And the country has to be substantial. No rares. No Kyrgyzstan.
>for me
I always forget Mexico isn't the only spanish speaking country
And the country has to be substantial. No rares. No Kyrgyzstan.
>for me
I always forget Mexico isn't the only spanish speaking country
I have no idea what is going on up there.
And I fucking live here.
idk.. Delaware?
it doesn't really happen with larger countries to me.
Any South American country that isn't on this list
Anything that's not the US, Mexico or Canada. The UK too. Germany and japan cause cars. Russia because Russia. Anyone else?
Don't exist.
The rest of the world
I can't think of one.
>I always forget Mexico isn't the only spanish speaking country
You're missing more than just Spain there.
Luxemburg. I saw the name a few months ago and it was a holy shit moment. I haven't remembered them since high school geography.
>country has to be substantial
That tiny baby country between Spain and France. I remember Monaco, the Vatican and other Euro micronations usually, but I always end up forgetting both the name and basically that it exists.
I think it's called Andorra, right?
American education the thread
Take a bow
To be honest I don't know about most of the other countries on Earth. I know Canada, Mexico, England, Germany, and Japan because of anime.
i play too many autistic map games to forget countries
I only have trouble remembering and identifying all the new Sub-Saharan states
>forgetting based Belaruse
How could you forget? It's right there on the map :^)
I never, ever think about Canada until I see their stupid little flag on Sup Forums
East Timor. Seriously, what the fuck?
I forget Australia exists, sometimes. Because they're so insignificant and not really a country.
Was having trouble coming up with one, but this is perfect
Obscure countries are forgotten for a reason.
actually nevermind its those microstates like luxembourg and lichtenstein
Macedonia. (FYROM)
Always forget it. Thought it vanished in history books somewhere.
the US of A
oh, Canada!
mfw Estonian tourist in Spain
Hey Estonia if you're reading this, nobody cares about you. You're not cool enough to be Slavic and you're not smart or rich enough to be Scandinavian. You thought pol would forget about you but we haven't. You suck
None really. I have OCD. If I see a flag on Sup Forums, I remember that country forever.
Yeah. It's like it's invisible. And now I remember that we are neighbors.
Like what the fuck happends there? It´s like Russia´s mentally handicapped brother who refuses to show up at family dinners and just sits all day locked in his room watching anime. It´s like the bastard offspring of Poland and Russia that neither wants to take custody of. I honsely catch myself thinking that it´s just Russian territory most of the time.
The dutch, english and french speaking south american countries
Did Britain pull an Atlantis or into space?
Why is Alaska red, you fucking mong?
Always thought it'd be a paradise on the side of Africa yet I assume it's just a forest with niggers
Also Vatican City
I know it exists but no fucking clue where
I'm not an idiot, so probably Laos. Its exactly halfway across the globe from us so its hard for me to care about that backwards shithole. Cambodia is easy because of the genocide.
This, in fact yesterday I learned it is pronounced
No clue where? Dude come on...
>Like what the fuck happends there
Highest liquor consumption in the world
>That little part of Russia in the baltics
> always needing a role model to survive
Lichtenstein What even goes on there?
Right in the middle of Rome.
Belarus is doing a big military drill in conjunction with Serbia and Russia this week.
i pronounced it the second way at first too. i wonder if that's unique to americans
if i had to name every country in the world i would probably leave out spain
spain is just so damn irrelevant
what has spain done in the last 50 years ? nothing.
you learn about spain in spanish class in school and then you forget about it
when i think of brexit and farage i think of the UK
when i think of shitposters i think canada and straya
when i think of cucks i think of germany
but spain, you are fucking useless
Canada. What do they even do?
Does anyone actually live here? You never hear about it in the news and most people don't even know its in Europe.
thats Romania
I know every country that exists. I'm very autistic about maps, and I look at google earth about 2 hours a day for last 5 years.
All the countries between germs and baquettes
GDP (nominal) 2016 estimate
• Total $1.471 billion
• Per capita $15,301
Ethnic groups (2000)
93.2% Creoles
3.0% British
1.8% French
0.5% Chinese
0.3% Indian
1.2% others
Luxembourg is ez. I can even id their flag
Poland lol
I honestly know more about Liechtenstein than I do about Austria and that is really saying something.
Most of Europe shits on them and excludes them because their democratically elected president is redpilled. that's why you never heard about them
they're literally suspended from Council of Europe, while Turkey is a full-fledged member.
They had a really cool flag at one time - probably one of my favourites actually.
In west St Petersburg I was born and raised...
Central African Republic
u guys are uniquely retarded, yes.
The United States of America
literally not a peep about this country or it's election has been mentioned on this board within the past couple of months.
They said country you retarded leaf, not province
Literally all of Central and South America.
I never think about Portugal.
What do non-american countries think of Spain?
I always associate it with the Spanish language but forget it's an actual country
Half of South America countries.
how does that place exist still, like there were ancient Greeks who were cool, and then there was the Romans who stomped Greece and they were cool and then...????????
a bunch of smelly faggots?
in my mind Greece went the way of Babylonia and I keep having to remind myself it's still a "country"
Americans are the only ones that pronounce 'a' as 'ä' all the time
yeah but what do you REALLY think about us
give it to me straight, limey
Is our lack of alcoholism and suicide unique, too? Nope, not really. :^)
New Zealand
>Sup Forums is supposed to be a Christian board
>not knowing where the fucking Vatican is
>checks flag
No surprises there
>tfw i thought New Zealand was in Europe until a few months ago