Kek was right

Kek was right.

Other urls found in this thread:


If he exists, he will bless my post.

nope fail. Forced meme.

Praise Kek!

shoo shoo sheep shagger

ah fuck

that's not how kek works
there we go


You don't ask kek to bless your post you faggot

checked wise zealander

Off yourself. Kek blesses whom he pleases

he did it again


kek is always right. praise kek.

Will there be #FreeHillary riots? That would be a jape and a half.

Of course.


its SHADILAY you godless heathen

We dont decide which of us gets blessed.

/kek/ is always right

meme roll

No shit?
We knew this back when it was posted.
Kek is always right.


By winning the election, Trump lost. Now the country will burn.

what a fucking waste


may kek help me to find new apartment.
praise kek.

what was 88888888?


Plz be my AI gf

I believe it was ... a leaf post.

Yeah yeah yeah, great, Trump's saving the western world and all that. Where's muh AI gf though?

A Canadian beta asking for an ai gf

Nice meme.

Jesus doubles defeats the FALSE IDOL KEK once again.

Jesus is the only meme that matters, brethren.

go jesus go

It's amazing to think that those numbers were much more important than these numbers. The Trump Sevens predicted a 100% chance of a Trump win, which was correct.

I'd like to define a sources shill-coefficient as 1-(the smallest probability they gave that Trump will win).

By this measure, Nate's shill-coefficient is about 0.892. Scott Adams' gave Trump a 98% chance of winning so his shill-coefficient would be 0.02... except he thought Clinton would win after the pussy grab. If you count that, then his shill-coefficient is 1.0. Ann Counter's shill-coefficient is 0.0, as is Trump's himself.

repeating 7s are the most blessed of all of Kek's holy digits

not genitalia wizard please

Dont forget the other gets.

who here is a disciple of kek and was blessed with a legendary get?
this get was mine, any other prophets?


What does this mean? BeReadv2 = BeReady?


It means kek has chosen me. jealous?

You do not ask KEK to bless you, it is only KEK's will to whom he will bless.


Holy numbers you got there

Praise kek

THIS should have been the cover of Newsweek.

How can it be that the answer is sometimes lower in No. than the Post itself? Does Sup Forums refill deleted Posts?


we shall see the light

>> 98212000

I think you can sometimes anticipate approaching numbers, as I've tried to do here...

good, i hate this fucking reddit meme

People preemptively refer to post numbers, like

when the post is made, any non-archived posts referring to it get listed in chronological order. If it were made today, my post, a good deal before it, would show up as a response.


Go into the desert and reflect on what you did


>mfw leafs aren't blessed with the power of KEK

Oh, I see! Thanks!

No it wouldn't, because your post isn't made in the thread containing the GET.

There, I typed the number of a post greater than mine and it's a successful link.


It took me a couple of tries but I got there in the end.

Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days when he is sworn in.

Praise Kek.

A dub or a zero will light the way.

>ITT newfags
I tried to get that one, the unedited post was something like "You will all enjoy the Bern."

mexicans have souls like us

Kek doesn't agree

Praise kek