Why does communism only appeal to very stupid people?
Why does communism only appeal to very stupid people?
because stupid people don't have ambition. they're complacent where they are and have no desire to better themselves or rise above.
my idiot brother who is almost 30 thinks America should be run by imperialism
no surprise he was a Bernie supporter
Factually wrong. Some of the smartest people ever have been communists. Adding to that, I bet you don't really understand communism, like the dumb member you are.
Because they will always be in the bottom half of society in a capitalist system.
It's all just envy.
t. commie
Why capitalism only appeal to losers?
You answered your own question user.
Because they know they are worthless individuals so they fantasize with the idea of a legion of equally worthless subhumans making a significant difference in society.
Because it is a ideology focused to the mass.
But most commies never read a marxist book anyway.
lol "Greece"
But that's false.
Communism is for lifes losers as they can't imagine surviving in a capitalist system. They know they are inferior so by bringing everyone down to their level they hope they will no longer inferior. Some are submissive to the point of getting off on the idea of a glorious all powerful leader handing them scraps as they grovel and say thank you master.
that's bullshit though
communism mostly appeals to intellectuals, historically and now
You mean subversives. Sociopaths who prey on the weak willed in order to use them to gain power and control.
Yep. Kapital is pretty hard to read (Marx was a pretty shitty writer, maybe it's better in German), and has a lot of repitition (it could be 300 pages instead of 900 and four volumes), but it's basically a textbook on how capitalism works, and towards the end why Karl thought it was bad. Then you have the Manifesto, which is basically the kind of stuff you chant at a rally, with little real substance. If Communist writers actually wrote things that the proletariat could understand, that tried to communicate points instead of propaganda, it may have gotten a lot further. Instead, you just have Stalin writing about why Trotsky is a dick and Mao writing about mining iron ore in your basement and stabbing your teachers.
Lol how does that even work. Imperialism is just a word for an action.
The 'smart' communists were under the assumption that everyone else would be as rational and dedicated as they were. But people aren't.
Because in communism, the idiots get as much as the intelligent contributors without doing anything.
I think you mean "socialism," bong.
I'm just saying how it is
but you're wrong again
many are just deluded
>greek talking about understanding things
You voted Tsipras didnt you.
They have nothing to give to society and therefore society gives nothing back, they get butthurt
Because they need gibs to survive.
Any system that rejects hierarchy is inherently stupid.
Atleast socialism aknowledges the state as the supreme power.
Communism appeals to intellectuals but Libertarianism appeals to geniuses. Typically geniuses are shunned from intellectual communities because they are too smart for them.
Post yfw you remember the celebrated revolution in 1917 was actually just illiterate peasants rioting because they thought they would find food.
The most glorious moment of leftism was literally illiterate starving morons being manipulated by lies.
I would say it also applies to psychopaths. Political, economic and judicial power concentrated into the hands of a single body.
libertarians and commies have one thing in common, they are too in love with their theoretical vision to see how humans really are
extreme is extreme, whether collectivist or individualist
it only works in simplified society models you imagine in your head
in real life it fails hard
that never happened
Bolsheviks actually didn't enjoy much support from Russian peasantry
it was mostly workers and intellectuals and some professional revolutionaries
a minority that seized power in the name of majority by being ruthless and relatively more competent than their divided opposition
I don't disagree, I think a mixed market that favors capitalism is best and one that explicitly fights against cronyism.
The initial riots were exactly that.
And the Bolsheviks ended up killing more "intellectuals" than they employed.
Commie revisionism at its finest.
that was standard for most of human history
I wouldn't say tens of billions that preceded us were sociopaths
They have been easily brainwashed to think true equality is physically achievable.
Because super lazy people are stupid.
a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
>Sounds like a true commie
couldn't agree more
but maybe we're wrong, who knows
I came to same conclusion from reading about history and society and what not
riots aside my point is Bolsheviks weren't peasants
and yes, it's ironic
it's also ironic how same people who criticized evil Tsar and called him "Bloody" would indulge in brutalities unimaginable in that period
notice how Lenin's brother was shot for being a terrorist, that didn't impede Lenin from getting education or living a normal life if he wished so
in Soviet times, especially in Stalin's age, (often imagined) crimes spread to your family
it's really sad when people defend that regime
if they knew what they were defending, if they bothered to educate themselves, they'd feel disgusted like I was, or any normal human being
Why does Fascism only appeal to very smart people?
>stupid people
Delusional people is more accurate. Smart people are the ones who actually read and learn what communism really is, unlike most people who just know about it through hearsay.
t. Alexis Tsipras