So when do we get the Blimps?

So when do we get the Blimps?

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jan 21 2017


Why do liberals play the victim card so god damn much?

I dunno, I've been to busy standing in the street laughing maniacally at minorities.



Please post the non-edited version.



can't wait

Horsey had to have been crying so much and feeling sick Tuesday night.



Is this supposed to be bad? This is what we've been waiting for.


When does he start the wall? Only Rudy and Turtleman have talked about it, but they say he is just gonna finish Bush's fence.

Has that faggot put anything new out since our triumph?

I'm amazed that he accurately predicted the safety pins

So thats why libs are wearing safety pins now

Like somebody would care, if we get rid of the muslim problem

Why is everyone saying "T"?

What a beautiful aerodrome. I can just imagine the flight crews riding their bikes off at lunch break to flirt with the local aryan women.


When the Don installs his gas chambers in Trump Towers basement Horsey ought to be the first one in.


More importantly, when do you start marking muslims for holocaust?

It's the new swastika.


Eh okay

>pipeline welders
>drinking champagne

Wow horsey clearly knows whats what


Great file name

Always made more sense since they're arresting Zyklon Ben in this picture.

me on the right desu

Because their idea of equality is allocating the most resources to those who can claim the largest amount of victimization.

>To jobs!
Wow so tolerant, racist trump voters want to be employed

Seriously tho I'm seeing women in hijabs everywhere where I live. Must be Obama's resettlement program or something.

>Horsey had to have been crying so much and feeling sick Tuesday night.

Yeah, no.

Every political cartoonist and political comedian is secretly relieved that Trump is president. It will be nice for them to have a president that they can lampoon without being called racist or sexist.

To be fair, when it was announced Kris Korbach was hired to Trump's transition team most of Sup Forums came out in favor of his "Papers, please!" law that you see in the image.

Why the fuck do liberals defend muzzies?
The mudshits are against everything the libfags stand for.
It fucking drives me mental.

>be Trumpenreichen Steakabteilung
>wandering the roads of New Barron, South Island
>hail victory to the Kekolytes, reeing at the Mudslimes heading to the boats to go back
>run into a suspicious 'Texan'
>ask him to present his birth certificate, long form
>he shakes an uncomfortably 'tan' hand to give you his documents
>call your brothers to bring their Schlongen Bars to deal with the Mexicunt scum
>react in pride as his body crumbles before their blows, ahead of schedule
>look up as the Grand Zepplin, Der Schlafendermann, flies above the great nignog pyre of former Harlem, dumping a new wave of jigaboos, whooping and whollering into the fire that will never stop rising
>breath in triumphantly as you look upon the visage of your grand Emperor aside the buildings
>'He really did make us great again'


Bong here, can I come over and help clear the place of darkies? I'm white and have blonde hair blue eyes.

The artist forgot the part about the niggers and liberals rioting.

Pics to prove it. Make them nude so we're sure your whole body is like that.


Because their biggest moral enemy in the West is Christian type religions. Islam is the largest, most violent oppressors of Christians, so liberals let them do the dirty work.

More like this kind of blimps

Holy shit he fucking predicted the safety pins