Which one is most likely to go into politics?
Which one is most likely to go into politics?
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the one on the left. the other is a degenerate
The one that wasn't caught twerking and smokin weed at coachella
Awe, they have mustaches just like their mom
Christ, they're ugly.
haha none. Famous children always end up as failures.
The older one has already become a degenerate fuck-up. Younger one will latch on to the tranny fad, come out as a man, and become an Ivy League sociology professor or something
those noses, the fuck
Neither. Sheboons are disgusting
Well yeah...but by black standards they are like 9/10. All thanks to their father being a oreo, they are only 25% and look what a difference it has made in their appearance compared to their "ahem" urban peers.
gun to your face, mother is in a rover in the middle of mojave desert one phone call away from being raped and shot.
muh dick. Jungle fever please stop....
do they have a senate in the zoo now?
Malia is pretty fucking ugly
obama having no sons is proof god exists
that and trump replacing him
Left looks like a slut
i thought black people had shitty hair?
>All thanks to their father being a oreo, they are only 25%
But their mom is a full she-boon.
By the time they can run the Day of the Rope will be over
They do. That's why they spend hours making their hair look like white people's hair.
ohhh wrong choice user. Any girl who wears anything that tight around there neck(especially in a bow) likes to be fucked rough and with dominance. Trust my for our purposes you want Natasha.
Please stop... I can't take it anymore...
Huh, that figure is so significant it even makes my nazi self go
>more likely
than what?
they are the ugliest niggers i've ever seen
what about natives and whites? i want my bro to ditch his native gf but alas.
Holy shit, they're so ugly.
They will probably regress to the mean and have mediocre success.
They will get good jobs based on their name, but there are no guarantees.
Like Chelsea had a 600,000 contract to do a few reports for ABC… basically just payola
absolutely disgusting
haha they look gross
Obama is mulatto, and I think michelle is like 1/8th native its not outside the realm of possibilities they hit the lottery for hair.
The real question is which one is most likely to get stuffed by my BWC? I'm hoping the one on the right.
This is excellent news. I'm a white man married to a black woman and I find these statistics very heartening. Why do you think this is? Thanks for sharing!
It's sort of perplexing.
For the longest time Malia was the pretty one. Sasha looked like she was hit in the face with a frying pan.
But now Malia looks like some sort of half rendered fish alien and Sasha looks much more human.
Wouldn't date either of them mind you.
But at least Sasha isn't a fish alien.
I think that user meant that they're only 25% white. Michelle is 100% pure kocoa kangz and Obama is 50/50, so the daughters are 1/4 white.
Neither. They're going clubbing.
Apparently there are highly advanced devices that with the power of science, can do miraculous things like change hair styles for example! What an age we live in!
So michelle is 100% basketball american.
Obama is 50% white, and 50% kenyan.
Note kenyans are somewhat distinct from blacks in the US, other side of the continent and all. Blacks in America are true muts, mixes of several african countries as well as some white DNA from when the masters went out to polish up the farm equipment.
So the girls are:
50% black
25% kenyan
25% white (mostly english and german apparently)
I think, haven't done that gay peapod shit since highschool
I would loosen up left one's anus for so long so hard she would throw up a cum/blood/KFC milkshake.
Why has no one ever brought up the mother?
She is damn ugly, how did Barack manage to have sex with her? Did she used to be attractive?
With that kind of money they can afford top tier relaxers. Don't fall for their lies. Also if you look carefully on the left, you can see really kinky hair.
Haha the left...what a joke...
Shes 15 you sicko!
sasha has always been best girl. I hope she isn't influenced by that crack smoking sister of hers
KFC has milkshakes now?
try reading the words on the image, you dumb fucking leaf. shouldn't you faggots be dead now that it's mid-november?
>3 seconds of ass shaking
What a tease
left one has a less punchable face, I'll be great if she turns out to be a non-liberal
So the whole "gooks are submissive" is just a meme?
>dat feel when completely average white guy
>can't get even a ugly white woman to give me a time of day
>but can pull 9/10 and 10/10 black and mexican chicks all day every day without even trying
>kocoa kangz
the one who gets laid the least
Could he have had two uglier children?
I thought kids generally took on the best features of their parents
Are you implying their parents are good looking?
Except Michelle is probably not the mother
>hint: She's a tranny, and Obama used to go to gay bath houses in Chicago
Neither because obongo will flee to Kenya on January 22nd.
>So michelle is 100% basketball american.
And your average Basketball American is 20-30% White anyway. particularly those who make up the 'Mulatto elite'.
They won't get into politics, they'll ride on king niggers coat tails, maybe star in a reality t.v show, or bring out some hideous pop album, make a sex tape and then fade away into irrelevancy.
they will all flee the country more than likely
Which one is Barrack's?
The ugly one
>they'll be 35 before the day of the rope
Never gonna happen.
Good. It all goes downhill after that age, there's still time for me to lick some mayonnaise off those chocolate legs.
The one on the left is 8.5/10.
>implying degeneracy determines the likelihood of someone becoming a politician or not
It should be who has the bigger ego in which case it's the one on the right.
the one who is a whore
likely to join feminist movements while the normal one gets a boring job as a lobbyist
Neither, unless banging a politician is being into politics.
Post Malia's ass webm.
I chose the one on the left
the right one looks like she has the top half of Barack's head and the bottom half of Michelle's.
The left looks like some Saudi cucked Barack in exchange for who knows what.
Let this thought sink in, tax payer money went to making sure those Obongo daughters hair was straight and not a nappy greasy mess.
the one that didnt smoke weed and twerk like a sheboon
They are going to get knocked up by a couple of Tyrones move into the ghettos of Baltimore and live off of guns.
the nigger
Nah, the younger one seems to be doing pretty well
>Reasonably intelligent
>working a part time job while in school
>Not smoking weed and twerking like her degenerate older sister
At the very least, theres hope for her. With luck, she'll find an influential white male to marry.
the one on the right looks like a giraffe
They do have shit hair though
If what you are saying is true, it is because black and latina love white guys more than men of the same race.
Oh, I miss 2011...
The ugly one.
The smaller one with the more Jew nose will grow up to play ladies basketball at a dyke college, where she'll meet the carpet muncher of her life. She'll die in a riot started by libtards who are upset over a movie poster.
The taller one will continue to slowly consume her own face with her jaw, and she'll probably be a massive whore who OD's by the time she's twenty five. Is she already twenty five? She looks kinda rough. Solid mustache, though.
Which one?
Sup Forums is an environmentally friendly board and stands against oil drilling.
It used to kind of bother me but now Im purely in rolling with it.
a higher being put me on this earth to bleach the brown 1 female at a time
Malia running republican
>the ugly one
both or the one on the right?
Considering there pedigree and how american politics work the chances of them both going into it are very high, I'm almost 100% they have job shadowed someone in the government. I doubt both would go in an elected official position. The other will be the wife of some young politician (probably a white guy who is a jew)
Malia. If you don't think at least one of them (aka Sasha) is pretty you need to get your T levels checked, bro. Girl's a bombshell.
tax payer money went to assimilating the identity of African Americans with the 1st black president of the United States
oh , those tricky liberals !
you know they will whore themselves in college like every college girl. i say they lean white
That because she is the spawn of a goddamn giraffe. I mean look at that neck those African princesses with neck rings would be jealous of it. Neck is so long she could eat off a kitchen table while laying on the floor on her stomach. I I mean come on how does she fit in a fucking car I am 6'3" and have to crank my neck to fit in most cars but her I wanna see her in the back seat of a cavalier.
>blacks in government in a post-trump world