How does the typical citizen feel torwards the AfD party? Guessing its obviously different from city to city.
AfD feelings in Germany?
it varies from east to west
Its the only alternative until this day
The other is watching how we will die
Im from middle bavaria by the way
they all hate afd and especially frauke
A lot of people still believe everything that the Lügenpresse tells them.
I mean honestly don't think it's even possible
just think of Germany as one big California, no way she wins desu..
Thats not true if you see the comments under the news article most of the time everywhere
Except at spiegel. There is 70% non believer now
look at Trump
I guess people didnt see him coming
Online there is a lot resentment but in my personal experience especially regarding Trump and Hillary people still believe pretty much everything.
What happened to CSU?
I reckon it was a pretty red pilled party.
Basically everyone thinks they are Nazi retards.
However they are the only redpill party in reality. That's how cucked DE is. German anons will confirm
they're just campaigning too get voters off afd
We dont have someone like Trump running the AfD.
We need big happenings to really change the general consesus. espacially in the west.
Still a decent conservative party - too conservative when it comes to some social issues and not always the most sane in regards to economics either, but definitely beats most other parties.
Though they only run in one out of sixteen states.
Over the summer I went to an SPD party at weisseboden in Berlin.
You guys are so cucked. SPD is giving young people uni placements for campaigning their youth for them.
Protest vote.
Will be irrelevant when the current problems are fixed.
>when the current problems are fixed
>uni placements
What are you talking about?
Why do all of Europe's leaders suck now? Where is the Trump of Europe?
Stimmt - das Wirtschaftsprogramm der AfD ist in Deutschland aufjedenfall mehrheitsfähig..
>Where is the Trump of Europe?
We don't have anyone like Trump. Our billionaires aren't people that stand in the spotlight and that people look up to. Our cultures are very different in that regard.
I think the "typical citizen"(to quote OP) is thinking exactly that.
I think
Its because persons you dont know good, tend to act like the mainstream propossed
They use a lot of social engineering
They also dont confront those people at the commentary sections
They think, these people are not cohesive, those not strong enough
Thats the feeling they hope people get
Being helpless
Well they were shocked what they saw now with Trump I guess
They hate a woman?
Two blond blue eyed german exchange students were at a party i was at and they spent most of the party talking to some black as night congo exchange student, I shit you not, germany is beyond saving
Its a toothless Tiger
Cant achieve victory about Germany, because its a local bavarian party, still
Its not wrong though - when the AfD was only an Anti-Euro Party they got around 5% (failed to get into parliament in 2013). They had a free-market economic policy (which in Germany just isn't popular) and that was it.
When the rocket scientists and doctors arrived the AfD became a lot more right-wing (the former leader was booted out and the right wing took over). Shall the refugee problem be resolved the AfD will definitely lose considerable amounts of voters - not saying that the problem will be resolved though
Trump is an exception. Business man in europe and the USA aren't getting involved in politics because they wanna do business.
Like they get to study in a certain city and get money for housing, rooming, and free time as well as no uni fees or w/e y'all do over there
Still the way we view "success" is a lot different between here and the US.
>inhomogenous meeting point of literally everyone unhappy
>torn over every single topic because you'll hardly find 2 like-minded members
>not a single charismatic politician
>nobody who reads more than 3 pages into the Parteiprogramm will possibly vote for them
They're shit.
Germany is mostly conservative but most of the CDU voters don't have realised yet that the CDU is not conservative anymore... so it will need some time to make this clear but one thing is sure.... WE ARE NOT OK WITH BEING KEKED......If the CDU will still be relevant in the future they must be conservative again but now with the AFD they must go in a coalition with us or they will be the new FDP aka a under 5% party...
The left is overfeed with the greens the linke and the SPD and the CDU will never win a leftie vote anyway...
And since the CDU can't fish anything at the left and her biggest partner the SPD which is in a leftie coali the strongest force they have no other choice as going together with the AFD or going alone over 50% which will never happen.
After all a weak AFD is just a CDU+SPD again and a strong AFD is a... IIIIF The CDU is still stubborn...
Shit is horrible written but i'm drunk so it'ss ok
Implying there isn't plenty of reason to be a right winger in Germany. IF the refugee issue is resolved there's still plenty of problems with the immigrants and those sure as hell won't be fixed by any of the parties we have right now.
she should grow her hair out so she doesn't look like a degenerate feminazi
That's nonsense.
First of all university is "free" - and if your parents make too little money to support you, you can receive government aid. You don't need party membership for any of that.
Furthermore even the highest offices in the youth organizations here are usually unpaid. Our parties are fucking poor, they do not have money to spend on shit like that
I want to fuck Frauke
>those sure as hell won't be fixed by any of the parties we have right now
Lucke left by himself, was a ubercuck and he and the BDI idiot whose name escapes me right now where the main reason why I didn't consider voting for them. They also weren't nationalconservative back then and I didn't even know of Höcke, Weidel, Petry.
I'm being serious m8. I was in Berlin. I was talking to 16-17 year old German boys and girls and they were telling me all this. Their English was bad and my Herman was bad so I might've misunderstood. Definite uni perks tho
Yes, there's a lot more resentment. Which the left is also responsible for.
They are already polling at pre-refugee numbers. Nobody in the media is talking about them rigtht now. Maybe the media gonna ignore them and maybe it'll work.
we are one more terrorist attack away from gaining popularity
But MMP is a different beast from the American and UK political systems
source: NZ also uses MMP
Nah. It's just your oppinion which is shit. Not a single one of your statements was true.
AfD is literally nothing, they are at best llike bernie sanders, worst as stalin in terms that burgers can understand.
Is Frauke a normal German name? It sounds like a nickname
Will Germans ever realise that Hitler was completely right about the Jews?
Prove one of them wrong then.
They were either telling you bullshit (which isn't uncommon with SPD members) or it was a misunderstanding (they probably were praising our FREE EDUCATION).
>Lucke left by himself
To save face and to have a better chance with his ALFA.
Personally I have considered joining the Lucke-Era AfD but eventually that took care of itself.
A necessary group of incompetent people, likely more useful in opposition than in charge.
There is no single Trump of Europe, because Europe is more than one different country.
The equivalents would probably be:
France: Marine Le Pen (NF)
Netherlands: Geert Wilders (PVV)
Germany: Frauke Petry (AfD)
Austria: Norbert Hofer (FPÖ)
UK: Nigel Farage (UKIP)
I don't know any of the others
>The equivalents would probably be
You're delusional. None of these people are even close to what Trump is - none of them have what did make him special.
Hofer means jack shit. He would just be the president, the party itself wont be in goverment. And when it comes to the fpö, i really dont know what to think about them.
Hofer himself is a really cool and nice guy though.
UKIP had 1 seat in the parliament while they got BREXIT so we can hope we will have such competent leaders too...
Ich kann mich gut daran erinnern, als ich vor 2 Jahren Fremdsprachenassistent in einem sächsichen Kleindorf war, die Eröffnung eines AfD-Büros auf der gegenüberliegenden Straßenseite meiner Wohnung. Obwohl der Dorf nur um die 20.000 Einwohner hat, gab es auch eine kleine Universität. Binnen 3 Nächte sind die Fenster des Büros eingeschlagen worden. Die Studenten, die es angetan haben, haben auch ein großes Plakat mit Linkssprüchen an die Wand geklebt. Die Fenster wurden wieder repariert, aber nach noch einer Woche gab es noch ein Plakat (kein Einbrechen). Ich habe die Stimmung gespürt. Das Volk (zumindest im Osten) duldet das Heutige immer weniger.
imagine the following:
>every single TV channel is MSNBC
>every single newspaper is the new york times
>every single online news site is huffington post
>merkels party is considered conservative, and it's the furthest right wing party out of any party in parliament
that's germany for you
at this point salvation can only come through violent civil war
>UKIP had 1 seat in the parliament
> such competent leaders too
UKIP got what? One third of the popular vote and only got 1 seat out of that. They were seemingly unaware of how the electoral system works in the UK. They aren't competent.
ALFA was an embarassing meme party. It really had that "Lucke taste" again: self-important, narcissistic wimp, the embodiment of "me too!" politics. And the BDI guy pumped so many millions into it. And they still didn't even get 1%.
I especially hate him. He came late to the party, took a high office, felt entitled to it because of his credentials as I see it, then got a nicely paid seat in the EU parliament. THEN LEFT THE PARTY but not his post and spent the entire future to shit on the AfD. - Complete asshole and a sore loser.
>every single newspaper is the new york times
>every single online news site is huffington post
>that's germany for you
Thats bullshit though
i really hate churchill this jewish cock sucker but this statement from him is just real
Vor 2 jahren war die AfD aber eigentlich noch ganz anders als heute. Damals war sie nur hauptsächlich gegen die EU aber kaum fremdenfeindlich, das kam zum großen Teil erst mit den Flüchtlingen in 2015.
They miss a really charismatic leader. Even Frauke Petri isn't.
Yes, there's a lot of violence against the AfD and its politicians: assault, arson, they break into their homes, they torch their cars and we had one attempted murder.
Wenn man zur AfD gehört, muss man aufpassen, wann und wem man es sagt. Linke Gewalt genießt quasi politischen Schutz hier.
Kurz vor meine Rückreise wurden die Pegida-Demonstrationen im nahliegenden Dresden gerade enorm, und sie gingen ja um die Immigration.
oh nein fremdenfeindlich :(((((((((((((((
>black immigration expert
>Jewish members in the party (who got attacked by Antifa, KEK!)
>media advisor of Frauke and the party is married to an Israeli pianist and has mixed race kids
>Wenn man zur AfD gehört, muss man aufpassen, wann und wem man es sagt
Ist leider mit allen Parteien die nicht links stehen so. Wir wurden im Wahlkampf für die FDP auch in verschiedenen Teilen Berlins angegriffen.
It's pretty depressing because even German posters on Sup Forums seem often to be globalists.
The majority of germans I've met on Sup Forums don't even see the glaring problems of the EU.
Sie waren schon immer für deutlich schärfere Einwanderungsgesetze.
Durch die Flüchtlingswelle wurde das Thema nur mehr diskutiert.
Zecken, kek! Na ja, Sören und Bernd denken vielleicht, sie betreiben *Klassenkampf*, wenn sie gegen die "kapitalistischen Unterdrücker" von der FDP lostreten.
WIe und für was ????? sag mal bitte das ja lächerlich. FDP ist doch sowieso bekannt als partei der konzernen und mehr auch nicht
Whats up with Meuthen? I think he is not hat bad either
ohh look, its the FDP shill
Meuthen is low energy. He reminds me of president guac tbqh. I remember when Gauck was announced as this "based civil rights" activist who shilled hard for the citizens to get enganged. And now he is the most arrogant cuck shitting on the people of Germany whenever he can. And there's just something in the way they both talk and articulate themselves and the voices... From all of them Meuthen is my least favorit guy. Also because he is responsible for the splitting of the faction over some maoist nobody who spilled his antisemtici beans. Not cool.