.
I think her spine was injured
Fuck off Bill Burr
Then let them. If they have a caramel baby with themselves they just culled them from the potential white gene pool.
I don't stop a retard from sticking his hands in a band saw.
Look at it this way, modern technology and medical advances have allowed people in all races to be born who otherwise would not have and has saved some who should not have been. Technology has skewed Darwinism and the ones you see with nigglybears more than likely fall in that group.
Chill the fuck out.
>when you're such a cuck you BLACKED yourself so you can live vicariously through your mulatto son
>lol it's no big deal, fa-m
>ok honey go out and play with Tyroneesha now you need diversity and enrichment
Nobody is gonna hang them, but a little social stigma and a stink eye doesn't hurt. I have some sympathy, the brainwashing has been intense for girls.
Again, no intention to have children. A mulatto would still have white blood. I want my family's European lineage to end with me.
people tend to do the same thing that was done to them but its a choice and i choose not to shit on other people even though it was done to me badly I will never do it or resist it
This shit still pisses me off, fuck niggers.
Black women are the blame for the race mixing. They hate black men and live the white man. Have you seen the average niggress? Looks acts and talks like a dude. Who would want to put their dick in that
>people tend to do the same thing that was done to them
behavior is genetic and environmental
and blacks are genetically programmed to be more violent.
what happend to her?
I love all of you basement dwelling permavirgins endlessly passing judgment on people who get laid. Doesn't matter the race, you just hate the thought of others experiencing sexual pleasure. Cum on your waifu pillow more.
brain damage
Except you forget the brain is the most erogenous zone for all women. So all you need to do is be a smart white male and you're set to be alpha over any nignog.
>If you don't want to be stuck in a nignog ghetto you are a virgin
then move to Africa, lol
>smart white male
Muh sides!
You still need to be masculine
and being masculine is pathologized in leftism
Most Whites aren't muslim
Natural selection?
> vid
I disagree, they have no family structure. There is no man to put the bitch in her place. If he does she calls the cops, dude is black he's dead. She cries and say not my baby! then rinse and repeat.
In order to create a dependent class some sacrifices had to be made. If that meant destroying the black family so be it.
It's only a problem because it is spreading to whites now. And as the late Robert Byrd said, " I've seen a lot white niggers in my time". Now white hoes are acting like black hoes. Prove me wrong
Starts at 1:12
I never did. I don't give a fuck, it's doesn't affect me in any way. It doesn't pay bills and doesn't put food in the fridge. Try again.
I'd rather see a civilized black woman with a white guy than a white woman with a fucking ape.
>"B-buh is dah black woman fault! Dey be causin more interracial problems den da black man! I cans fuck as many white womans as I want to nigga!"
Move to Canada and be a leaf please
I give no shit what you would rather see faggot
they are genetically selected to not have a family structure
In Africa father's don't' raise children and women do all the work. Men just lounge about and fight.
average day in Africa
why is that gorilla outside of their cage?
>Civilized black woman
Whats up fellow Dallas bro
There isn't enough rope in the world to cleanse South Dallas.