He's keeping the parts of it he likes and throwing out the rest.
Trust the MSM to lie by omission
To be fair the WSJ article was pretty balanced.
It's other outlets like 'The Independent' that spun it and lied about it.
He wants to keep pre-existing conditions. I wish the news would properly report it instead of being fucking kikes.
He said he would repeal Obamacare, now he's keeping parts of it.
He said he wanted to end the Iran Deal, now he's saying he probably will keep it.
This guy is a joke
if you want to change something you must throw the entire thing in the bin. altering something for the better means you are bad
There are and will continue to be articles like this for nearly all things Trump does. I am not sure if it's because they genuinely started believing their own bullshit that Trump was going to nuke the US and start his own new US as a nation of mole people in connected underground bunkers, or what, but it's bullshit. Trump is working within the government he was handed and within the system of checks-and-balances we have to renegotiate and restructure the things he said he would fix.
Yeah, he's keeping pre-existing conditions within a very differently structured system. The absolute madman. What's next, he's going to steal the word "heath" from the old law and use it in the new one?
>everything has to be my way
>fuck reality and it's consequences
Also apparently what he's keeping has been in two republican alternative health care bills already.
how dare he. what's next, renovating your house without bulldozing it and digging up the foundations first?
The mainstream media only now starting to realize (or at least report on) the fact that Trump is pretty centrist on most things.
Anyone who didn't see this coming either bought into the MSM lies or the MAGA kool-aid.
you know ctr isnt paying you anymore
>this thread again
was 100% of the ACA bad?
Yes, when I voted for Trump I expected he would take it line-by line and push the exact opposite of everything it said.
If he doesn't personally kill every last Muslim within his first 100 days in office, I may revolt.
only you are a joke. he said OVER A YEAR AGO that he was always going to keep parts of it like not allowing insurers to turn you away for pre-existing conditions and being able to stay on your parents health care plan until age 26.
just because you're unintelligent and uninformed means trump lied. trump's position hasn't changed.
Trump would like some sort of state health program, he has said repeal and replace, not just repeal. If it's easier to keep some parts rather than writing anew, so be it. I've seen this from Trump from the start.
isn't pre existing what makes it so expensive tho?
Why would he get rid of the Iran deal?
Iran is Allies with Assad and Russia, and is fighting ISIS in Syria
Trump was bullshitting about Iran in the campaign.
OR are you saying he WASNT bullshitting, and is willing to go to war with Iran over hteir nuclear program? Israel would like that
So, either you have to -
-state he was lying about getting rid of the deal
-state that he is going to go against russia and do what Israel wants
Yeah, because of obese people and all their health problems while not working because of muh diabetes foot.
>A policy about healthcare will share aspects with another policy, also about healthcare
Well done CTR really earning your shekels
If I tore down a house and kept the doorknobs, I'd still say I tore down the house.
Repeal and replace has always been the republican plan, you repeal it, you cut out the 99% of the law that's garbage and you keep the stuff that's actually good.
he said he wants a company to be able to sell insurance to other states
why this wasnt allowed before demonstrates how swampy it got in DC!!!
nerdy virgin
He's going to make healthcare free and hillbillies will riot because fox news told them that paying a million dollars is cheaper than free healthcare.
I don't see how he will be able to keep pre-existing conditions while not enforcing buying insurance
>pol is now defending iran deal and ACA
Did you miss that part in the primaries where Cruz was bashing Trump because he said exactly this and added "I will not let people die in the streets!" which they thought would turn off the conservative base but it only made him more popular?
Oh no, of course you didn't. You're just shilling.
what a time to be alive
What an amazing leader. He's willing to take the few good things that Obamacare accidentally included, even though they're from libshits.
Also, he flat out said he was keeping that part of Obamacare in his Feb 2016 Telemundo interview.
Duh, you've been gorging on propaganda to help him win.
You're done now, go home and continue being a nice little cog in the machine.
Troll thread, sage, report and move along
What is he smoking? What's next, having white children with your white wife and not checking your privilege first?
It's one of the core reasons the system failed. You can force everyone to buy shitty cheap insurance. But they require pre-existing and kids up to 26 and other add-ons causing it to cost more for insurers, so prices go up. Cut off the mandate while keeping all the added junk will just make it so healthy people don't sing up, those who can't be turned away to sign up. Prices go up even more.
I guess that's what you get for having some shred of hope that things would get fixed. Would love to be proved wrong.
> said he'd remove obamacare
> said he'd replace it with something new and better
> get shocked when it might contain some things that actually were good with obamacare
It's not in black or white you fucking ignoramus,.
>1. see thread claiming Trump is doing something wrong
>2. realize this is the same MSM that lied for 12 months straight and Trump has not even been sworn in yet
>3. hide thread
>4. shills kill themselves
remember kids, only YOU can ignore bait threads
>pol is one person
Putin also praised the Iran deal. Iran getting nukes was inevitable, this allowed the Jews to sniff around for a few more years.
Trump's complaint was more about how it was just a bad deal - we gave Iran so much and got nothing out of it.
Sup Forums BTFO BY Sup Forums
You're right but, to clarify, that wasn't an interview. It was a primary debate. Which we all saw here live.
it was a big rift between Cruz and Trump which people thought could hurt him with "true conservatives", everyone talked about it for a good while. Even the MSM. They're now trying to push it as a new thing.
We've always been at war with Eastasia kind of shit.
>pol is one person
I understand your point. But you do see the large shift here, right? I was actually for the deal (although I sided with Rand, it should have included release of prisoners). But you couldn't mention you thought it was somewhat decent, you'd get your head chewed off. Just worried Sup Forums is just going to bandwagon what ever trump does and not hold him to the positions he campaigned on.
>lying shitbag
>muh FlorpGurt
>muh media
>not hold him to the positions he campaigned on
Fuck off.
The Iran deal is shit which he's said so many times but he said that he would try to improve it, not rip it up.
A top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump says in a new interview that the billionaire would not scrap the Iran nuclear dear if his presidential bid is successful.
“No, he’s not going to get rid of an agreement that has the institutional signature of the United States,” Walid Phares told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“He is a man of institutions. But he’s going to look back at it in the institutional way. So he is not going to implement it as is, he is going to revise it after negotiating one on one with Iran or with a series of allies.”
Phares said Trump dislikes the current diplomatic agreement, but believes it can improve with input from lawmakers.
“He’s said so far that he doesn’t like this deal and that it was poorly negotiated,” he said. “Once elected, he’s going to renegotiate it after talking through it with his advisers.
“One of the clear possibilities is he will send it back to Congress,” Phares added. “The reaction of the Iranian leadership will be the next phase.”
Then you should've watched the fucking primary debates or at least the huge fucking media circus about this shit just before Super Tuesday when Trump went against everyone at the debate to claim the he would keep pre-existing condition coverage much to Ted Cruz's annoyance. I won't post a video of the debate, it was the day before Super Tuesday on Telemundo. Youtube it.
Warning to shills, I will keep BTFO every single one of you if I have to.
>me: I don't like this car, but I like the color
>you: no, you have to pick another color, you can't have the same color on a different car because reasons
Fuck off OP.
No, Trump Is Not Backpedaling on the Affordable Care Act.
Don't put words in my mouth. I want to push trump to do a better job, I'm not giving him a free pass like everyone else is starting to. You know democrats will use every means to keep their 'accomplishments' in place. I don't want trump to go soft and just amend obamacare to be across state lines. That doesn't solve it. These parts of the law he's keeping were significant price increases. They should have been kept as bargain pieces.
>he is going to revise [the Iran deal] after negotiating one on one with Iran or with a series of allies
Bahaha, it's almost like Trump has a lot to learn about diplomacy with other nations and what the hell kind of issues are used as bargaining chips on the world stage.
Both of you are fucking morons. Please kill yourselves.
>like everyone else is starting to
We are not. I just showed you that these measures were things he said BEFORE the election and were widely publicized. Were is the free pass?
>These parts of the law he's keeping
Were parts of the law he said he would keep before you voted for him just like I showed you. Go watch the debate, they're all recorded.
Just because you don't like Trump or are a retard that voted for him without watching any debates or reading his policies doesn't mean you get to bitch about him breaking promises when he's just not doing what you want.
>Don't put words in my mouth.
I haven't and with the amount of cocks you have in there they wouldn't fit anyway.
So... where is a link to this article?
I can barely understand your point but it seems to me that, without giving any specifics, you're implying that you know more about diplomacy and Middle Eastern affairs than Walid Phares. I would find that hard to believe but do go on and amaze me.
>Trumpfags thinking ahead
>I haven't
You've said numerous times I've voted for trump, said I wanted the deal ripped up, etc.
I'll say it one final time. I'm attempting to keep him to his word of REPEAL. I want to keep him to his word about lowering taxes, regulations, etc. He mentioned the debt as a large issue a few times, but now is talking about massive road project. We need to make sure this isn't auto-bailout 2.0. He doesn't just add debt, and goes through with repatriation of money from overseas.
>implying that you know more about diplomacy and Middle Eastern affairs
Kek, this while thread you are the biggest faggots..just stop