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hahahha that made me laugh
What a poor, distressed young lady. I hope she gets over her trauma and remembers that no matter who sits in the white house, life goes on, and there are more important things in life than politics.
Oh is she a porn star or something? I don't actually know who the fuck she is.
Fuck white people.
>elected president
She's obviously retarded. Also
>Implying she's not a white American
I'd rather deport leftist traitors instead of illegals desu senpai
she's an SJW that talks about sex positivity on youtube in a particularly annoying nasal accent, even for a north american
This is not connected to the OP but do you notice how people like this actually win by being as outrageously idiotic as possible? Like obvious idiocy gives them social currency?
Would this kind of foolishness have been tolerated even 30 years ago? I have a feeling that a person like this would have been shunned, but stunts or retardedness seem to REWARD people.
>how do we address this?
And as a corollary to this, the retardedness seems so obvious in this case--the hypocrisy etc; that I question whether it is real. It's like how can this be real? And if it is indeed fake, what does that mean?
She doesn't even know what fascism is, if she did she would realize we have been living in an increasingly fascist state for the last few decades and she would realize that globalism is inherently fascist, at least as it has been so far presented. I think the word she is looking for is authoritarian, which is what sjw's tend to be.
I hope we eventually get a Pinochet-style government where we can kill these liberals.
I can even hear the retarded valley-girl upward inflection in the voice every time I read her tweets on pol.
Guys, she has Bipolar disorder. Most of the SJW Youtubers you post on here have Bipolar disorder.
They are literally mentally insane, do not receive treatment for it, but shout their bipolar ideas and stupid people, and also sick people, go along with them.
Deal with the sick, and insane bitches like her will go away forever.
>this now on her twitter
huh that's funny, I thought she wanted us to unite
Why do you fucking faggots keep bringing up that beaner faggot into every conversation. Nazis were controlled opposition faggots. Pinochet was a faggot. Fuck off with that bootlicking nigger shit.
Wait.. that pic is real?
How do these Marxist faggots not realize how hateful they're being when they talk shit about white people like this? They can try to claim it isn't racist by changing the definition of the word, and claiming "historical white oppression", but it's still a vile hateful thing to do. How do these piece of shit think oppression starts? By saying this kind of shit about whites, they're normalizing aggressive behavior against them and making it socially acceptable.
It's awful that they're being so hypocritical, but the fact that they're being brain washed to do it, and don't realize the supreme irony of what they're doing.
>tfw she's going to speak at my college in a week or two
No m.youtube.com
That is what cultural marxism, or critical theory does. It promotes tolerance but defines tolerance as acceptance of only those ideals it accepts and criticizes any ideal not of itself.
Why the fuck do left-wing people ALWAYS put fags above minorities?
Beside the fact they want to replace them.
lol, Trump won more Latino votes than Romney... and more Black votes. Yet these dumb whores are still bitching about Whites. He even won tons of women votes in swing states. He got over 60% of college educated women votes in Ohio.
Prime opportunity to go to the talk and yell Pepe at her.
they are brainwashed and filled with arrogance. basically their heads are so far up their own asses they can't see things objectively. unfortunately they won't listen to reason, so things will continue to escalate due to their inability to have discussion. they will continue to ironically think we are the aggressors while they refuse to have discourse.
it's like dealing with someone who has a victim complex.
Easy because a fag can be white.
Order goes something like: white women > gay white men > trannies > dykes > black men > Muslims > Latinos > black women >>>>>>>>> straight white men
Well the left is scared to call out their precious PoCs my friend. If they did they wouldn't have control of the narrative "we are the good ones!" The vote could have been 85% minority and women, but that 15% EBIL WHITE CIS MALES would be blamed. He hasn't even done anything yet and they are going nuts.
>Fake being a hardcore SJW
>Introduce yourself
>Fuck her
>Leave with your MAGA cap
Salt thread?
you created her
>Textbook Fascism
Remember this bitch posted really cringey sex ed videos, that's how she got a following, then she did a switch and turned into politics.
Fuck off Laci, you know nothing
How quick she is to forget these same people she's defending once stalked her, doxed her, sat outside her house, posted pictures of said house online with death threats, and I think even hurled a brick through her window because she said tranny once in an old video they dug up.
Really makes you think.
For a WHOLE FUCKING MONTH I heard these scolds sound off about how the dangerous alt-right greenshirts would lack the civility to accept the outcome of a fair election and what do I get?
#NotMyPresident and fucking riots. And as usual, complete blindness to their hypocrisy. Fuck these people.
As much as I like to say patriarchy doesn't exist, I'd hope that 30 years ago she would have gotten the shit slapped out of her.
In fact, if it weren't that Laci has a vested interest in what she does and is probably a paid operative, I'd say what she needs is a father figure or a man in her life to put her back in line.
is isreal safe to visit, want to go for the keks
Laci green works for MTV owned by Viacom and partnered with the CIA. Laci green is a known operative
>not a screenshot
>Fake being a hardcore SJW
No need. you just need to come off as interesting to fuck SJWs. In San Francisco, you just need to dress like you're in a punk band or some shit, and they'll find you attractive, then leave after they find out you're not into the SJW shit.
Given her post election post, you can tell the tone of the first one. So smug, insincere and arrogant, so self-confidant that HRC will sweep up the electorate.
It's funny how much shit has changed. These people used to be the laughing stock of the internet and the left. Even Laci here used social justice in a condescending tone.
>i am going to be taking a break from tumblr. i’m not sure how long. i have been getting a slew of people (who i can only guess are from ‘social justice’ tumblr) telling me to kill myself, making violent threats, sending me my home address they somehow found. my inbox this morning was graced with pictures of my apartment building.
Because not everyone is a retarded ignorant amerifat like you.
muh passport says smart things
Yeah, we're not at war currently. Go to tel aviv and see all the transgenders and lunatics your western culture has infected us with.
Who is this tool?
Isn't one of the first things text-books teach you about fascism that it was more of a meme-system with no real concrete definition or boundaries and the countries usually touted as examples behaved wildly different?
MY wetsern culture?!?!?! YOU fucking kikes forced that shit on us, we ought to be boxing our trannies up and shipping them fedex to you long nosed merchant fucks.
Catcha goddamn Hamas rocket, Shlomo, and get the fuck off my planet.
>Go to tel aviv and see all the transgenders and lunatics your western culture has infected us with.
if im not mistaken you fellows started that cancer over here and like cancer always does it spreads and ruins everything
you're obviously retarded
What the fuck we sure as shit didn't come up with this madness here, this is your national product, don't blame this on us.
>there are more important things in life than politics
THere are none
> like a victim complex
> like
SJW's have no concept of history (because it was written by white men), and I guarantee 90% of them don't know what fascism actually means, but they parrot at it a newspeak talking point to mean evil.
Are you a chad? If so, roll in there wearing your MAGA gear, disrespect everything she says, treat her like complete shit, and then sleep with her. Make sure you wear protection though, she's probably got herpes.
They don't care about facts. It's all targeted disinfo meant to rile people up. Whites are the new Jews to Marxists. They talk all this shit about them, and provoke niggers and spics to attack them in the street. Laci Green and Franchesca Ramsey are even more insidious because they communicate directly to white youth and make them hate themselves. Women parrot their talking points, and men become cucks who let violence against them happen.
Fuck, Lena Dunham and her piece of shit, pervert father both advocated for White Genocide. I can't fucking believe that the KKK and the neo-nazis were right, but they called this years ago.
Sic semper tyrannis.
>get this slope off my board REEEEEEEE
She's a bitter herpes infected cunt whose angry because she backed a loser
>Stop threatening innocent people
>If you do something I don't like I'll beat the shit out of you with a baseball bat!
Fuck I hate these people so much! How is it possible to lack self-awareness to such a degree?
lol I remember when they did the same meme for Obama, W. Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc.
Bullshit, your media kike cousins did this. All of you must pay, in blood.
I would love to fucking peel this Jewish asiatic's fat fucking wog face meat off.
I didn't even know she quit. Good riddance
Who is this semen demon
Can't wait to see the rise of an fascist movement with liberal left sjw culture roots, this would be the one joke to end it all.
And it's likely to happen.
Don't blame Jews for you see on TV m8, your country is your own, just turn off the television bro like click the off button and poof it's gone.
SJWs are indistinguishable from parody
Pay the toll lady, I see the guy behind you.
nice quads
shame they're wasted on a moor pining for relevance
you have no concept of history.
They were democratically elected to rule all 3 branches of government
Is there no respect for language anymore?
Skypes dindu nuffin
They don't.
They put Muslims above fags all the time. When the Orlando nightclub shooting happened, the Left defended Islam against accusations of being 'homophobic'. Also, a gay pride parade in Sweden was protested by leftists because it was offensive towards Muslims.
There's a movement within feminism to revoke the 'victim' status of gay white men, because they have privilege now gay marriage is a thing.
Trying to apply logic to their victimhood pyramid is futile, as it's all based on feels. The reason they side with Muslims over gays is because it 'feels' like Muslims are more oppressed, which means that they take priority
This stupid whore probably would've gotten slapped 30 years ago. She certainly would if she acted like this in Japan and most Lefties often cry about how Japan is so socially backwards because they're superficially similar to 1950s USA.
It's hard to tell after seeing a YouTube vid of some nasally vegan going on about her husband fucking her ass for the first time. Then you have vegan gains who filmed his grandfather dying while the EMTs were trying to save him.
>He ate meat so deserved to die.. muh fluffy animals
Hey look! There is more than one!
Ah, the old valley girl schtick
never gets old
We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.
They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.
>Laci green works for MTV owned by Viacom and partnered with the CIA. Laci green is a known operative
Holy fuck, Alex Jones was right. The CIA did/does push feminism on the American people. Fuck man, I need to buy some of his shit.
I've noticed since the debates (but it's probably been going on longer), that the left constantly projects what it does or is going to do onto its enemies. Hillary took tons of money from foreign countries whose interests run directly counter to the United States and even sold uranium directly to Russia, so she accuses of Trump of having ties to Russia. Hillary has a history of mishandling classified information, so she suggests that it's Donald who shouldn't have access to the nuclear codes. Lefties, including Hillary herself, claim they're worried about Trump supporters not accepting the results of the election, and then Soros funded lefties riot in major cities across the country when they lose.
Perhaps most glaringly depending on your outlook: Lefties like Anita Sarkesian or Zoe Quinn go on and on about how horrible it is on the internet for women and denounce bully and "cyber violence", but ALL of them are threatening Trump and his supporters and using language that would be classified as "harassment" and "death threats" if used against a woman on their side.
They're the biggest fucking hypocrites in history, and what's worse is that they pull all this shit while claiming the moral and intellectual high ground.
Extreme left in a nutshell. We're the good guys, so we can be as evil as we need to be because it's for a good cause.
They are breaking up.
Is anyone else seriously concerned for where this extreme anti-right sentiment is heading? I think a lot of people seriously expect Trump to be removed from office before January, and are not going to handle it well when that doesn't happen.
Record it.
That's why people must be desensitized to their constant whining. Victimism is the demagogy of the 21st century, everyone wants a piece of it.
i agree with the kike,
98212735 (You)
Fucking attention whore like a good little jew.
So Bush and several other republicans were facists?
Hitler was elected too you dumb kraut, don't mean anything.
>inb4 muh CTR godwin's law
>will not tolerate any differing opinion or criticism
>wants to subject everyone to her leftist lunacy
>wants more government and wants to infringe on the rights of others
>does mot respect the will of the people and wants to forcibly install her candidate
Where were you guys when everyone realized the lefties were the fascists all along?
Please quote my posts directly senorita, I can't locate you otherwise!
What the fuck does "put the U back in USA" lol what a fucking stupid dumbass all she is famous for is talking about her disgusting vagina. Can we please stop posting pics of this pigs YouTube and Twitter?
Neogaf really is psychotic
DJT will not allow commerce and his plan to be sidetracked by these idiots. Obama might be soft on shutting down these protests but Trump won't be.
On 1/20 expect military to be prepared to enforce order and like Trump says "the wall will be 10 feet higher".
Is this supposed to make me feel better?
>trolls are forcing her into silence
These faggots and their hyperbole. She's not being "forced" into anything. She can keep making videos all she wants, and no amount of angry commenting can stop that.
Elaborate, or fuck off.
> These are all heads of the George Soros Hydr
Soros is an actual fucking super villain. It'd be impressive he weren't such a bastard.
They're never going to realize it. Their lack of self-awareness is astounding.