Shit, they are going to ruin all of our art. How do we combat this?
Rip swastika
Other urls found in this thread:
Microsoft grows stronger with each passing day.
Start calling niggers windows
Carve it into their foreheads.
Maybe turn it a bit so it'll actually be a nazi swastika and not a mayan peace swastikq.
>implying Windows 95 isn't the most racist of all MS OSs
Sup Forums is too good for its own good
damn, they did their homework
>tfw a window breaks your window to steal your television
They could still turn it into an awkward looking windows logo. How do we stop Microsoft?
Wew lad
Easy. You draw it as intended.
We just have to make windows the next swastika.
>tfw realizing the 'Broken Windows Theory' has been a secret dogwhistle for decades
we truly are unstoppable
hmm it's almost as if both acts of vandalism were done by the same hand
wtf i'm thinking now
No call Nazis Windows. Google is already nigger.
someone need to post this as a reply to that tweet
Swastikas are sideways retard.
>draw swastika
>wait for leftist to come along to turn it into window
>record them
>report to authorities for vandalism
This, we can make these retards label anything a hate symbol.
We windows 95 now.
I'm okay with this, I liked Windows 95.
>Implying anyone on /pol goes around drawing swastikas on shit
We all know Hitler did nothing wrong, but we have better shit to do. Like elect presidents.
Human Rights for A.I.s!
above and below it.
That should confuse them.
I actually love this
lol haha what a meme!
>doesn't realize the "bill gates is a nazi" has been a meme for years
I've been drawing small Odal runes all over the place for like 2 years. It's more of an insider's high sign than an intimidation symbol, but still useful.
Cross out the "95" and write "Vista" or "ME"
microsoft has really redeemed itlself since win8/10 and the surface line
Swastikas on their macbooks
Now this is an Odal Rune thread
Upgrade to XP?
Bonus points: Write "Macs are shit" under it.
My nigger
You know that that this whole board is an ongoing intel operation, the ted talks and all this neatly aligned topics. Dunno but that really makes you think does it?
But somehow they didnt pay me, and i really do not like that kind of business. Now we do business my way. Sadly we got some really cohencidential emails... really makes you think.
Today the fbi gets punished because when i went to the city it was an uexpected holiday and i drove all the way for nothing. I really want to punish them.
Let's start: The fbi collects information about users of this board trying to goat them into complacent ideologies with the help of left wing analmouse they use as a retarded dog, along with extreme right wing shilling.
>our art
There's a reason why this bitch is walking around with a can of black spray paint, and it's not to cover up "our" art.
First they'll spray paint a swastika on the wall, then they'll take a picture of it and upload it to goybook/twitter as evidence that racism is alive and well, then they'll cover it up with this super cool windows logo technique to virtue single to all of their friends how progressive and tolerant they are.
Graffiti-ing swastikas is just as degenerate as the antifa that turn them into Windows logos.
But i m not sure if they got top notch technology. I wonder if that is the technocrats, or if they already got that, like a lie detector in the form of a mouse and keyboard. But this software once it is applicable would be really easy to use, esp. using certain "look where i look".
But then i just have to imagine what i would do and most likely this is very precvise.
And a way they are using a controlled exploit. The best picture to describe that is like nuclear fusion, a lot of plasma controlled in a magnetic field. Like the nuclear fusion of the social and psychological sciences.
window.googleJavaScriptRedirect=1var n={navigateTo:function(b,a,d){if(b!=a&&{if({;b.location.href=d;a.location.replace("about:blank");}}else{a.location.replace(d);}}};n.navigateTo(window.parent,window,"
are you okay?
What the fuck? well, you get the point. I gotta fix this fucking mess.
No, but you get the point
I'm sure Sup Forums would give you a lenghty explanation how the windows logo is even worse symbol of evil than swastica
They only just figured this out. I did that shit on school notebooks to hide my swastika drawing infatuation stage.
No nazi does a swastika that's not at 45 degree angle, that's just a edgy hindu symbol now.
First post, eh?
somebody help this guy's trapped in tron
Imagine if windows and google capture all of your keywords, that you put in with a certain emotion or your speach to determine the temperature. Just like a plasma, you need to have little instruments, and the instrument is you.
When is this neo-nazi and swastika meme going to die?
I use 4chanX. Somthing is wrong and I'm reporting it to the dev now.
Did the google meme even work?
Are you from the past?
>being a wannabe fascist faggot
>not even knowing that a swastika NOT turned on its edge, is a BUDDHIST symbol
Pretty funny to be honest.
Fucking window licking cunt
Its a win win for the jews
>false flag
>free advertisment
meme magic
they've always been "redeemed" because there isn't a culture surrounding getting the latest/greatest like there is for Apple
ya just buy what you want/need
window.googleJavaScriptRedirect=1var n={navigateTo:function(b,a,d){if(b!=a&&{if({;b.location.href=d;a.location.replace("about:blank");}}else{a.location.replace(d);}}};n.navigateTo(window.parent,window,"
Alright, I figured it out now. By the way, if you guys are actually interested, this is HTML. This basically makes up all of the content in the internet. right click webpage > "inspect element" gives you the ability to edit and delete these elements.
You can feel like a true hacker as you willingly fuck up your own webpage for fun.
Buddism in this kind of society is like believing that the rolex on the turkish basar is real just a little bit cheap. It is placebo for the braincows.
Every ideology only works like a software in a certain system, have a heavy load software on a 386 isnt going to do the job. So spare us with your "knowledge". It would be much more interesting if the nazi friends would have a new "friend", we only have to make that clear to them. Like a jew 2.0.
>tfw windows logo becomes the new right logo
just add Tay to that and it's a wrap
t. wanna be script kiddie
Do they realize that they're replacing a symbol of freedom with a symbol of proprietary software and slavery? That's despicable.
Every extremist mind rotates in certain cirumstances. Every mind will attribute certain threat levels to certain circumstances, once a prioirty is defined even the 2nd level enemies will be friends for a short while. We just have to shape the extreme right wing friends knowing that they should hate the tech appartus the most, and they will charge that. The jews arent the jews anymore and there are many reasons for that. And the tech friends are a little bit naive.
Or, it's subtle racism from lefties. They're hiding their secret Swastika admiration behind a corporate logo.
>hit, they are going to ruin all of our art. How do we combat this?
Upgrade to Linux?
If you're really smart, you can even change any image in the web. I changed the logo of my school to the pornhub logo. Multiple times.
>Sir, why did you set up a hidden camera in the mens' bathroom stall?
Hi, I'm from Sup Forumsentoo fag too, but get the fuck out of here.
>Let's change an ancient dymbolbfor peace and prosperity into a symbol for an evil super surveillance organization that has bullied anyone they couldn't buy out into submission and taken a stranglehold on the entire computer industry
Its like she wants to make the swastika a hate symbol
Make the windows logo into a hate symbol.
pretty creative desu. not mad at all
The Overton window?
> our
> we
>Using extensions
Only newfags use extensions
True patricians post in the old ways
I'll consider it.
Hating on Linux is degenerate
> be faggot
> know faggot shit
You've made it, congrats
I love you Sup Forums
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.