"“When Barron was two-and-a-half years old I took his breakfast into him,” Senecal said...

"“When Barron was two-and-a-half years old I took his breakfast into him,” Senecal said. “He was sitting in his highchair and he looks at me and he said: ‘Tony! Sit down! We need to talk!’"

"Barron loves math and science. Melania shared that she helps her son with his homework — with his favorite topics being math and science."

"Barron likes to play alone for hours. He has a lot of playdates with other kids, but enjoys playing solo with Magna Tiles and Legos. He’s detailed in his artwork and likes to build tall structures."

"Barron enjoys having one-on-one dinners with his father and playing golf when they have a chance to spend quality time together. Donald calls his youngest boy “a natural athlete.” Barron also plays after-school sports, such as baseball. He also takes golf and tennis lessons."

>over 6' tall
>loves math and science
>prefers wearing suits to clothes

WTF is up with this kid?

Is he a time traveller?

No, he's the future, and the future is white.

>no link


wtf i love hereditary monarchy now

Damn I didn't believe but he will be a great man.

I hope Melanias 50 year old ovaries held out long enoough to give our grandkids a decent god emperor, when he comes of age and ascends the throne

He's obviously autistic to some intent

Yes, Barron will make a great leader some day.

tfw 5 foot 8 inch and this kid is atleast as tall as me

He'll be the 50th or 51st POTUS

As a White child he wants to secure the existence of White children

>Plays alone with legos
>Unnatural focus on math and science.
>Looked unfocused as fuck during trumps speech

Is he autistic?

Hes 10 and shes 45. 35 isnt too bad, the problem would be Donald was 60. I think hes fine though

He's just a kid man, focusing out from the event.

it was fucking 3am and he's 10 and probably sleeps by 9.

If this trump presidency goes down as planned you can garuntee this kid is gonna take our civilization to the stars.

The only issue is his age, if Trump Does 2 terms, Trump Jr does 2 terms, and Eric does 2 terms, Barron will still be 34, under the 35 year age restriction.

The Trump dynasty either has to amend the age restriction or give Ivanka a shot.


>Shitpost divide and conquer faggot
>Fifty fucking stars

But what is his intent


If he was speaking at 2 he's probably not autistic.

Has some of John Trump's genes.

not a time traveler, just someone who is in a good situation, is taking advantage of the situation he is in (maximizing skills(physical and mental)), and has his shit together (so far)

>I took his breakfast into him,”


in his suit he looks like one of those Dune monarchists



I gotta get my life in order and get a living waifu and have children.

Uh oh.

There are five Trumps which have converged onto this timeline. Barron is one of them. Who would be a better father to Trump than Trump himself? So Barron is Trump as a child and Trump is Barron as a father.

Then who is he, trump or barron? who was the original and what time did they come from? and who fathered who and raised the first one?

So Trump is the father, Barron is the son, so who is the holy spirit?

Damn right theirs 50 fucking freedom-loving stars you little cunt. What the fuck do you have on your flag? Oh that's right.
Never speak of our flag again, cuckboy.

Is he the next Pinochet?

which one's the holy ghost then

I say run Ivanka in 2024 to get the first female thing out of the way

Wouldn't it be a beautiful dig at the dems to have the first female president as a republican

Steve Bannon

He's also being raised as "Little Donald"


Pic related. It's all coming true. Wew lad. Remember when Trump said "My son is 10. He's good with computers?" check the date of these posts and when you see it. You'll be praising kek.

Barron is going to have a lot in common with another famous presidential son, I can tell!

Kids that grow up as part of the New York elite are not normal by any stretch of the imagination.
That goes double for someone who's dad is Donald Fucking Trump.

in the sense that he'll go nuts once puberty starts to hit, and he becomes some new Jim Morrison?

First black governor was. Would have been first Congressman as well, but Dems blocked his run for being black. Also first female SCOTUS justice

He's too old to wear something like that. it would be too sexy.

What? A faggot who fails the bar multiple times and eventually dies in an airplane accomplishing nothing?

nono, he is implying that trump will be murdered.

>six feet tall

really, god damn, Trump's gene's are amazing

35 isn't bad, especially because she takes care of herself

Trump being 60 isn't that bad considering he was the male, and he also takes care of himself.

God save her, mate.


MFW BAron may be the mastermind behind this election

>Barron Trump has his own floor in the Trump penthouse in Manhattan, Parenting magazine learned in an interview with Melania Trump.

jelly desu

Hereditary Monarchy produces the best offspring. Look at how buff this baby is.

>Hereditary Monarchy produces the best offspring
the Habsburgs would like a word with you

>He has a lot of playdates with other kids, but enjoys playing solo with Magna Tiles and Legos.
>Magna Tiles

pls no

it's more of Melania I think

Don and Eric have kind of ugly faces. Barron has the face structure of a male model

>bonus chromosome: UNLOCKED!

they'll never do it. then they'd have to deal with pence as president who is about 1000 times less liberal than trump.