Genders war

There's only one solution to all this madness: do not recognize de iure any "gender". You can consider yourself what the fuck you want, I don't care, nobody cares, you are just another fucking annoying moron.

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as a trap i approve this.

>not giving yourself glorious p-orgasms

I don't understand how you plebs live with yourselves

But what bathroom should I use?

or you could just ignore the minorities complaining

No, my pronouns MUST be respected

>post pics fggt

So the new plan of CTR is to invade and appropriate Sup Forums.

i demand 3 billino dollars because i identify as an apache attack helicopter.

i demand all technology be delivered to my home and drastic surgeries take place.

i'm using your same logic so if you're going to claim i'm wrong and deny me such then you are a bigot.

unisex urinals.

I don't care what bathroom they use as long as they're passable.

I don't know why but the idea of my dick touching that disgusts me.

>There's only one solution to all this madness:
Hold on, I got this one.

Tried once. Couldn't get it to work. Guess that makes me a top.

The brain structures meme gets me every time, crackheads have different brain structures, do they get a separate bathroom too? What about weedmen, alcoholics, or people with alzheimers? Oh and while we're at it I guess different races should get different bathrooms as well.

Biology destroys your delusions.
Opinion discarded

you transphobe

They can stay at their home and shit in their bathroom. Easy.

Sex changes don't rid people of gender dysphoria.

Chopping up your dick doesn't fix your disphoria, making your brain realize you have a male's body fixes it.

this is a cheap solution which which everybody can agree

i always feel like ive gotta take a piss

so what? law does not make grammar rules

using my logic I don't give you a fuck even if you identify yourself as a piece of shit

Youre not hitting it right. I love how penises are so floppy. Faggot comment of the day

i don't speak about biology, i speak about law


>A 2011 study found that trans people have the gender-determining brain structures of their affirmed gender
>Men and women are equal

all my keks

What the fuck man.

What the hell are you talking about

Flag. Lol i love your reaction though. Here. Have an imgur.
I've never been one for clams and I don't know why you are. Oh well

What is this, brain surgery? What part confused you oh wise mage?

Grown ass men should not be sharing a bathroom with little girls

There is no madness except as exhibited by those who cant accept their own fate.

Its flag is clearly visible.

piss off misandrist.

I'm a non linear super binary gender platypuskin so I agree with you.