How can you claim to hate degeneracy, but watch anime?

>he says he's against degeneracy
>he watches anime

Explain yourself weeb faggots. Anime causes Western men to sit at home and consume gay fucking Asian pop culture all day. You losers sit at home and enjoy Japanese cartoons well into your adulthood. If you truly want to see a better society and you hate nu males and SJW's, then stop acting like an edgy 12 year old and STOP WATCHING ANIME.

Also if you watch hentai then consider suicide.

k keep me posted

Capeshit is more degenerate than anime now

How the fuck is that more degenerate than anime now?

>paying Disney or Warner Bros (ATT) money

At least some effort and craft is put into anime. Capeshit is just shoveling money into the phone-in fire

Hentai is objectively better than porn desu
Of you watch porn, you basically cuck yourself: you masturbate to a video of a woman you like getting fucked.
Hentai has a shitton of advantages:
1)you don't cuck yourself since the girls aren't real
2)it appeals to any fetish, no matter how fucked-up, without harming anyone
3)2D girls are drawn in order to look hot as fuck, so they look better than almost any porn star
Also, reading hentai>watching hentai

>implying I watch anime

True but they don't have fucking transgender shit in capeshit yet. Look up transgender manga.

That is what anime has caused and you're going to tell me marvel movie adaptations are worse, nigger?

>drawn girls

There your problem is faggot. You are literally jacking off to fucking pictures that some asian guy drew.

Initial D got me into cars, which got me into working with my hands, and now I'm a shop teacher with a seasonal mechanic gig. Fuck you.

Capeshit doesn't have tranny shit *yet*.

Also, Japanese tranny manga is more akin to Lovecraft than liberal ideology.

It's called otokonoko you fucking normie


I fucking hate you

In something completely unrelated, how have people in your country reacted to Trump becoming president?

>you claim to hate degeneracy
i don't. i'm literally a tranny.

Almost everyone I know is happy with it
I've seen some butthurt libtards on the Internet, but they are a minority

>I'm literally a tranny
He says without posting proof

I know what OP is saying is true but I just can't stop myself from watching it anyway nigga

who is this 'he' of which you speak?


I second the russian's statement.

I watch good Japanese animation, but not anime trash

the guy that some asian guy drew that shared your tastes.

quite a few hentai doujins are drawn by women too

We demand pictures of your butt.

>you have a hobby and do things you enjoy.
>implying chinese cartoons are related to your ideas
Well sorry haha

Or at least face

please, i'm gross. i'm not one of the hot traps from fap threads.

Capeshit is far more degenerate. Capeshit pushes leftist ideologies constantly. Anime pushes REDPILLED concepts. You guys have only seen the retard tier anime that floods the internet because of all the neckbeard pedofags who love that degenerate shit.

If you think anime is degenerate try watching Hunter x Hunter starting at episode 78 and watch to at least 88.

Childless, single men who masturbate to anime!


Every anime cartoon I've seen (is hentai the anime porn?) Is fucking gay. I really try to avoid that shit.

Some of the pics and anime avatars people use for their account profiles are pretty damn cool, tho.

>Also if you watch hentai then consider suicide.
agreed, unless it's futa. then it's okay

1) Hentai is not anime. That's like saying if someone draws porn of batman fucking superman it reflects badly on comics

Then why do you even dress as a girl?

But I am Asian.
If I didn't watch hentai it'd be a repudiation of my cultural heritage.
Checkmate atheists.

Anime is a spectrum you are a dumbass if you think all anime is one thing.

Why do you guys have 4 official languages?

>every anime cartoon I've seen is fucking gay
You clearly haven't seen enough anime cartoons


Momon is gay

so i can pretend to myself i'm a pretty girl.

1) Malay: Original language of the Malaysian people who lived here since forever
2) English after the Brits COLONIZED them in 1819
3) Tamil for all the poos the Brits imported to do work because the Malaysians were too sleepy
4) Mandarin because Singapore was the original 'doing a Sweden' and got overrun by Chinese rapefugees during the Taiping Rebellion in 1850s

i have to agree with you that anime alot of the anime is full of transhomoshit with teen fag issues. But there are some good anime which caters to adult minds without any tranny shit, most of it is from the past tho. I used to watch anime, but i got sick of all these teen homo fag shows, so i dropped it, but i'm downloading atm the OVA of Starship Troopers novel, pure militaristic right-wing messages.
And capeshit is goddamn childish. Superheros?? REALLY??
I want more of those Uyoku dantai in the west.
Right-wingers blasting nationalistic messages.

What's anime?



silly fag get back in the closet plz

>claims to hate degeneracy
>posts on Sup Forums
>has never gotten laid
>tinfoil hat conspiracies

Post b-butt p-pls.

99% of anime is SHIT. You gotta watch the good stuff like Fooly Cooly

This cuck has never watched Monster

I know this is just another meme, but it really is the truth. Most of every medium is shit, and judging the entirety of it on that is never valid. There's likely something you'll like in every medium, if you want to talk about the medium itself, talk about its techniques, not its content.

>How the fuck is that more degenerate than anime now?

>far right groups are the bad guys
No. Go watch Apocalypse Zero

>M-my brand of anime is good. G-go away, pedofags.

Consider death.

I don't get all this bitching about anime. All anime means is animation, not all of it is the same.

It would be like saying MLP is the same as Disney, or the same as people who watch Family Guy or South Park.

There are anime films out there that are on par with Disney. It's that teen girls turn into robots with massive tits shite that you have to avoid.

What, so you guys are saying you /don't/ want beautiful tank driving waifus?

Tanks are for girls anyway.

Why are comics so cringe

It's like they are faggots

>so you guys are saying you /don't/ want beautiful tank driving waifus?
idol waifus > tank waifus

Because they are a dying medium and they are desperately trying to stay relevant by pandering to liberals.

Even the films strongly imply that superheroes are a dying thing.

Militarism and the "traditional values" preached by GuP is more likely to appeal to the sort of mindset present here.

Also idolshit a shit.




Both are cancer specifically made for manchildren

>I come to Sup Forums to complain about anime

Sup Forums was built thru anime you moron, that's why the biggest board here had to settle for /b. so why don't you just get your >hurr durr you people dont like what i like self outta here.

I don't watch hentai. I watch slice of life animes though because I want some innocent and light hearted fun that doesn't shovel western degeneracy or shitty Hollywood tier drama. Why would I watch shows about how shitty life is when everyday is already shit? I prefer to actually watch something happy and optimistic in my free time. Also if you define yourself by any sort of entertainment you consume, and not what kind of a person you are, you are a faggot.

thank god, capeshit is never interesting.

>I come to Sup Forums to complain about X

can I have my anime gf now?

Basically this. I just want to see a world in which young women can grow up being happy young women. Is that really that degenerate?

I don't often see many LRR fans on here. Enjoying DBX?

Where does the "muh degeneracy" argument end?

Is it with dictating what someone enjoys watching in their free time? How much do we feel the need to look at other peoples tastes and decide it's degenerate?

Do we write a schedule for everyone dictating exactly how to live their lives down to the minute, then say any deviation is "degenerate"?

OP is correct and anyone who disagrees with him is a deluded cunt.

Probably fat too.

Shh, let the child feel big. I can only imagine its the only way he can. We're discussing anime here, care to join in?

A select few are good. I liked Vendetta and Watchmen and a handful of select spin off Batman graphic novels.

The main comics are always bad because the story lines get really weird.

Its alright

Does anyone else in here refer to manga as Japanese graphic novels? I feel like it takes the edge off a bit in conversation.

Talking with strangers? Yes. Talking with people who actually know me? No.