
Redpill me on adoption, Sup Forums. Would any of you guys ever do it?

I don't know if I'd do it but I don't see how anyone can be against the concept. Also, you have to be a massive asshole to ridicule adopted kids.

I adopted my wife's son.

Children who grow up in adoption often have violent tendencies or become criminals, regardless of the parents effort. Also, why in the world would you ever willingly raise another mans offspring willingly, yet even one from another ethnicity.

>Would any of you guys ever do it?
after 3 of my own, sure.

I have a few cousins adopted from South America/Central America

3 of them are big time Trump supporters.
The others aren't into politics

My white relatives are more liberal than my brown cousins

Welcome to modern America

Maybe, i mean i get pets too.
Would be more responsibility but otherwise why not? I mean it doesn't need to interfere with procreation and is fine anyway if you can't or don't procreate.

Only if a woman was a widow
Not if her kids were the bastard offspring of a one-night stand

I'd adopt is for some reason I couldn't have a biological child of my own, sure. I'd adopt a baby though, not an older kid.

Raising another man's kid? Not even once.