Well guys, it finally fucking happened. A black person heard me say nigger

I always say nigger, as I'm assuming we all do. I knew that eventually it would slip at the wrong time and it fucking did.

>In Target with my friend
>Looking at the video section
>See that the fucking new Ghostbuster's movie is like 30 dollars even though it was garbage and has been out forever
>Loudly say "that's nigger bullshit"
>Start walking away from the video section
>Friend whispers to me "user there was a fucking black guy at the end of the aisle
>Slightly turn my head around to see a fat, 6 1' biggie smalls lookin ass nigga looking RIGHT at me
>Try to speed up to get the fuck out of there
>He walks over to his wife still looking at me to tell her
>Wife starts marching towards me REEEEEING
>I fucking bolt to the food aisle and she totally misses me
>Me and my friend fucking stealth our way out of the store

Fucking close one boys. How was your day?

too bad you didn't get your ass kicked

>how was your day?
Well, I wasn't 13.

>be a sandnigger
>say nigger casually among friends
>white girl hears me saying it on the quad
>"that is not okay"
>call her a racist
>give no fucks, keep walking away


I live to meme another day



me and my homies would kick your ass for ever saying that racist ass shit in our presence

Are you mad little faggot?

>be me
>mid 20's smoking weed with frinds in west texas
>one random black guy
>"I've never smoked with a nigger before"
>he laughs, passes the bong to me
>I laugh, hit the bong, pass it
> we alll laugh
>everyone keeps smoking weed an being cool because racism is a social construct

>when Sup Forums goes to target
man up pussy, when she comes at you stand your ground like a big boi

You ran away faggot
You're a coward

No, I think Nigger, as a friendly thing "Sup nigga" or when I'm Sup Forumsing away online, but I don't fucking say it aloud, and lately I've been trying to not think it as often so I hopefully never pull a Paula Deen.

And what? Let her scream at me and call me a racist in a place I go to often to get shit? Fuck that man, all the nigger bitch would've done is get real loud and attract unwanted attention to me

Classic behavior of an empowered coward, understand the kikes are the enemy focus u stupid kike lover.

>See that the fucking new Ghostbuster's movie is like 30 dollars even though it was garbage and has been out forever

Actually thats kike bullshit

Call her a cracker next time.

Weed shall set us all free.


>Being so autistic that you ACTUALLY become publicly racist after Trump wins

Wow. Good job you fucking retard. Looking forward to seeing this trend on twitter when the blacks post it.

Hey come on' man. No more need for any of that. It's time to UNITE for Trump!!

i say nigger all the time, blacks dont dare fuck w me

Dude I had no fucking clue the nigger would hear me. I didn't even see him next to me

Here is my true story
>smoked a bit of weed
>walking through dangerous nigger neighborhood because got on wrong bus
>after a while, randomly say "god i hate niggers"
>turn to my right to see a black dude in his yard giving me the evil eye
>get really fucking startled and jump into the air
>take off running into a nearby alley, jump over a fence into some woods and almost break my arm on the other side
>i come out the other side of the woods and am suddenly at the mall
>holy shit shortcut found
>eat at a restaurant and relax

I was joking with some buddies of mine and told them I recently invested in Confederated Slave Holdings Llc. They lack a sense of humor at that school.

weed already set us free. now we just need to cull the herd.

We use the word "nigger" here all the time. It's not a big deal. Y'all Yankees just cucked.

I like the cut of your jib.

Oh I forgot what happened like a week later. I felt really guilty for saying "I hate niggers" to the guy who heard me, so I left some fried chicken at his front door and drove away on my moped


said it to all my black friends

blacks here are pretty shy tb h

Just start singing "Let my people go!"

>Wife starts marching towards me REEEEEING

There's a ton of black people where I work and I say nigger all the time. They don't care, they do it too.

If our boss ever came into the break room he'd shit himself and we'd probably all get fired for the shit we say.

oh yeah big man here you wouldve stood right up to them and hit em with a "hah yeah thats right NIGGERS...... nothin personnell...... kid"

I never say nigger unless I want a specific black person to hear it. Anyone who gets triggered by a word is too big of a pussy to worry about. Saying nigger casually just makes you seem like a faggot. If you're going to use it, own it.

OP is a pussy. Don't say words you won't defend saying. I called my neighbors niggers to their faces and they know where I live. One buck tried to get physical with me and saw my gun in my IWB holster when my shirt got lifted in the scuffle. They ran inside and called the cops. I'm openly proud to be White. What are you running from, OP?

you're fuckin retarded mate
also shouting racial slurs in a public area is ironically nigger tier behavior, you should have got beat

The great thing about being black is how easily you can call someone a cracker. Just slip it into conversation, discuss the delicious Ritz cracker you ate while staring pointedly at some stupid honkey. Whitey doesn't have the same stealth mode for their insulting epithets.

Are you at Boise State University?

Run and hide? Like a fucking coward?

That's stupid - people who work on radio and TV get in the habit of never using curse words so that they don't accidentally do it on the air - at least don't use words you don't want to use without thinking.

Black here. I find your story funny thou.

My friend and his 5 year old son were at the grocery store years ago.

This black guy walks past them both. His son looks up at the black guy and says "What's up nigga?"

My friend pretended like he didn't hear it and kept looking at food. The black guy asked his kid, what did you say? His kid said it again... What's up nigga?

The black guy looked at his dad angry and walked away, my friend just ignored him.

We have code words. Canadian and Monday are my favorite.

Everyone hates Mondays, right?

>get called a nigger
>act like one

*cough* Google *cough cough* nigger

>friends say they're going to protest the pipeline in South Dakota
>praising native protesters
>yeah they're a pretty good group, not like BLM "burn the city assault the whites protests"
>get glared at
>conversation changes

I'v heard the canadian one.


>day naughty word
>woman gets offended and mad
>starts walking at you
>run away
You're a pussy too.

>Working at Target
>Undercover Asset Protection
>some greasy virgin is browsing through our DVD section
>we've suspected him of stealing DVD's for months
>He pauses at our new Ghostbuster's Display
>"that sure is some nigger shit huh"
>stare at him until his friend starts sweating through his XXL Naruto shirt
>they start running to the food Aisle
>Call my manager and inform her of the situation, have her call the local PD
>we lose them in the food aisle
>run back to the front door to catch up with them
>realize we're too late as we watch them squeeze their bellies through the swinging doors, stuffing their faces with lifted CRUNCH bars

Lmfao. >stealthed out of the store

I say nigger a lot in front of Black people... but ive lived in the inner city of Baltimore for so long, that it sounds like im saying "nigga"... so nobody really gets mad about it.

Say that to my face white faggot

>a nigger in target
Troll thread

There are TONS of niggers in this Target that I go to. It's in the city and it's close to a shitty area.





Fucking kek

You got me


Birds means niggers

>I'll show that racist prick what's what by proving him right about me and my kind...

It's a word m8. It only has power over you because you let it. Much like calling whitey racist has now lost almost all effect.

whoops. meant for:

Just make sure you're not caught on tape saying nigger. Niggers will put it on world star or some shit with the title "raicsm is still around so gib us the moneygates, whitey." If a nigger or two happens to hear you, brush it off. Just don't make nigger the only word in your vocabulary. Dindu nuffins wuz a gud boy and all googles should hangout are actually more racist things that you could say. Half the time when I'm yelling nigger I'm not evern referring to blacks. Don't expect niggers, especially normie niggers, to catch onto that though. 100 years from now when blacks are still in the same eternal victim scenario as they are now don't expect anyone to have sympathy from them as a group. Having a couple of cool black friends also helps cooldown the 1488. Surround yourself with exceptions.